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  1. sznofthewitch liked a post in a topic by annedelrey in Blue Banisters - Merch & Media Drop   
    Do you think after the post saying she leaves sm... Is there going to be signed stuff?
  2. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Instagram Updates   
    There's something about this whole thing that doesn't sit right with me. 
  3. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by alittleparty in Instagram Updates   
    Who's gonna tell Madonna?
  4. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by peachlipgloss in Instagram Updates   
    i disagreeeee my first lana show was in 2018 LA to the moon tour and it was incredible and high energy and such a good show and she did come down to the barricade and i have a video of her hugging fans receiving gifts etc
  5. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by LanaBoi in Instagram Updates   
    Exactly! My first tour was the LA to the Moon tour and its my favourite concert I've ever been to. I was 16 when she was first in Australia and my Mum said that if I was going to go she'd have to go with me and I was like... yeah noooooo 
  6. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Instagram Updates   
    And just like that, she’s gone 
  7. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Instagram Updates   
    leave lana alone. my first tour of hers was the tour for NFR and I loved it.
  8. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by WhiteHot4ever in Instagram Updates   
    First of all she gave us daddy issues and now she want give mommies issues ok girl 
  9. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by LanaBoi in Instagram Updates   
    Wow this is unnecessarily harsh, and we wonder why she's deleting SM! 
    If you don't like her concerts then don't go. I don't get this "its better than she doesn't tour again" mentality. Not having them at all would be a loss to fans who've never seen her or not been able to see her in a long time. 
    Honesty what do the backup dancers do to take away from the concert? They're there to give Lana emotional support on stage due to her nerves/anxiety. 
    She doesn't 'Lip Sync' she has backing tracks to help create recreate the sound of her songs, most of which have multiple layers of her voice which is impossible to recreate live without backing tracks. I think she would sound great without the backing tracks, but chalking her use of backing tracks down to laziness is wrong. 
    And yeah I'd love if she changed the setlist up, but I think a) she feels that the audience knows the BTD songs best and she likes when they sing along b) I think she doesn't realise how much her fans love her newer music even though it might not have had the same commercial success and c) it might be tied to anxiety/nerves where its easier on her nerves to sing stuff she's very used to singing. 
  10. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by HeadBitch in Instagram Updates   
    Omg... to think that Lana used both my edit (Blonde pic from 2009) and @Trash Magic's edit (Video Games picture, the third one of the first row) for her profile pictures, both that came from our old but gold Tumblr blog is  c r a z y. The fact that my .psd edit somehow ended up on her own personal phone/computer to end up as a profile picture warms my heart up and I'm so happy to have witnessed her whole legacy for the past 9-10 years. It was all worth it. 

  11. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Instagram Updates   
    I’m so fucking nervous about this 
    When is she deactivating? 

  12. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by aGlassShipThatCanFly in Instagram Updates   
    I am so excited to see "what it's like now", too! I think the closing track "Sweet Carolina" will answer some questions especially because it was co-written with her father and sister. Another user pointed out the album starts out with "I was looking for the father I wanted back" and ends with a song written with her father. A full circle moment
  13. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by ModernBohemian in Instagram Updates   
    Love this. Adding to what you've shared, since she said Arcadia is about "what happened" the lyrics "They built me up three hundred feet tall just to tear me down, So I'm leavin' with nothing but laughter, and this town" make me feel like leaving social media is part of that story. So we've got two parts of the story... I'm interested in the "what it's like now" part i.e the end of the album. Perhaps when the album comes out, the final songs will be her way of telling us where she is at and her leaving social will be clearer. 
  14. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by gatadelrey in Instagram Updates   
    Still depressed over here. Might not ever recover. I miss you Lana. 
  15. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by aGlassShipThatCanFly in Instagram Updates   
    Listening to Text Book this morning and reading this thread and I have some thoughts. Just a note, this might be a COMPLETE REACH but 
    First, the lyrics "I guess this is really the end I've never felt jealous before this year but I'm jealous now" really hit me differently after her announcement last night. Maybe she's referencing the experience of watching her friends live a normal, fame-less life on Instagram. We know she wants privacy more than ever and is probably sick to death of the trolls commenting on her posts. Her thoughts, body, music are all open to be critiqued in the comments of her posts and I'm sure she has read some hateful things. I don't see this announcement as spur of the moment.  @lustforlife said BB is "the end of Lana Del Rey". Maybe de-activating her socials is just the first step down a road of seclusion and letting the music speak for itself. 
    Secondly, we know Text Book starts the album. Lana said BB is about "what it was like, what happened, and what it's like now".  The lyrics "and then there was the issue of her I didn't even like myself or love the life I had"  stuck out to me. I see these lyrics as young Lizzie speaking about not liking herself or the emotionally unstable home she lived in as a young girl / teen. In some ways, the creation of the Lana Del Rey persona saved her from that life (or maybe it felt this way to her in the beginning): it brought money,  instant adoration and freedom to build a new life for herself. Years later, though, the "Lana Del Rey" name has also brought a ton of baggage: think pieces, 0 freedom or privacy, twitter hate, etc. Maybe deactivating is just a way for her to begin tearing down this image of Lana Del Rey and only letting the music shine through. I could see her being very reclusive (like Fiona Apple) and popping out for interviews once every few years. 
    I don't think she will ever retire from music but this record is definitely a turning point for her. I'm excited to see the story she paints in BB and hoping it all comes together. 
    And maybe this is just me dwelling too much on the fact that I won't get a "Lana Del Rey posted" push notification for the foreseeable future 
  16. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Instagram Updates   
    Part of me feels like she's gonna forget that she posted that and end up keeping everything up 
    That part of me being the delusional part of me 
  17. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by 5Rick in Instagram Updates   
    Thanks ♥️
  18. peachlipgloss liked a post in a topic by annedelrey in Blue Banisters - Merch & Media Drop   
    Do you think after the post saying she leaves sm... Is there going to be signed stuff?
  19. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Honeyyoung in Instagram Updates   
    some of yall always have something bad to say about her, even when she's prioritizing her mental health and "professionality" doesn't matter. maybe that's why she's leaving.
  20. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by lanasgirl in Instagram Updates   
    don't know if this has been done already but i took a walk down memory lane, and thought it'd be cute to look back at all her insta profile pics over the years 
    May 2013 - February 2015

    February 2015 - August 2015

    August 2015 - January 2017

    January 2017 - September 2021

  21. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by plastiscguy in Instagram Updates   
    No, but it will be hard for us. Her managers rarely to never post about her. Y'all never trust insiders, until Lana says so herself (and even then, we can't trust her) and now she's gone...
    It's really over for us
  22. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by The Stargirl Pinky in Instagram Updates   
    On Christmas morning we’ll open Spotify and the covers album will be magically there with no announcement huh  
  23. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by Three White Butterflies in Instagram Updates   
    truly i don't blame her. the things i've seen people say about her are absolutely repulsive.  People treat her like she's a jukebox. No matter WHAT she posts people are bringing her down, body shaming her, calling her racist, shitting on her music. She had said in an interview that the negativity she receives interferes with her creative process and it makes sense. How can anyone live a normal life when there's constant hate being thrown at you, i would absolutely break down and lose my mind so she's really strong for that. 
  24. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Instagram Updates   
    If she's willing to do energetic shows like she use to do back in 2012-2016. But if it's the same boring lip syncing shows, BTD song list, with the out of place sexy backup dancers, screaming for her vape and running to the front row to take pictures with Win Edwards again -  then she can stay home.
    Her shows aren't worth what she charges $200 - $500. It's obvious she hates touring. To tour the same messy way she did for the NFR tour, it's better that she doesn't tour again.
    Kate Bush and Enya have never toured any of their records and they are legends. Lana will be fine.
  25. annedelrey liked a post in a topic by BoardingSchool in Instagram Updates   
    Her circuits are busy. Goodbye! 
    (I'm sad about it but also respect)
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