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caitlyn valliulina

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  1. caitlyn valliulina liked a post in a topic by Three White Butterflies in Instagram Updates   
    people need to leave this woman alone. AND ITS EXACTLY WHAT I HAD SAID TO PEOPLE ON INSTAGRAM.....Rob made money off of his domains later in life. Lana, as a child, and her family did not have money. As a teenager she was traumatically sent away to boarding school and then was on HER OWN. I'm so sick of it! IT shouldn't even matter but the fact that we're over a decade into her career and people are still saying she bought it and that she was just a spoiled brat growing up.....IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON! 
  2. caitlyn valliulina liked a post in a topic by Be Free in Instagram Updates   
    I don't understand why people get so involved with her financial status lol money doesn't make talent 
  3. caitlyn valliulina liked a post in a topic by Unknown in Instagram Updates   
    I am obsessed with that video… its the most open she’s been about her life in YEARS. And I can tell she’s being sincere and telling the truth. 

  4. caitlyn valliulina liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    Good for her for standing up for herself. I remember she said a couple of years ago that she was never going to let anyone try to rewrite her story for her, and I love that sentiment. I think it's something important everyone should stand by x
    I also wrote out a full transcript of her video for anyone who wants to read it - 
    "I wanna make this video really short and sweet just ‘cause the conversation keeps coming up about me coming from money, and my family having money, and this whole thing. I just want to say, like, coming from the most rural spot inarguably in one of the most rural spots of America that was not a wealthy town and having gone to a boarding school where I didn’t even know I was going or didn’t have any concept of and got financial aid for because my uncle worked in the administrative building and also being completely alienated from all the kids who already knew each other from New York City. I had such a tough time there because everyone knew how much money everyone had. So, unfortunately, my experience every day was having people call me WT from LP - White Trash from Lake Placid. So, I’m just saying this constant narrative when my parents were arguing about money every single day, and my dad working as a woodworker and in real estate and my mom working in education. Like, although he bought domain names later on, it doesn’t mean that they were worth anything until more recently. So, he was eccentric and amazing and ahead of his time in terms of what he was doing, but it doesn’t mean there was any money for us or to be made at the time. So, I didn’t even have any experience having anything until I was 26 and made my own money. I was living in a hostel on 17th St when I played Saturday Night Live, and how I played Saturday Night Live was because I’d gotten a publishing deal in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and the guest territories. So, it’s just very challenging because I think had we had money I would have had a completely different experience and not fought so hard to be a singer probably to my detriment because I didn’t want me or my family to struggle financially. Like, the music that comes from me comes from a place at that time of concern that we would not have money. That’s the experience that I know. I didn’t know anyone who had money until I went to a private school where I couldn’t even make any friends except my roommate Christina and a couple girls - Annie and Jen who accepted me and were cool. But, you know, you can’t even find anyone from those schools who knew me because they wouldn’t talk to me. So, to say that, you know, this is the narrative, it’s just important that you know it’s not. It’s not like it was fun living in the trailer park necessarily. I signed my life away, ten records for $10,000 to 5 Points Records that Ben got me out of and I made that stretch for a year and one month by getting to stay at the Manhattan RV Mobile Home in North Bergen. It’s not a shtick. It’s not like it was some glamourous getaway. Like, I really didn’t know what to do and depended on the boyfriends that I had to let me stay with them all that while up until 26. You can ask Steven Mertens. You can ask Josh Kemp. Like, I didn’t have a chance hardly. All of the cards were stacked against me other than my voice, and my parents didn’t even know I was singing until I was on Saturday Night Live. So, why this is important is just because it’s not my truth. I would have no idea what it felt like to grow up with anything other than hearing fighting about money, and even on our monthly, like, spring break vacation every year we drove to Daytona, not flew ‘cause it was too expensive. So, I had a challenging experience all the way through, and to make it even more challenging, now I don’t even get to have my authentic story told so that the music can be listened to and interpreted in a clear manner. So, that’s my spiel. You know, it’s been going on for 13 years now. It’s just it’s so sad that I can’t own coming from, like, this beautiful rural mountain town where the character of people is completely different from anywhere I went afterwards. It’s actually disrespectful to me and to my town where we worked so hard and where I myself worked four jobs. I had a time just to even be like — if you wanna know, why don’t you go to my local town? Why don’t you ask them? Like, they knew I got sent away. They knew it was on financial aid. There’s no fact that checks out, like, that it wasn’t. So, it just sucks to have to explain myself over and over again, because if that was the story I knew, I would love to tell it. I wish it was honestly. Things would have been so much better."
  5. caitlyn valliulina liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Instagram Updates   

  6. caitlyn valliulina liked a post in a topic by 111 in Instagram Updates   
    i'd be fuming if people attributed my success story to my family's middle class means when i spent 7 years working 4 odd jobs living in a trailer park and my parents had no idea that i was trying to make it as a singer. patty hated her and she was estranged from rob when she was in new york. queen built her life for herself from ground up with little if not zero financial support. she had her sugar daddies and boyfriends helping her out to make ends meet. 
    it's infuriating when people gloss over the fact that lizzy grant was financially and emotionally abandoned by her parents. estranged from them for years while trying to make ends meet with sugar daddies and boyfriends and odd jobs. how many times does she have to tell you about her traumas and her mom for it to click... 
  7. caitlyn valliulina liked a post in a topic by 111 in Instagram Updates   
    she was estranged from her parents, it wasn't a choice
  8. Chemtrail liked a post in a topic by caitlyn valliulina in Instagram Updates   
    i never understood why people acted like they know her story better than she does 
  9. Jaeden xx liked a post in a topic by caitlyn valliulina in Instagram Updates   
    i never understood why people acted like they know her story better than she does 
  10. The Sun Also Rises liked a post in a topic by caitlyn valliulina in Instagram Updates   
    i never understood why people acted like they know her story better than she does 
  11. shadesofblue liked a post in a topic by caitlyn valliulina in Instagram Updates   
    i never understood why people acted like they know her story better than she does 
  12. Cult Leader liked a post in a topic by caitlyn valliulina in Instagram Updates   
    i never understood why people acted like they know her story better than she does 
  13. honeymo0n liked a post in a topic by caitlyn valliulina in Instagram Updates   
    i never understood why people acted like they know her story better than she does 
  14. unidentified dragonslayer liked a post in a topic by caitlyn valliulina in Instagram Updates   
    i never understood why people acted like they know her story better than she does 
  15. Liz Taylor Blues liked a post in a topic by caitlyn valliulina in Instagram Updates   
    i never understood why people acted like they know her story better than she does 
  16. Traveler liked a post in a topic by caitlyn valliulina in Instagram Updates   
    i never understood why people acted like they know her story better than she does 
  17. Embach liked a post in a topic by caitlyn valliulina in Wildflower Wildfire   
  18. Make me your Dream Life liked a post in a topic by caitlyn valliulina in LDR Songs as People   
    i imagine oscys to be a closeted gay bottom 
  19. caitlyn valliulina liked a post in a topic by Olympia in Lana Del Rey (A.I. Photos)   
    one more for peppers, generated by accident testing if the old prompts work again

    chemtrails visuals for Lana Del Reyin

    Blue Banister Vibes for Lana del Reyin

    photo sharing
  20. caitlyn valliulina liked a post in a topic by rosemead ramada in Lana Del Rey (A.I. Photos)   
    Come on down to Florida, I've got something for ya

  21. caitlyn valliulina liked a post in a topic by keps2013 in Lana Del Rey (A.I. Photos)   
    Lana in Girl Interrupted (1999)
  22. caitlyn valliulina liked a post in a topic by keps2013 in Lana Del Rey (A.I. Photos)   
    Lana hosting a ted talk in her pj’s!
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