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  1. Traveler liked a post in a topic by lizzycobain in Instagram Updates   
    It's heartbreaking to see her feel so misunderstood and having her struggles be constantly invalidated. I'm glad she's being vocal about her experiences growing up and setting the record straight. She really always has deserved better 💔
    That part HURTTT 
  2. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Three White Butterflies in Instagram Updates   
    people need to leave this woman alone. AND ITS EXACTLY WHAT I HAD SAID TO PEOPLE ON INSTAGRAM.....Rob made money off of his domains later in life. Lana, as a child, and her family did not have money. As a teenager she was traumatically sent away to boarding school and then was on HER OWN. I'm so sick of it! IT shouldn't even matter but the fact that we're over a decade into her career and people are still saying she bought it and that she was just a spoiled brat growing up.....IT'S TIME TO MOVE ON! 
  3. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Fireffie in Instagram Updates   
    Oh she slayed that
    I’m actually so glad she spoke up so this whole thing about “she’s a nepo baby/had the money” will end, and even if she had it who cares?? Why do people always feel so entitled to judge everyone about anything… as Lana said, if you don’t believe her just go to her hometown and ask people 
  4. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Elle in Lana celebrating Nikki Lane’s birthday at Ranch Pillow in Round Top, TX - October 18th, 2023   
    Yesterday, Lana Del Rey celebrated Nikki Lane’s birthday at Rancho Pillow in Round Top, Texas.
  5. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Embach in Lana Del Rey x Nikki Lane 1 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    That video of Lana celebrating Nikki's birthday with horses. It seems like it was from a photoshoot. What if it's for that collab album?
  6. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    I can't like this post cos of the bug but you're not alone
    Idk why people here hate on Stevie; she is literally one of the most iconic female artists ever
    I mean if you want meaningful lyrics and melodies look no further than Fleetwood Mac and her solo work
    The fanbase needs to stop sleeping on this legendary woman 
    ETA and if you explore her work you will discover many instances where she has very obviously influenced Lana's work 
  7. Traveler liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Instagram Updates   
    I personally don’t give a fawck
  8. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Quincy in Instagram Updates   
    You can have nice things and still not be rich. You can also be a part of a wealthy family and still have to work your ass off to gain individual success. 
  9. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Eugene in Instagram Updates   
    leak Big Bubba 
  10. Traveler liked a post in a topic by shadesofblue in Instagram Updates   
    I’ll never understand the obsession with her family’s wealth. It would be different if she was some billionaires/mega rich daughter but i really doubt they were rich rich. They might have been upper middle class at best. People just wanna see her fail so badly and it’s sad. She’s incredibly talented so that’s all that matters to me. People need to chill.
  11. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Let the Light In in Instagram Updates   
    That person replied back to her saying your dad is a CEO, I hope she replies back with 
    “I'm already in talks with my lawyer. There will be an investigation to find where your IP address is coming from. I suggest you take down all the bullsh*t you're spreading about me before I find u. Good luck getting into college and getting fired from your jobs. I never wanted to take it this far but you are forcing me to do so.”
  12. Traveler liked a post in a topic by CHATEAU MARMONT in Instagram Updates   
    there's nothing wrong if her parents got rich
    she was doing her own thing by her own means, and if rob and pat helped her THATS GOOD IT"S WHAT FAMILY DO!
    it doesnt mean they bought her career 
    we have lots of work from lana from that time, not only about her lifestyle at trailer parks but her attemps on being the superstar she is today
    people are pointing their fingers to the wrong person
    can we leave 2012 behind?
  13. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Bluelake in Instagram Updates   
  14. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Instagram Updates   
    i think it's important that we recognize and speak out about the fact that rich people have a significant advantages in life compared to people who aren't wealthy, especially in times like now, where young people have little to no chance of owning a home or even moving out of their parent's home, but there's no way in hell anybody who says it's so depressing to grow up rich or anything along those lines wouldn't take a million or more dollars in a heartbeat if it were offered to them, or would be upset about growing up in a wealthy family  let's not lie to ourselves lol
  15. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Instagram Updates   
    honestly who the hell cares at this point if she grew up rich or not
  16. Traveler liked a post in a topic by la otra mujer in Instagram Updates   
    Lana commented this in this ig reel 
  17. Traveler liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Funny/Cringe/No Context Internet Content About Lana   
    Don't you send like cease and desist letters to the concerned parties before talking about it so openly? 
    Besides, not sure how one can go about requesting Reddit, Instagram, TwitterX to handle mere users' IP addresses like that?
    I think there is truth to the storie we've heard about this guy, there is hearsay, and then fabrications. His little rant looks more like a plea for people to stop talking about him than anything.
    But my thing is, if you're sooo adament about being front and center at every show just so you can have your thousandth interaction with her, and then making it a mission to be present at all of her social engagements, and then we hear that that person has an attitude... people are in the right to share their experiences and call out the obsessive stan behaviour. 
  18. Traveler liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Funny/Cringe/No Context Internet Content About Lana   
    i have 0 issue with people going to shows, meeting her, etc, so this does not come from a place of jealousy or anything like that. but the longer someone pursues a celebrity and creates a bigger parasocial relationship with them in their head, the closer we get to a yolana/selena situation where it becomes dangerous
    the more someone exposes themselves to one person and follows them round the globe, they subconsciously break boundaries down in their head, and what was unacceptable behaviour at one point then seems okay to do, and that is how stalkers are born
    i am happy lana knows her fans love her, but it’s going to get to a point where i am genuinely concerned for her safety because some fans may think they are actually friends with her. posting those sorts of instagram stories SCREAM sociopath and it’s really concerning that they are throwing threats around possibly for attention
    i am fully aware lana is not my friend and she is just someone i admire and will never have an actual relation to, which is how ALL fans should see her. the subreddit banning discussions like that is just ridiculous and cupcake behaviour. it shouldnt be off limits to genuinely call people out (as long as you’re not bullying or doxxing them lmao)
  19. Traveler liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Lana to moderate Q&A for Joan Baez at Landmark’s Nuart Theatre in Los Angeles, CA - October 13th, 2023   
    Can't possibly imagine following Lana to every single social event/engagement or every single concert around the Globe, let alone North America, and making it a mission to be front and center and doing splits and sprints to slip through the cracks when I don't arrive on time to be at the barricade. Thank God for full-time work commitments.
    These LA stans reek jobless behaviour--it does not scream "I'm on the payroll" vibes at all.
  20. Traveler liked a post in a topic by prettywhenimhigh in Lana to moderate Q&A for Joan Baez at Landmark’s Nuart Theatre in Los Angeles, CA - October 13th, 2023   
    they just want to be seen with her to prove a point and feed their own egos
  21. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Lana to moderate Q&A for Joan Baez at Landmark’s Nuart Theatre in Los Angeles, CA - October 13th, 2023   
    It's possible to be aware of all of it and not think that any of it is okay. 
    If you think these people don't try to one-up each other, you're kidding yourself. 
    I'm not saying that they all have malicious intent but really, all of it is over-the-top and obsessive. There are just differing degrees ranging from cringe to dangerous. 
    Is it fine to go somewhere she is going (if she publicly declares the time/location) and say hi? Sure. But I think anyone who is aspiring to do that every single time needs to sort themselves out because it is obsessive and weird. "Teehee, I'm a Lana stan" does not excuse it. 
    I mean if we found out that a particular papparazzo behaved this way - went everywhere she went and tried to engage her every time - we'd collectively hate them, but we're just meant to excuse "fans" who do it. Nah fuck that
    I think doing this at an event about another artist, to the point where they disrupted others there (including said artist), is a new low.  
    With that said I'm sure they dgaf what I, or anyone else, thinks. This is all just my humble opinion. 
  22. Traveler liked a post in a topic by Rivers in What Are You Listening To?   
    I ll never forget first time I heard that song on the movie pump up the volume, I was like this Leonard cohen guy is brilliant. 😄
    I use to cover this song during COVID and we all thought we were gonna die. 
  23. Traveler liked a post in a topic by ethelcain in What Are You Listening To?   
    so good
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