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  1. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Lana with Jack Antonoff at Jim Henson Studios in Los Angeles, CA - April 2nd, 2022   
    I think people should stop equating critical acclaim with superior music. Just like they should stop equating awards with talent.
    NFR is her most accessible work to date, I don't get why some of you guys get up in arms about that. Doesn't mean it's bad or that it sucks, just means that as far as music or lyric style goes it's her most accesible or palatable album thus far, even Chemtrails wasn't as subdued or watered down, much less Blue Banisters. Which partly explains their moderate success.
    Y'all  act as if before Jack came along Lana was nothing, she had no vision, her creative process was subpar or even uninteresting, her albums weren't so good or whatever and I think that's bullshit. Jack didn't make her better, he made her more accesible. 
    Quite frankly tired of people acting like NFR is the gold standard of albums and whatever came prior or will come after (even if produced by Jack) will pale in comparison to cRiTaCalLy aCcLaiMed NFR. Please.
    Lana was a full fledged artist long before Jack came along and she will long after as well. 

  2. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by Blue Ink in Lana with Jack Antonoff at Jim Henson Studios in Los Angeles, CA - April 2nd, 2022   
    No attack but you made this sound as if that's a fact when it's mostly true for the mainstream media. NFR is (in my opinion!) in no way the peak of her career musically. UV and Honeymoon (and also AKA) are. They have yet to be dethroned. The only reason why NFR is so popular is because Lana was trying to be more mainstream and was also trying to be "insta baddie" which attracted more casual listeners. The album and Lana herself were palatable and "easy to digest" at the time. But I personally don't need that. I actually came for the cinematography, the richness, the dark and controversial lyrics.
    So if the new album exceeds NFR that's great but to me that wouldn't automatically make it a new career highlight.
    Again, this is MY opinion but I'm sure that many longtime fans don't see NFR as her best album to date either.
    And tbh - I don't give a shit about what the mainstream media and casual listeners think of her music or lyrics. I understand Lana would care (although not sure if she really does tbh) but I don't. I don't want anything careful, I want the full fucking drama. No Grammy needed.
  3. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by Alison by Slowdive in Lana with Jack Antonoff at Jim Henson Studios in Los Angeles, CA - April 2nd, 2022   
    yes! creating albums has always been a collaborative process. as lana would put it, the "muse" springs between the producer and artist in conversation, especially when creating an album from the ground up
    so i think solely "blaming" jack is a bit juvenile - instead, i would be looking at the strength of the collaboration and what happened there
    and of course, i would want a new producer - it's always fascinating to see what another individual brings to the table, how they challenge each other, and what they spark/inspire in her work - but in saying that, i love NFR more than anything  
  4. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by Three White Butterflies in Lana with Jack Antonoff at Jim Henson Studios in Los Angeles, CA - April 2nd, 2022   
    omgggg we’re at the jack hate part of nothing happening that’s how I KNOW SOMETHING IS COMING 
  5. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Lana with Jack Antonoff at Jim Henson Studios in Los Angeles, CA - April 2nd, 2022   
    but did you know that something bad can turn into something b e A y o o t i f U l
  6. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    I’m totally fine with Jack being on board. I just hope they either come up with a different sound (just like Norman and Chemtrails are almost opposites), or they bring back the best elements of these two records (Venice, Mac, NFR, FIILY, WD, COCC, TJF). But knowing her, I doubt the later option will happen. 
  7. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by lustforlife in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    Time to a manage a troll
  8. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by DCooper in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    Different opinions are great but when people feel the need to loudly and often rudely remind everyone how much they hate Jack every time they see the letter J it goes a bit beyond that. Just my opinion though 
  9. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by Surf Noir in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    i’m sorry but some of the hatred towards jack here lately has been so excessive & unnecessary, i mean, it’s always been like this, but i feel like nowadays if there’s any mention of jack or a photo of him posted this forum goes ballistic… honestly he’s really not that terrible & lana’s ultimately the one who decides the sound, we know he’s capable of making bangers, but blue banisters is proof that she prefers making acoustic, mellow music
  10. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by plastiscguy in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    Okay, I'm going to stop you right there. Wild at Heart might be different from her old songs (because it's a god-damned different genre) but that doesn't mean it's a bad song or that it deserves less love. It's a beautiful song, and I will not tolerate the disrespect! 
  11. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by Honeyyoung in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    can we start the jack slander after we hear the actual music? i mean don't get me wrong as soon as i hear a piano key snippet i'm rioting but they might be doing something different
  12. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by plastiscguy in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    Jack haters LOST! 
  13. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by littleredpartydress in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    omg I won 
    ready for NFR 3.0
  14. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    If we’re making up things now, we should make them believable : 10 songs with a MV directed by Chuck and myself. Teaser coming later later. 
  15. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by PatentLeatherDoOver in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    April Fools’ Day is such a dark time for Lana stans who have no awareness of holidays
  16. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by SalvaWHORE in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   

  17. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    Jack and Rob in the studio listening to RG1

  18. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by xxmissdaytonaxx in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    LDR9 should be her lanita del rey album. with some spanish lyrics and very sexy. also reminiscent of the sound of florida kilos. 
  19. daddyauerbach liked a post in a topic by Sunset Opal in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
  20. xxmissdaytonaxx liked a post in a topic by daddyauerbach in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    its 2 am so 
    im hoping this album gives me sexc smoky jazzy piano bar metal shoegaze sanfran angst... I want something new, fresh, guitar lead lines, something shocking absolutely unheard of 
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