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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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i cant even see her binding 5 herself. thats why i was so confused, how you gonna claim you're binding yourself yet telling fans you will send your book all around the globe when they ask, she would need thousands. make it make sense


this era is just all her talking and still not making sense. i seriously hope we get to the end of this fuckery with an amazing album and hopefully for the next era she can see the mess that was created and be somewhat... organized


We cackle at the thought of Azealia making soap in her apartment but now Lana gonna be binding books in hers  :deadbanana:  what an awful era


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Still remember that day when Lana announced MAC and VB in September and everyone was literally shaking


n look at us now

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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Also OT, but the fact that some of y'all can still think she's a good lyricist after "If I pray really tight, get into a fake bar fight" honestly ASTOUNDS me

I mean after that lyric we did get Fine China, Terrence Loves You, The Blackest Day, and Black Beauty but go off ig

If by not 'up to par' you mean distilling the worst elements that only kind of work in songs, sure. I could put a dictionary audiobook on shuffle and put it to an instrumental of old money and some of y'all would still be saying it's 50/50 lmfao.


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Still remember that day when Lana announced MAC and VB in September and everyone was literally shaking


n look at us now

and i was so excited for the albums release in early 2019



:awkney2:  :awkney2:  :awkney2:

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Still remember that day when Lana announced MAC and VB in September and everyone was literally shaking

n look at us now

i remember I began to be excited when she posted the first snippet of HIAB and I was CONVINCED that we’re getting a song for the end of the tour... now it’s been a YEAR and boy was I wrong

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i cant even see her binding 5 herself. thats why i was so confused, how you gonna claim you're binding yourself yet telling fans you will send your book all around the globe when they ask, she would need thousands. make it make sense


this era is just all her talking and still not making sense. i seriously hope we get to the end of this fuckery with an amazing album and hopefully for the next era she can see the mess that was created and be somewhat... organized


SERIOUSLY! binding books is pretty hard work, I would understand if she had some friends help with everything but like...


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Has anyone noticed the shift in Lana's vocal tone/ timbre/ dialect/ inflection/ whatever u wanna call it. First we have Lizzy voice on AKA with For K part 2, Pawn Shop Blues & Gramma. And specifically on Mermaid Motel she almost sounds like she has a Southern twang in her accent for a few lines. Then we have upstate NY, nasally (what I like to call "Snot-nosed") Lana on This Is What Makes Us Girls, Without You, and I think the clearest example of this is when she says "Donny Montola" or something in Live or Die. She sounds like she's straight up singing from her nose on that lyric. Then I think since UV she's been pretty consistent with the deeper, quieter crooning and something that sticks out to me is how she accents the "ch" sounds in her lyrics from UV forward, there's almost an echo making it sound very melancholy. Then we finally get something new in Get Free with the kind of scream-singing of "Out of the black! Into the Blue!" Idk if any of this makes sense but I'm wondering what vocal styles Lana will be using for NFR!


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Has anyone noticed the shift in Lana's vocal tone/ timbre/ dialect/ inflection/ whatever u wanna call it. First we have Lizzy voice on AKA with For K part 2, Pawn Shop Blues & Gramma. And specifically on Mermaid Motel she almost sounds like she has a Southern twang in her accent for a few lines. Then we have upstate NY, nasally (what I like to call "Snot-nosed") Lana on This Is What Makes Us Girls, Without You, and I think the clearest example of this is when she says "Donny Montola" or something in Live or Die. She sounds like she's straight up singing from her nose on that lyric. Then I think since UV she's been pretty consistent with the deeper, quieter crooning and something that sticks out to me is how she accents the "ch" sounds in her lyrics from UV forward, there's almost an echo making it sound very melancholy. Then we finally get something new in Get Free with the kind of scream-singing of "Out of the black! Into the Blue!" Idk if any of this makes sense but I'm wondering what vocal styles Lana will be using for NFR!

Folk and mumbling

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From what we've heard so far, I really do think she's adopting the California culture lifestyle, the valley, the railroads, the grittiness of it, skate parks, industrial sites. It all seems so rural, and I've been personally waiting for her to revel in that kind of atmosphere, bc it can all seem so bleak, but there's a kind of beautiful quiet to it all, and is real easily painted by the skies during various times of day. 

I remember how fun it was to just drive there, listening to Mariah Carey's Butterfly record, windows down all loud, while fourth of july fireworks would bedazzle the sky, it would've been boring af, unless u made something of it, and it felt so freeing 

Couple this how that kind of life is close to the sea, and u easily get Long Beach vibes that I fucking D I G. 

Subject matter, or intimacy more of a forefront, dressed in that sort of world my god. It might just as well be another new addition to the list of favorite album spheres I'll be able to hear when she releases it. It's almost as if heavy having to deal w the absence of the record, but I know it'll so b worth itttt 


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Has anyone noticed the shift in Lana's vocal tone/ timbre/ dialect/ inflection/ whatever u wanna call it. First we have Lizzy voice on AKA with For K part 2, Pawn Shop Blues & Gramma. And specifically on Mermaid Motel she almost sounds like she has a Southern twang in her accent for a few lines. Then we have upstate NY, nasally (what I like to call "Snot-nosed") Lana on This Is What Makes Us Girls, Without You, and I think the clearest example of this is when she says "Donny Montola" or something in Live or Die. She sounds like she's straight up singing from her nose on that lyric. Then I think since UV she's been pretty consistent with the deeper, quieter crooning and something that sticks out to me is how she accents the "ch" sounds in her lyrics from UV forward, there's almost an echo making it sound very melancholy. Then we finally get something new in Get Free with the kind of scream-singing of "Out of the black! Into the Blue!" Idk if any of this makes sense but I'm wondering what vocal styles Lana will be using for NFR!

She'll be using her natural timbre. We heard it in MAC, VB and Hope already. Soft airy voice. Long ago, i said that her voice in MAC and VB reminded me of her album Sirens. That's because she's not faking her tone. After forcing her voice in BTD, she kinda kept this bad technique in UV, trying to make her voice more mature than it is. Then in HM she strangely used her natural jazzy tone, but it was easy for her because that's the vibe of the album. She also tried giving an operatic aspect to her high notes. With LFL her voice was a bit all over the place, but at least she didn't have to fake low notes anymore with time.

And FINALLY with NFR she's coming back to her roots, the Lizzy voice. Even IYC and Cinnamon give me this impression. Only the "don't be a jerk blah blah blah" in HIAB doesn't fit, but it still reminds me of AKA

I'll do it for the right reasons

Withstanding all the time, changes and seasons


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I actually think the opposite... Some of the things she's written, a handful of lines, I actually liked. But overall I think her poetry is a whole new level of cringe. It's shockingly, unreasonably bad. I would have never expected this embarrassment from such an amazing lyricist. I already considered her a poet, her lyrics are poetry to me. And great poetry at that. She could have published Hope as a poem, How To Disappear, even MAC... I don't get it. It's like her lyrics & poems are written by two completely different people.

unreasonably bad is the best description I've heard of them lol I feel like she is going to ruin any credibility she had gained back after the SNL performance (in the eyes of the gp)

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unreasonably bad is the best description I've heard of them lol I feel like she is going to ruin any credibility she had gained back after the SNL performance (in the eyes of the gp)



I can all but guarantee that 99.99% of the public won't even know she released a poetry book and nothing will be "ruined" whatsoever in that regard. Books are even harder to promote than music these days and she's barely promoting her music, so I expect literally nothing in terms of promotion beyond like...an Instagram post or two. That's not gonna reach the GP at all.

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Sounds crazy but just the thought of in your car literally brightens my day. I haven't listened to the snippet in months because i dont wanna ruin it but i still remember what it sounds like and every now and then when i feel depressed and like there's nothing to look forward to, i start playing the songs intro in my head and it just makes everything feel better. Like it gives me some hope and helps me get through the rest of the day



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