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  1. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Sportscruiser in Porto, PT @ Primavera Sound - June 7th, 2024   
    I’m very disappointed that I wasn’t able to interview her. Apparently someone tried to break their way in and they strengthened the security around her backstage. No one was allowed in. All interviews were canceled. Sorry for leading you on, I was very excited for this and to be able to bring news to our little forum. 
    Thankfully I was granted a VIP pass since I’m press and I was veeery close to the frontline. It was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen live. So so so powerful and generous. From Ride forward I couldn’t stop crying. There was something in the air - the audience was mesmerized and invested in the concert. The energy stayed for hours after the concert. I’m so happy. What a special night, despite the shortcomings.
  2. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by DinahLee in Porto, PT @ Primavera Sound - June 7th, 2024   
    Honestly I think sort of yes but also kind of no, because she's been getting bigger and bigger; Norman Fucking Rockwell basically set a second wave of fans and Ocean Blvrd also managed to get a lot of fans. I think it's more of her thinking that's what people want and also... let's be honest. acting a little lazy while playing safe. No surprise she's always pulling some different games when she's playing these random Alabama/Desert shows.
    I get that people love Born To Die (song), but I'm also sure they'd freak out if she went for Cinnamon Girl instead of it and so on. I know it sounds crazy that we're replacing one of her singles for an album track, but it's quite literally one of her most requested songs ever. I find it surprising she decided to cut Blue Jeans this time around, but it's just not missed. At this point, she could go for Summertime Sadness & Video Games only and I don't think people would mind that much about the ratio of Born To Die songs, or at least bring something she hasn't done in forever (which in this case would be Without You), but that's it.
    Just like I mentioned Bartender, we also have the cases of like Cherry & Pretty When You Cry; they're non-singles and, if they weren't performed at every tour since 2018, people would freak out about them, but at this point it's just the same songs being performed over and over again. Off To The Races reached a similar saturation point and thank God she decided to let go, because once/when she decided to bring it back, it will be like "whew BOPPPP!!" instead of "again???"
    I honestly think the only chance of changing this would be going back to the drawing board and creating a setlist from 0 instead of recycling ideas.
  3. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Porto, PT @ Primavera Sound - June 7th, 2024   
    i think a huge problem is that large parts of the audience want her to sing all those old songs.
    girls still dress up as BTD lana and are screaming for Cherry and Summertime Sadness. Heart-shaped sunglasses are everywhere and they're still acting as though Lana is in her Lolita era - and sadly, us fans who care for her newer stuff get the short end of the stick
  4. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by shadesofblue in Barcelona, ES @ Primavera Sound - May 31st, 2024   
    god I hope
    realistically though, this is most likely what will happen  
    she seems to hate the whole livestream thing, it sucks as a fan but I get it. I'd be extra stressed out if I was performing in front of a huge crowd and on top of that, hundreds of thousands of people all over the world were watching me up close too
  5. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    Lana is in a very comfortable situation here that she doesn’t even know she’s in: imagine Lasso tanks and nobody listens to it (which is hard to believe, but who knows?), all she has to do is drop a 10-song collection of leaked stuff, just like she did with Say Yes to Heaven. No promo, she doesn’t even have to play them at any show and boom! She has a solid freaking hit. 
  6. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in The Rock/Punk/Metal Heads Thread   
    BMTH album and Babymetal ft Ellectric Callboy on the same day??? I am loosing it
    Also twenty one pilots new album, I know they're not rock/metal but this just adds to my excitement. I felt like almost nothing had happened this year till now
  7. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Embach in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    Honestly, there's no need to take seriously what Medvedev says, he says this shit at least thrice per year and does nothing + he doesn't have as much power as Putin has. They all have some "nuclear fetishes" and they threat to provoke.
    In all honesty, there won't be a nuclear war because no one would win from this, neither the West or the East. If Russia decides to nuke a country, it will get the exact same response as soon as possible. Sure, some people say that Putin has nothing to lose but if the world is nuked, he doesn't have no one to show his power again and people in his country would turn against him if Russians get nuked back.
    After all, the Cold War proved us that no one wants to use nuclear weapons and they're just devices of threat, manipulation and terror.
    I don't know why my response was so long but that's just what I am hoping for, I don't like any wars and I definitely do not want a nuclear war. Peace.
  8. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Russia’s invasion into Ukraine   
    Agreed; Medvedev is fully off the hinges
    Putin has hinges, they're just not to most people's tastes
    Russia would cease to exist if they decided to nuke anyone, and Putin and Medvedev know this. It's all bluster.
  9. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by shockbox in Sohodolls   
    new album later this year
  10. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Jaeden xx in Sohodolls   
    Had no clue that we did not have a thread for these icons yet so I will make one!!
    Sohodolls is a English band formed in London in 2003,
    Some notable songs from them are Bang Bang Bang Bang, It went viral on Tik Tok in late 2021
    Another song called "Stripper" is iconic for being used in the Gossip Girl scene where Blair Waldorf strips at the Victrola Club
    They started releasing new music again in 2020 after breaking up in 2014, they now have a new song coming out on the 23rd of September called Letter to My Ex 
  11. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    I don't know how a country album can be fucking brilliant but i'm eager to find out
  12. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by mssainttropez in Lana attending the Super Bowl at the Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas, NV - February 11th, 2024   
    Ugh I miss them so much. Marina is friends with Kacy who Chuck is also friends with, and they both went to her concert a few weeks ago. From what they posted it seemed like they were near each other. I feel they would’ve had to say hi to each other. I’m hoping 2024 is the year of a Lana and Marina reunion 

  13. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    I'm really disappointed because, just like most of you guys, I was so confident she was taking home at least one award. I know it's a competition and I don't want Lana to be a victim but this is all so unfair. Everyone was getting their awards, and nothing for Lana? Who was second best selling woman in the world, even more than the people she lost against? Who had one of the most monumental, critically applauded albums of the 2020s? Who didn't stop making the news for her magnetic performances at some of the most important festivals in the world? Who had the most talked-about album of the entire year? 
    Midnights was the Best Pop Vocal Album, why give it the AOTY too? What Was I Made For won Best Song Written for Visual Media, the category it totally deserved as it was, well, the best song written for visual media of the bunch? How does that song reflect 2023 as Song of the Year, and not A&W with its actually thought-provoking lyrics?
    Boygenius for Best Alternative Music Album; I know The Record was acclaimed too, but in what world Ocean Blvd wasn't the alternative album of the year? The one that's actaully left-field, deeply conceptual, with multiple sounds, instruments, dynamics and lyrics that actually represent the alternative side of music; topics that aren't talked about, that are feared by most, and not as explored as they should. Why give This Is Why Best Alternative Song, when its parent album won Best Rock Album? Couldn't they, really, give anything to Lana?
    If this is a popularity contest, yes they all deserved... Miley, SZA and everyone else; but 2023 was undoubtedly Lana's popularity peak, and it only seems to rise. How, seriously how wasn't she awarded for that? What does she have to do to have this level of mainstream recognition? She doesn't need it, of course, as she's a critic darling, a festival darling, a GP darling... everyone loves her. She hasn't reached the tip of the "music industry" iceberg, but does she really need to? Prime TV, the Grammys, the Oscars... maybe her fate really is to be a trailblazer, watch all of her disciples come and go, grab the gold and the applause, but she will remain strong and influential, discussed and forever relevant.
    I love you Lana, and I love you Ocean Blvd; others are thankful for seeing their favorite artists reach #1 and undeservedly break Grammy records; I personally am thankful for experiencing the music, for being part of this global movement that is Lana Del Rey, driven by her pure talent and timeless songwriting.
    By the way, she looked breathtaking.

  14. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by The Sun Also Rises in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    I woke up and .... 
    I don't think I can even bring myself to watch the main show now in retrospect knowing that she doesn't win anything. 
    Anyway, I'm feeling really really awful and I need to rant, so, here's my own QFTC
    I think the "music industry" is scared of Lana, because she's one of the biggest pop stars in the world right now and she doesn't owe them anything. Her success has been through her own hard work over decades of persistence. As much as journalists tried to push the industry plant theories during BTD, deep down they all know that she's there, standing among them, because she sang to crowds of just ten people in bars, she wrote and wrote and wrote and pushed and pushed and pushed and when finally she hit the radios, people listened. And people loved her. 

    The fact that Lana is the force she is without having a single Grammy, without getting huge radio play, without pandering to the critics, the zeitgeist, the egos that need stroking .. that's what they're all afraid of. Intimidated by. 

    I think she's one of the only huge artists of our time who took the "traditional" struggle route (touring tiny jazz bars and local pubs) and went "viral" (on tumblr). She incapsulates both the old and the new way of gaining success. 

    Plus, her music, her looks — they're endless homages to icons of the past. There's countless references to literature, movies, singers, poetry, cultural icons, fashion. And yet despite building so much on our collective nostalgia, Lana is authentically herself. Despite what magazines try to push, no Lana fan wonders who she is under her references. Nobody thinks it feels empty. It's such a feat to be able to effortlessly reference the past while influencing the future generations. It's been said time and time again how Lana is the reason that Billie, Olivia, even Taylor make the music they do today. For someone who is blinded by their own fear and hatred about Lana's struggles in the past, her "bad influence," her "inauthenticity," having an artist who is simultaneously able to exist in the past, present and future is the epitome of power ... power they didn't bestow and power they didn't want her to have  
    She has built a legacy (and DYKTTATUOB was the cementation of that legacy, whether it won or not) that will surpass 99% of the people in the music industry currently ... 
    And it's been said time and time again but things that appeal (mostly) to women are derided. Any kind of media. I totally get what Lana was saying in QFTC although it wasn't worded well (and this probably won't be either). Nothing has changed, not really. I know Lana said in the Billboard awards that she's glad people feel they can't express themselves now as it didn't feel that way in 2008, but I don't think anyone, Billie Taylor and Olivia included, is singing about the experience of being a woman like Lana is: Just look at A&W ... we still have some way to go before people (mostly MEN) accept that it's just as worthwhile to sing about the experience of SA, alcoholism, suicide ideation, abusive relationships, and family trauma as it is to sing about being powerful and strong as a woman (and you can be those things while singing about those topics that everyone just wants to ignore). It takes courage to sing about these things when so often nobody in your own personal life wants to listen! But singing to millions of people? The vulnerability? Beautiful. There are millions of women (and men) who see the power in that. 

    On the same topic, I absolutely hate that some stupid articles before the Grammy's didn't even mention Lana's name once despite her being nominated in 2 major categories, yet mentioned Jack in relation to Lana's work. As much as I am happy for Jack for his win it feels much the same way that he won in part thanks to her artistry while she is barely mentioned in the media coverage, on the carpet ... anywhere. Except by Jack and Taylor themselves (). This might be controversial but it reeks of sexism to me. I just HATE how she is treated almost as if her name is dirty so they just avoid saying mentioning her as if she doesn't even exist. URGH I AM IN SUCH A BAD MOOD 
  15. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by DLT in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    All of this… and it was really really well written btw. Honestly wish I could share to socials lol  because you lay it out! Fuck the industry and the people who don’t get her honestly. She’s a legend, a true legacy artist, one in a million. There’s nobody like her in our generation and there won’t be again. 
  16. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    I’m sure the album will be gorgeous like always. I’ve been listening to her for 13 years, that ain’t stopping now, but a country album isn’t something i’ll be necessarily “excited” for. Chemsex at the Gay Club had a country vibe in parts, some of it i liked, some of it was a bit too country for my taste ect. We’ll see. 
  17. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Lasso - Pre-Release Thread: OUT September 2024   
    in defense of having an opinion, and some thoughts regarding the new album, it's not so serious but felt the need to respond:

    - it's perfectly ok to not immediately have a feel for the record when Lana herself hasn't been associated as strongly with the genre. 
    - no i won't pretend to immediately fall for the new music, just because it's her, since I personally can't find an immediate connection with the overall genre aside from some gems, and that's perfectly understandable. 
    - I have so many Nikki Lane jokes, and multiple pov arguments regarding the discussion, but will keep it respectful, but I won't be shamed or coaxed into feeling a certain way about something I don't know so much about, which, inadvertently is fair, so I'm keeping respectful, but don't appreciate the subtle judgment since it is something foreign to me. 
    - it's been a journey of music, and being gay, I'll admit it's harder to appreciate aspects of country music bc of the glorification of certain stereotypes that have prevailed that hasn't ever really been my demographic so can you really blame me? I don't think you should if ever. 
    - previous line, that being said, it's completely understandable to express some friction or reluctance. it goes both ways. 
    - I'm sure the music'll be golden bc it is Lana. we trust her, I think it's obvious at this point to say that some don't trust the genre so much. and that's perfectly fine, normal even when you think about it. 
    - at the end of the day, I do know that the music will shine bc of how she expresses things. 
    - dont come for me I'll put my debate hat on, something I rarely give af to do, but really I don't feel the need to express anything else about it. typed this in 5 minutes as a thoughtful response, not a reaction. 

    just felt the need to express these to move more freely with an open mind. 

    I love Lana, don't appreciate a good amount of the genre, I won't be subtly judged if even, but ultimately, I will be giving this record a chance bc I trust her. I myself, as well as some others expressing reluctance towards the music shift/ change are allowed to feel what they feel and think. it's best to be able to come to our own decisions instead of pretending something isn't bothering them (it can be done in a respectful manner) being able to have space for different opinions is valid and should be common courtesy as long as it's not anything volatile. 
    no need for pettiness if anything, thanks. to the other guys reluctant about it, this is partially for you as well. 

    it ain't so serious, wrote this in 5 minutes, after reserving much. but felt the need to, to move forward with less judgment on my part 
  18. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Lana for Harper's Bazaar December/January 2024 Art Issue   
    Her having to sing the song to herself to remind herself of her astrological signs is peak Lana.
  19. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Surf Noir in Lana for Harper's Bazaar December/January 2024 Art Issue   
    as a huge mazzy stan fan  i doubt it'll sound anything like mazzy star lol
  20. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by clementines in LDR10 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    I hope she still talks to or keeps up with Rick in some capacity, they worked together for long on so much. 
  21. CatchTheBreeze liked a post in a topic by Black to Blue in Franklin, TN @ FirstBank Amphitheater - Sept 14th 2023   
    I was not expecting to cry as much as I did last night! When she got on stage I immediately started sobbing. How could you not cry when she’s this close? 
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