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Yameena Khatri

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  1. Yameena Khatri liked a post in a topic by Speed Driving Coconuts in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    I know Taylor probably meant well but holy crap it must feel bad to be dragged on stage to be with someone who won a category you were nominated for (let alone should have won). I don't think it's malicious on Taylor's part but it still annoyed me seeing how uncomfortable Lana was. A part of me feels like this was yet again another one of Taylor's pseudo girl power moments but idk, I'm also aware I have my biases against Taylor considering how I always get phony vibes out of her. 
  2. Yameena Khatri liked a post in a topic by AsDangerousAsHope in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    Good morning.
    fu*k the Grammys, fu*k all the voters and their floppy as dicks!!!!!!! 
    Since Norman no one deserves this more than she does. It’s f the Grammys from now to eternity until they give her some goddamn RESPECT!!!!
    no one who won last night deserves it more than she does and I’m now saying this because I stan her, I’m saying it cause it’s true! 😭
    truly breaks my heart to see this happening again. 
  3. ivana liked a post in a topic by Yameena Khatri in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    Someone here said they had a bad weekend and hoping this would cheer them up. Girl I pray for you 
  4. Yameena Khatri liked a post in a topic by sweetie in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    Some of these reactions are a bit extreme… like no, she won’t quit music just because she didn’t win a prize for it.
    I don’t think we have to worry about this grown woman crying because of a popularity contest. 
  5. Yameena Khatri liked a post in a topic by taco truck in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    In literally in such a bad mood over this  Lana’s clear dissapointment, the insane think pieces over EVERYTHING about the ceremony… I think I need to delete twitter and reddit for now it’s so exhausting tbh I just want to enjoy my faves
  6. Yameena Khatri liked a post in a topic by MrFameKills in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    They're gonna give her some lifetime achievement award some day and act like they gave her her flowers since day 1
  7. Yameena Khatri liked a post in a topic by barttttender in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    so since lana left the party with Quavo probably to smoke pot or do a line of coke, do we think a collab might happen? 
    manifesting this and the migos collab
  8. Yameena Khatri liked a post in a topic by one time beauty queen in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    beyond midnights n the others just simply not holding a candle to tunnel, part of why the lana snubs are so devastating is because her music does celebrate the more vulnerable, flawed-yet-fearless side of womanhood that is desperate to be heard but is so often shunned & dismissed in our current zeitgeist. yes i know it's giving #qftc but like her main point there was just valid, sorry not sorry, n her losing only further cements it. to connect with lana’s songs & the stories within them is a gift & is often the only silver lining to otherwise painful memories. her music reminds us that it’s okay to find beauty in the non-ideal, something mainstream feminist “art” seems to be moving further n futher away from
    'Sweet' esp encapsulated this sort of dissident femininity, like literally WHO ELSE RN is writing a song that essentially starts off with "you broke my heart" & ends in "if you ever want me again, you can come find me, I'll even give you the map & welcome you back with open arms like nothing ever happened"
    bye she is just too beautiful for this world....  Ily queen.... im sorry they will never undrnstand you. you're a different kind of woman 
  9. Yameena Khatri liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoVintageGirl in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    Lana for me , besides the gorgeous old Hollywood aesthetics, represents people who never really have anything good or easy , always the second place but we keep going because there's no other choice. A victory for her , is a victory for the underdogs.
    What they did to her this evening was cruel.
  10. americangothic liked a post in a topic by Yameena Khatri in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    I'm not a huge fan of Taylor but it's so nice of her to constantly acknowledge Lana and her works. I hope the voters get their brains checked. 
  11. Yameena Khatri liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    I have had time to reflect and here are my thoughts: 

  12. Yameena Khatri liked a post in a topic by LoveOnTheGolfCourse in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    Probably unimportant but did they AI generate the bottom part of this image because I don’t think we ever got the full version right? 

    The photo used at the Grammys:

  13. Yameena Khatri liked a post in a topic by Bangbangkisskiss in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    This!!! Right??? She doesn’t even like those kind of events. Just let her wear cowboy boots and give us nothing on social media ❤️
  14. Yameena Khatri liked a post in a topic by That Venice Bitch in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    I think I'll end my existence in this thread with this,
    We really did lose HARD tonight and tonight was rough but Lana sat in the front row of the Grammy's next to THE biggest musician on the planet (and obvious close personal friend), having been nominated for FIVE categories after releasing one of her most cohesive and captivating works after 18 years of writing music. Then, a project she is involved in wins the biggest award of the night, and accompanies the artist to the stage to accept her award. That shot of Lana standing there with Sam Dew shouldn't be coded as "sad" or "disappointing" or whatever. That is truly one of her most iconic shots ever. We can't change who wins but we can accept the outcomes without vitriol or hate. She is standing on the Grammy's stage being praised by the winner of AOTY surrounded by her close musician friends. Taylor literally dedicated time from her own speech to genuinely recognize Lana without going down the corny "I shouldn't have won this, you should've" route. Millions of people around the planet watched that tribute, and whether you like it or not, this was one of the biggest nights of Lana's career.
    That being said, the lack of recognition for Lana's work is unconscionable. But that isn't what makes the art good.
  15. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by Yameena Khatri in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    I'm not a huge fan of Taylor but it's so nice of her to constantly acknowledge Lana and her works. I hope the voters get their brains checked. 
  16. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by Yameena Khatri in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    I'm not a huge fan of Taylor but it's so nice of her to constantly acknowledge Lana and her works. I hope the voters get their brains checked. 
  17. Yameena Khatri liked a post in a topic by Deadly Nightshade in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    i really thought that this year she would probably win at least one due to the change of public perception towards her..
  18. Yameena Khatri liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    i personally think SOS should’ve won but OB was a close second
    this is so sad, lana deserves at least 1 fucking grammy 
  19. barttttender liked a post in a topic by Yameena Khatri in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    I'm not a huge fan of Taylor but it's so nice of her to constantly acknowledge Lana and her works. I hope the voters get their brains checked. 
  20. Yameena Khatri liked a post in a topic by Bangbangkisskiss in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    Thinking about how the music industry is concentrated in such a small circle. Who were grammy winners/nominees in the last five years? Who pops up when you turn the radio on? Always the same names. All generic poorly elaborated music. Very low quality and more of the same shit. 
    Fame and popularity don’t mean quality at all.
    Lana is not comercial, her songs are not simple, they don’t just pop on the radio. She’s much more about quality and less about popularity.And I hope she keeps as low profile as possible. 
    It really bothers me to know that her fans in the last few years got to know her by tik tok coquette bullshit and featuring with Taylor on a basic bad song. 
  21. Yameena Khatri liked a post in a topic by love deluxe in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    i’m really so heartbroken tonight. obviously its just an award and it’s not that important at the end of the day and i’m also happy for taylor as i do really like her music and even went to the eras tour. but when is the industry going to take lana del rey seriously? she paved the way for so many artists and young creatives today. without her, the music industry wouldnt be the same without her. its just so hard to watch her work her ass off only to get none of the recognition that she so clearly deserves. maybe its insane of me to care this much, but i don’t care. lana birthed a whole generation of artists who constantly praise her and credit her as their biggest inspiration, so why do the floating heads behind the curtain continuously refuse to take her seriously? i don’t know. i’m just really sad.
  22. Yameena Khatri liked a post in a topic by rocknrollgroupie in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
  23. Yameena Khatri liked a post in a topic by The Missing Shade of Blue in Grammy Awards 2024 - Lana Del Rey Nominated for 5 Awards   
    Started streaming Ocean Blvd in solidarity but I actually can’t listen to it without crying. This is so much worse than 2019. 
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