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honeymoon is alive

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  1. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by plastiscguy in Instagram Updates   
    Of course the situation is very upsetting, but I find it funny that NOW some of you realize that hacking, leaking and spreading content is wrong and hurtful to Lana? 
    It's not even the first time Lana is vocal about it...
  2. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by Three White Butterflies in Instagram Updates   
    I really have no problem not listening to leaks. My heart is absolutely broken for Lana especially cus of how much resistance and how many roadblocks she's faced in her career. I think she's made it pretty clear that the music leaking is very hurtful to her, and I hate to think about how we may have contributed to that. I cannot even grasp losing an entire book on top of all of this. I think it should be pretty easy to not share leaks and spread them. I really think the one thing that should be the easiest for us is to respect the artist we all love the most, the reason why this website exists. 
  3. boom like that liked a post in a topic by honeymoon is alive in Instagram Updates   
    honestly im concerned about her safety again, she's so brave to still walk around LA like nothing is happening, love her so much and wish her the best things on earth 
  4. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by marryingkind in Instagram Updates   
    Does any artist have as many leaks as lana?
    I’m really curious about that… i’ve been a fan of hers since 2012 and everytime we see things leaking and I dont think that it happens to all artists… do you girls, gays and theys know something about it?
  5. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by Elle in Instagram Updates   
    Here's a full transcription of the video I mentioned earlier, for anyone who wanted to go back and reference what she said - 
    "So, I wanted to talk to you guys about something for a minute. A few months ago, I parked my car on Melrose Place and I stepped away for a minute, and the one time I left my backpack inside my car, someone broke all of the windows and took it, and inside of it was my computer, and my three camcorders, and my hard drives. & I had to remotely wipe the computer that had my 200-page book for Simon & Schuster, which I didn’t have backed up on a cloud because we do not have any, you know, cloud systems that we access, and despite that people are still able this week to remotely access my phone and leak our songs and personal photos. & I just want to mention that despite all of this happening, I am confident in the record to come and despite so many safety factors in so many different levels, I really want to persist and make the best art I can, and even if I have to start over with my book, which I do. You know, obviously, I won’t ever leave anything in the car again even if it’s just for a moment, but we’ve had the same issues at the house and it is a constant thing. & Although I’m so grateful to be able to share all of the good stuff, I just also want to share that it has been a challenge. & I think it’s important to say that it is a bit of a roadblock in terms of the creative process and keeping things safe and valuable and keeping me safe as well with all of the action that’s been going on around me, my home, everywhere I go. & So I don’t even think a plea for a respect of some privacy would even do anything, but I do want to be honest about the fact that I do have concerns about what’s going to be out there and the two years’ worth of videos that we have from the family and everything we were planning on turning in to. Just a small snippet of our lives over the last couple of years and whatever else may have been on there. Not exactly sure what’s gonna happen with it, but that’s just what’s been going on, and with everything leaking lately I just want to bring it to light that it’s hard and there’s really nothing to be done because I can’t really make my devices any safer. You know, however people access them is unbeknownst to me and unavoidable unless I just completely don’t have them and no one has them in terms of the songs. So, I’m hoping that nothing else, you know, becomes available or stolen. & This is just an off-the-cuff thought that I’ve had for a long time that I don’t really like to share things that are going not to plan, but you know, it’s why I’ve been private in the first place and it doesn’t really seem to have any bearing on whether or not things actually stay private, but you know, even if what I’m left with is just my innermost thoughts, I accept that, but just want to say that it is a challenge. And, um, so… Please don’t listen to the music if you hear it because it’s not coming out yet, and in terms of the book, I loved the book that I lost with all of my heart and put a lot of passion into it, and in terms of the camcorders we shall see what happens with that. So, that is an update that I would obviously normally not give, but I’m worried about it. So, you know, now that it’s like the third time that this has happened, I just wanted to address it. So, that’s that and onward and upward and, um, we’ll see. Thanks."
  6. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in Instagram Updates   
    Miley Cyrus also lost all the music she made for the SIMC/Plastic Hearts era, but luckily had the producers send her all the songs again so she could release… I just really hate to think of lana having to do that  we already know how she feels about making music the first time around 
  7. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by prettywhenimhigh in Instagram Updates   
    the way the same thing is happening again exactly 10 years later is insane
    I fear she's already changing whatever concept she had for this in the first place
  8. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by The Stargirl Pinky in Instagram Updates   
    After all of this she really deserves to get high on her own in her Los Angeles home
  9. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Instagram Updates   
    so we lost bc someone wanted to be a bitch 
  10. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by xxmissdaytonaxx in Instagram Updates   
    well... the scat attack did bring album news.. so our theory stands correct. 
    HOWEVER, this whole situation is quite awful, and i feel absolutely heartbroken for her. i cant imagine having all of your precious, hard work being stolen in an instant. i really hope she's doing okay mentally and can find some sort of resolution through all of this. poor girl keeps going through the same shit. it keeps getting worse. this is the first time i ever said this, but i hope she takes all of the time she needs to release her next album, she deserves it. i'll do my best to be patient because i know she's going through so much.  
  11. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by blackestday x tough in Instagram Updates   
    Perhaps the many snippets were coming cause of the stolen pc. And so there is a possibility that she reworks these old diamants for ldr9
  12. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    So… it’s very safe to say that BoZ was indeed talking about Lana… It’s nice to know the album is good / excellent, but I do wonder if he got to hear it because of the robbery…
  13. fishtails liked a post in a topic by honeymoon is alive in Instagram Updates   
    honestly im concerned about her safety again, she's so brave to still walk around LA like nothing is happening, love her so much and wish her the best things on earth 
  14. wilting daisy liked a post in a topic by honeymoon is alive in Instagram Updates   
    honestly im concerned about her safety again, she's so brave to still walk around LA like nothing is happening, love her so much and wish her the best things on earth 
  15. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by Pink Flamingo in Instagram Updates   
    She needs some bodyguards cus she walks around alone as if she wasn't a celebrity. 
  16. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by Chemtrail in Instagram Updates   
    She said she has to start all over again
  17. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in Instagram Updates   
    I’m still gutted about her book having vanished. This is just so horrible.
    as for leaks, I don’t know anymore how I should feel when new songs from her will pop up, knowing what we do today. I’ve been a bit on the fence since she put songs on BB we never thought she’d include on an album, and those songs leaked not so long before BB… So, I don’t know. 
    gotta applause her bravery to be able to keep a straight face, move on and talk about it. That woman is the definition of resilience. 
  18. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by xxmissdaytonaxx in Instagram Updates   
    also, doesn't lana hand-write/use a typewriter for her poetry?? she did at least for Violet. i'm wondering if she chose to take a different route this time around and wrote it digitally. or, maybe she did do everything by hand again, but what got stolen is the layout/structure of the book. i hope she still has physicals of her poetry. i cant imagine writing all of that over again.
  19. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by details in Instagram Updates   
    i know lana is not about that "popstar life" but as much as she says that "she's not a star", that is not true and, unfortunately, i think she will never be able to live her "normal life" as she wants to with the way that things are right now. i  don't think she realizes how famous she is, which is a lot! she clearly needs to invest in her security bc all the things that happened just this year alone is hella concerning. i don't even know why she haven't moved out of la yet, it's clearly not a safe neighborhood for her. i'd say she will only achieve the privacy she desires if she moves to another country. these things will continue to happen if she doesn't take action to protect her, her family and her work, i'm really concerned with her safety and well-being with the state of the things in her life right now, this got out of hand. 
  20. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by hotshot2am in Instagram Updates   
    It was sold as a Blue Banisters outtake together with Arcadia demo and Ocean Boulevard. It's 2 minutes long so definitely not a finished song.
    Edit: I double checked and it seems the seller never specified which era or year they are from.
  21. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    This isn't directed at anyone in particular, but she feels violated and scared and some people here only seem to care about the implications for leaks? Fuck that. 
    If people are going to these lengths to obtain them, then fuck leaks, quite frankly. 
    I knew leaking wasn't an innocent venture but I had nfi people would go this far. 
    There's a lot to unpack in that IG but that's my current feeling. 
  22. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in Instagram Updates   
    already forgot about that 
  23. honeymoon is alive liked a post in a topic by xxmissdaytonaxx in Instagram Updates   
    this situation proves how sweet and kind lana is. even after going through all of that a few months ago, she still takes pics with fans and everything. what a sweetheart.  
  24. stupidapartmentcomplex liked a post in a topic by honeymoon is alive in Instagram Updates   
    honestly im concerned about her safety again, she's so brave to still walk around LA like nothing is happening, love her so much and wish her the best things on earth 
  25. Alison by Slowdive liked a post in a topic by honeymoon is alive in Instagram Updates   
    honestly im concerned about her safety again, she's so brave to still walk around LA like nothing is happening, love her so much and wish her the best things on earth 
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