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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

1,060 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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Slate's Culture Gabfest podcast had a nice lengthy discussion of the album here from about 21:04 - 40:04:




I looked at the transcript only, which they post at the website. They have points both complimentary (about her new "maturity") and critical (her response to Ann Powers). I don't know these guys as mover/shakers though. On the topic of interesting discussion of LDR/NFR, The Atlantic gave both a good NFR review (doesn't count for metacritic) and a rejoinder to Ann's think piece.
The Atlantic famously endorsed both Abraham Lincoln and Hilary Clinton (not at the same time, LOL).


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yall we really paid FIILY/TG video dust...poor thing doesn't even have 10 million views. I just rewatched it on a large screen during sad boy hours and it's so beautiful



It’s because it’s a double mv + she released Doin’ time too quickly after that 

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yall we really paid FIILY/TG video dust...poor thing doesn't even have 10 million views. I just rewatched it on a large screen during sad boy hours and it's so beautiful

Because it’s too long... it’s proven that people don’t watch long music videos... The ones with more views are the shorter ones always

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For anyone following my NFR butterflies, the final one (Hope) was born today. She has a crippled wing tho and can’t fly. It’s pretty common for butterflies and I’ve been lucky that most of the ones I’ve raised have been healthy. Hope is resting comfortably with some sugar water and I think she enjoyed the Lana tunes I played for her this afternoon.

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The Chelsea Hotel live she just did. oh my god.


  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:


So beautiful and moving. I know she did it way back and live since, but I wish she could have included it on this record too. It seems to really fit with the NFR theme. ughhhhh 


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None of this matters. Explain K-12 having 20 million views then. Plenty of long videos have great views. It has not been proven and you’re making shit up.

there's literally no reason for u to cuss out the op...

no one's making shit up it's called speculation lol


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okay it might just be me but the beginning of MAC reminds me of Yellow by Coldplay and the beginning of California reminds me of The Scientist by Coldplay??? i think they may have inspired her slightly


I can see where you're getting The Scientist/California comparison from, but not Yellow/MAC. 


Both of those songs make me wistful, though. They are from a time long ago when Coldplay was actually good and Chris Martin wasn't yet a pretentious dick ... 

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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None of this matters. Explain K-12 having 20 million views then. Plenty of long videos have great views. It has not been proven and you’re making shit up.



Lol its because K-12 is a way different project, it’s a whole ass movie with a PLOT and it was released with the whole album with much more promotion, hype, actual premieres in many theaters etc. There’s literally nothing to compare.

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NFR (title track) has definitely grown on me. There isn't really a song I dislike on the album.

Though this may be an unpopular opinion- Happiness is a Butterfly is the weakest song on the album.


I agree 100%. The 'happiness is a butterfly' part is good, but the other parts are hilariously bad, especially at this point in her career, and BaAy-A-Bee' and 'oooh-hoo-oohhs' are so lazy and pedestrian.

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NFR (title track) has definitely grown on me. There isn't really a song I dislike on the album.

Though this may be an unpopular opinion- Happiness is a Butterfly is the weakest song on the album. 

It is in fact the best.

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