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  1. BlueRibbonSparklerBaby liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    the flower clouds from spongebob should be this era's flowers cuz theyre in the sky just like chemtrails

  2. BlueRibbonSparklerBaby liked a post in a topic by Blue Rev in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    What, so she can scam her fans $60 for some postcards again?
  3. BlueRibbonSparklerBaby liked a post in a topic by PARADIXO in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    I mean, if you say it's probably fake then it's okay. Speculating about tracklists, names, vinyl colors or whatever is totally right.
    But when a member appears and genuinely asks for the latest news and someone replies with a fake tracklist... that's not ok.
  4. BlueRibbonSparklerBaby liked a post in a topic by American Whore in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Could we at least post it if we say that it's "unconfirmed, probably fake"?
    I mean, I get why this would be a rule and I don't like fake tracklists but they happen every era and it's kinda part of the tradition at this point, just like making up album covers or talking about vinyl color. I just think this seems kind of restricting, esp when 90% of us know they're fake tracklists, sometimes they're interesting nonetheless
  5. Chestnut Fox Sexy Jesus liked a post in a topic by BlueRibbonSparklerBaby in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Totally agree. Live or Die is fun and all but it's wayyy over hyped in terms of unreleased songs. Hey baby blue and I must be stupid for being so happy were only good as a one time performance thing.. oops
  6. FallingCherry liked a post in a topic by BlueRibbonSparklerBaby in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Totally agree. Live or Die is fun and all but it's wayyy over hyped in terms of unreleased songs. Hey baby blue and I must be stupid for being so happy were only good as a one time performance thing.. oops
  7. BlueRibbonSparklerBaby liked a post in a topic by GetFree in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    sis, is that lana's mom in your pp?
    this has to be fake. i can't find anything on the internet
  8. BlueRibbonSparklerBaby liked a post in a topic by Chestnut Fox Sexy Jesus in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Ok I’m going to rant so here are my 2 unpopular opinions I’m ready to fight
    1. What’s with y’all and Live or Die? That song is a mess and it’s just a basic poppy song and doesn’t even come close to any other released Lana song
    2. Stop the hey blue baby and stupid for feeling so happy hype - they were cute but NOT record worthy we don’t need Lana turned Kasey Musgraves playing country like it’s avant guard we want trippy surfy noir Lana I said what I said and I stand by what I said
  9. BlueRibbonSparklerBaby liked a post in a topic by Distantly in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Pre-Release Thread   
    I'm sure the bundles and cassette/cream vinyl will be back online. From what I can tell, they put up the standard items so fans can buy, then a week or two later put up bundles/exclusives so fans will buy more and that way they get more sales. I'm sure they'll be back up though!
  10. BlueRibbonSparklerBaby liked a post in a topic by necessary sacrifice in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Pre-Release Thread   
    I wonder if the CD and regular vinyl will include some photos featured in the book or if it’ll just be a barebones release since it accompanies the book anyway.
  11. BlueRibbonSparklerBaby liked a post in a topic by knives in Queer Affinity for Lana del Rey - Why?   
    i don't have much to add to this tbh, but i can say that i think non-conformity as well as societal outsiders are always attractive/inviting to the lgbtq+ community. we see ourselves in them.
    i've also always wondered why she doesnt have more of a wlw fanbase. lyrical content aside (aka experiences of a cishet woman's romantic life), theres always a possibility that we wlw could stan a cishet woman as long as their hot lol (cough florence pugh). i know there are other queer women out there who love her, but it's not many in comparison to the predominantly gay male portion of her fanbase. most wlw fans are bisexual women (after all, we do like men unfortunately so we can relate to romancing them), but i have yet to meet a lesbian lana fan! 
    as a bisexual woman, personally my affinity for her came from her storytelling abilities and realness and honesty. it's uncensored and raw, and i really admire that. she was also an outsider, and as i said earlier, i'm sure im subconsciously and naturally drawn to outsiders in any aspect of life.
  12. BlueRibbonSparklerBaby liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in Queer Affinity for Lana del Rey - Why?   
    I am hoping the LB team can help me with working out something that I've wondered for a while. As with many prolific artists, Lana del Rey's music is so good that anyone can be a fan. However, we know there are two stereotypes that get the majority - typically regarded as hardcore fans of younger women and gay men.
    My question is specifically about queer people - why do they gravitate so strongly to Lana's music? Are they drawn into Lana del Rey's persona? Is there a connection with the tragical lyrics? Is Born to Die persona a gay champion compared to NFR?
    Why is Lana del Rey considering the mecca of queer iconography? The idea that any gay that loves Lana is a tragic bottom with daddy issues is strange as in recent times I've started to see Lana be described unironically as a gay icon. In 2017, Billboard Magazine published an article called "5 Reasons Lana del Rey is a Muse to Gay Fans", and Tulane Hullabaloo wrote an article last year that described her as an "unexpected gay icon". The second article is less scholarly but it touches on the fact that queer people find an affinity with her sad content that relates to them feeling misunderstood or unconnected - but surely not every fan feels like that??
    Considering her contemporaries (Madonna, Cher, L. Gaga and maybe even Florence Welch) have been substantially more supportive and vocal of their queer fanbase, why is Lana regarded with the same status? 
    I'm really interested in hearing anyone's reply - especially from queer folx I want to hear why you love Lana, and non-queer people about what you perceive in the situation. 
    TL;DR + an update to this post for clarity
    What attracts queer fans to Lana del Rey?I'm asking either: 1) as a gay person, why do you like Lana? 2) as a gay person, why what do you think draws queer people to Lana 3) as a person not identifying as a gay man, what aspects do you think draw queer people to Lana? 4) as a person not identifying as a gay man, what makes you a fan of Lana? What factors contribute to the stereotypes of a Lana del Rey fan? I'm asking what aspects of Lana's career, image, songs contribute to the stereotype - I am personally very interested in the 'sad gay' stereotype. See below for examples:
  13. BlueRibbonSparklerBaby liked a post in a topic by expandableclitoris in Lana & Politics   
    Those who say the title track is sexist are probably the same ones that say reverse racism exists......
  14. BlueRibbonSparklerBaby liked a post in a topic by FallingCherry in Lana & Politics   
    Honestly what's even the point of keeping up with this sexism discussion? Someone saying that the title track is sexist is simply not aware of the world we live in and how privileged men have always been (and how much women still struggle with their rights). Yes, if a man told the same thing in a song, it would have much more impact and be complete bullshit, again, because of the world we live in and with how hard equality is to get. But Lana saying that is NOT sexist. Period.
  15. BlueRibbonSparklerBaby liked a post in a topic by mkultraviolence in Lana & Politics   
    being born and raised a man in a man dominated culture immediately gives you "something". no man has "nothing". if you are a man, you have power. maybe not a lot, but it is there. a man may not recognize it in himself, but it's guaranteed other people recognize it.
  16. BlueRibbonSparklerBaby liked a post in a topic by drowning mermaid in Lana & Politics   
    not people saying reverse racism is a thing i-
    words have meaning
  17. BlueRibbonSparklerBaby liked a post in a topic by SparkleJumpropeNoose in Lana & Politics   
    me logging on after a long day to see people debating on the legitimacy of "reverse sexism"

  18. BlueRibbonSparklerBaby liked a post in a topic by Cacciatore in Lana & Politics   
    Imagine getting offended by a line as inoffensive as "you're just a man" the male ego really is something else...
  19. BlueRibbonSparklerBaby liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Lana & Politics   
    Seriously, what the fuck is this discussion?
    There is no such thing as women being sexist against men (ie: "reverse" sexism - or the reverse form of any oppression). Women can be prejudiced, but they cannot be sexist, because they do not hold political, economic, and institutional power. Men do.
  20. BlueRibbonSparklerBaby liked a post in a topic by Edelgard in Lana & Politics   
    Yea different rules apply to women and men and as long as women get the short end of it they can name a song whatever the fuck they wantBitch... really. Thats the kind of feminism you pretend to care about?
    Youre just trying to make a point , you dont give a fuck about women
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