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About bunoner

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  1. one thing about me I am on topic... did you guys see Lana got married in a swamp?
  2. so we have you, a user with a Newbie member role and less than 100 posts and a very well known user who is also known to be an insider/reveal info and songs that are pretty much always confirmed to be true afterwards... i wonder who's right
  3. her ass had the nerve to drag sean in concerts, social media, billboards only for it to be revealed that she was texting an engaged man for 4 years to ultimately marry him in a swamp is like beyond ridiculous they deserve each other
  4. Hmmm actually i don’t agree.
  5. What a gorgeous gorgeous party, how I missed you girls. To answer Lindsay’s question, I absolutely would’ve made it into the final 3 had I not been disqualified. In a way, me being late was like an act of charity that day. In the end I think it all worked out! I won’t have to try to sleep through Mitski’s stank farts (that Activia is spoiled sis) ever again. Not only that, but during my time spent going through the North Korean judiciary system I found me a cute little boo thang… Say hello to the new first lady of North Korea!
  6. I’m just so incredibly proud of RuPaul… words cannot describe how happy I am that my sister since day 1 has made it to the finish line as a champion. Can’t wait for season 2 as well as the reunion episode. All of the girls were so deserving of their positions and are also very lucky that I got held up at the North Korean prisons for vaping on an airplane… oops?
  7. Let them eat Charli When I'm called to present a Haute Couture look, it's not enough for me to just phone in it and wear a big dress. No, I need to embody the women that came before me. At a time like this, I wonder; "What would Marie Antoinette think?" That's right! Perhaps the one person that's closest to what Haute Couture really is. A trailblazer. A terrible person. This week I didn't come to play and my choice in fashion directly complements my dear friend RuPaul's submission. The only person who truly had my back throughout my entire time here and a queen I will never forget once LNTM is finished.
  8. You wouldn’t know what sticking to a theme (decade, 1950s) was if it hit you in the face
  9. Who said I’d even need 12 hours? Try 1. Charli XCX - The 1950s Housewife Ah, what a time. Living in the 1950s was all about being in the backyard, hanging your clothes to dry on the line, and watching your 7 kids play with the sprinklers while your husband was out working. In the 50s, a woman’s place was in the kitchen, but here I am in my backyard. I’m looking very relaxed, waiting for my husband to come home so I can cook his dinner while wearing my beloved blue gingham dress. A 50s staple! Going by my expression, you can see I just love being a housewife with a fixed gender role. Bonus Headshot
  10. Absolutely adored Mitski this week. She’s got something really unique to her. I need to start hanging out with her more in the house…
  11. genocide aside, the song was ass
  12. Charli XCX's Beauty Shot For my beauty shot this week, I decided to keep it simple. I wanted my face card to speak for itself. No bells and whistles. Today, my hair is my accessory, the deep red ombre framing my face and complementing my colours wonderfully. For my makeup, I decided to keep a minimal look. This is me... Now.
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