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Lipsters Awards 2019

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Because, while a certain member seem to know the address to Jack Antonoff's studio and seem to have a life threatening addiction to Pitchfork reviews and Metacritic scores (isn't that all the same anyway?), other members have the ability to write detailed thinkpieces and comments about the current state of things without having to parrot critics, while also re-using the same two gifs every posts. Might be why a certain member won over another


But what the hell do I know about all this nonsense?  :teehee:




Also congrats to Ultraviolence for winning album of the decade, while being the actual album of the decade. 


Taste & common sense.


I wonder what member has the ability to write detailed thinkpieces :O

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I wonder what member has the ability to write detailed thinkpieces :O


What is wrong with you? How about you stop passive aggressively shading people because you don't like certain results?


For "hottest member" you're sure being ugly. Poor sportspersonship is embarrassing, especially from a moderator of this site. 

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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What is wrong with you? How about you stop passive aggressively shading people because you don't like certain results?


For "hottest member" you're sure being ugly. Poor sportspersonship is embarrassing, especially from a moderator of this site. 


I don't think I was being aggressive, as I don't really want to be in bad terms with anyone, especially on this thread... I've shared my discontent regarding the 'Can you come up with something else' award, but I think it ended up being shadier than I thought. I hope to get along with @ throughout this year, since I'm sure we share stuff in common (LDR-related obviously), and we'll start to see that once we all stop discussing the ever so controversial NFR.

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Lipsters Awards Hit An All-Time Low In Ratings


The legendary Lana Del Rey-themed awards show, which took place at the Raue Center for the Arts near Laurel Canyon, Hollywood, met their lowest rating numbers ever, far below 'The Charli XCX Thread'. Insiders admit they've been having a rough time ever since the show was announced. "We weren't getting any members submitted for the categories," said one insider to Fag Times. "Despite having an excellent design, new categories, new venue and even a goddamn neon green carpet, people just didn't attend," said another.




Make-up artist Elle was the night's big winner with no less than 3 awards: Biggest Stan, Peace Keeper and Veteran Member, shared with Evil Entity. Terrence Loves Me has won Worst Taste for the third time in a row: some say this phenomenon could be in this year's Guinness World Records. As for the most important award of the night, Lipster of the Year, artist Rorman Nockwell took the prize home.

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I don't think I was being aggressive, as I don't really want to be in bad terms with anyone, especially on this thread... I've shared my discontent regarding the 'Can you come up with something else' award, but I think it ended up being shadier than I thought. I hope to get along with @MXDH throughout this year, since I'm sure we share stuff in common (LDR-related obviously), and we'll start to see that once we all stop discussing the ever so controversial NFR.

Well, you sure are off to a good start. By the way, I was nominated for 'Best Taste', was @@Jared nominated for that too? I rest my case.

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@MXDH I know, and obviously I was in denial since I adore NFR, but still. Congrats :)




Anyway, this is me at the after party last night. I think I saw Valerie running to the bathroom, kinda blue-faced.


Cool to know we're good. I wasn't sure with the tone of a couple of your posts on here, pretty sure you were targeting both me and @RormanNockwell, or trying to be shady towards us for winning/losing some internet awards. Congrats on your win, by the way.  :)

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Winner winner two chicken dinners! For the first time in Lipsters Awards 2019 history we have a tie!


Elle and evilentity with 28.3% of the votes each!


A tie? This hasn't happened since "King's Dead" and "Bubblin" tied for the Best Rap Performance Grammy. I propose a rap battle to settle this once and for all. :crossed:

:troll: :troll: :troll:


In all seriousness, I'm delighted to share this honor with @Elle, even though to an old timer like me you ain't a real veteran unless you were on SIN or LDR.FM. Stolen valor! But like World War II veterans we're a dying breed.



Elle is the most awarded Lipster of the night so far. What can we do more other than stanning?

And yet she was still robbed of a couple awards she should have won.



i hope we're still doing all of this when we're 40+ and married with kids

Seriously, where are everybody? :noparty: ... Maybe they have a real life to enjoy...

When you're nearly 40 and married with kids, that "real life to enjoy" keeping you away from the Lipsters is giving your nearly-but-not-quite-potty-trained 3-year-old an unplanned bath because he shit his pants. So, not that different from moderating.






Now this is the last award that I'll be presenting so I wanna make it special. Here at Lanaboards we love it when people lie to us and keep us waiting on and on and on, for absolutely nothing! 



Thank you Lana Del Rey for lying to us throughout the entirety of your career (71.7% of you seem to agree), and congratulations! You won!


Did Lana just get the highest percentage of votes ksdfnslk

This is hilarious. However, the fact that the non-Lana vote didn't even crack 30%... someone got really robbed here too, but I won't say who or why.  :oic2: 



The arena was half empty full this year but that's okay. I blame it on lack of promo etc.

Fake news. This was the largest audience to ever witness a Lipsters -- period -- both in person and around the globe.





Evil, such a legend! Well deserving of winning the Vanguard Award, congrats! Let me hand over my crown to you! ♥


king of the town with a crown that would never fall




Although it's really funny to me that I won the Qaadir Vanguard Award at the Lipsters even though I hate the term "lipster" for our fanbase and was probably the most vocal at expressing my annoyance at all the Qaadir gifs people spammed the forum with back when that was a thing.





Anne has seen her award! She says she wants to come back to LanaBoards but is unfortunately too busy at the moment, but she misses us all "a lot"! :heart: She also says she's honored to win Most Forgotten! :sass:

Not most forgotten in my book. The most recent of dearly departed LanaBoards members I wish would come back, I'm counting the days.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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I can't believe I completely forgot about this :toofunny:


I'm so sorry I didn't attend, I'm on my first vacation with my boyfriend and we haven't stopped traveling so it really went over my head


I'm so sorry, after reading, the whole show was super fun and messy (typical LB style), I wished I had shared it with you guys


Thank you @@Lad for always taking a whole lot from you time to make these awards, again I'm super sorry I wasn't able to participate


I'm super grateful for the NFR! Award! I never thought I would win tbh, thank you so much for all the people that voted for me, and congrats to papi @@PARADIXO for winning the Be My Daddy Award (I guess I won't have to leak my nudes anymore :hottie:)


A big congratulation to all the amazing winners an nominees, taste truly won for once!


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CONGRATULATIONS @@evilentity i honestly never chatted with you and i dont even know your opinion on me but you're one of my favorite members! your humour is amazing. well deserved!!

Hold up, am I the only one who thought the mods knew each other kinda well? Or like, at least chatting about things to fix or about warning points or something. :toofunny:

i mean, i did speak to him via mod chat but only very few times... i feel like i know @@YUNGATA (who i adore) and @@Elle much more!

I'm flattered to know that I'm one of your favorite members and that you like my sense of humor. I don't always know if people appreciate it, in either sense of the word. I regret that since having kids I don't have as much time to socialize with the mod staff or other members quite as much as I used to (I still do a little mostly via Twitter), but I think you're swell. And-- many people are saying-- swole.



Stalking you has sorta become like my occupation.

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I'm flattered to know that I'm one of your favorite members and that you like my sense of humor. I don't always know if people appreciate it, in either sense of the word. I regret that since having kids I don't have as much time to socialize with the mod staff or other members quite as much as I used to (I still do a little mostly via Twitter), but I think you're swell. And-- many people are saying-- swole.


lmaooo thanks!!

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I was so stressed with exams and everything for the lat few weeks I completely forgot about Lipsters and now I'm so SO sad that I hadn't witnessed it this year :noparty:

I know how much work it was to put together and I'm so bummed


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