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"Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass  

299 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite poems from "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass?"

    • LA Who am I to Love You
    • The Land of 1000 Fires
    • Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass
    • Past the Bushes Cypress Thriving
    • Salamander
    • Never to Heaven
    • Sportcruiser
    • Tessa DiPietro
    • Quiet Waiter Blue Forever
    • What Happened When I Left You
    • Happy
    • My Bedroom is a Sacred Place Now - There are Children at the Foot of My Bed
    • Paradise is Very Fragile
    • Bare Feet on Linoleum

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for those of you saying this isn't "poetry".... you clearly have not studied the BEAT Poets.... 

poetry does not ALWAYS have to follow a clear rhyme and perfect stanza routine... 

the best poems often don't. a lot of the great poets broke rules and conventions. e.e cummings, Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg etc i could go on and on


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Didn’t The Guardian love NFR?!?

This new review of Violet, that I have not read by the way, is so frequent in the entrainment business: They love a project, then they give the next project by the same artist to the most critical reviewer, just to prove « they are always critical and not biased and still relevant to not always love what someone does. » Which is kinda bullshit.

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Didn’t The Guardian love NFR?!?

This new review of Violet, that I have not read by the way, is so frequent in the entrainment business: They love a project, then they give the next project by the same artist to the most critical reviewer, just to prove « they are always critical and not biased and still relevant to not always love what someone does. » Which is kinda bullshit.


Petridish rated it 3 stars and then it came number 1 in the end of year ranking which was voted for by all staff  :rip:

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It always annoys me how much I love this because there’s nothing else like it. The closest I can think of are Joan Baez’s Baptism album or the song “Past, Present and Future“ by The Shangri-La’s, but even those don’t come anywhere close to this. Something about it reminds me of Sgt Pepper a bit but I can’t figure it out since they’re clearly not sonically or thematically similar so who knows with that one lol. I almost hope artists do copy Lana with this bc even though they wouldn’t be as good, there would be more of these lol. If anyone can think of anything they feel is similar in anyway (even if you can’t figure out why), let me know bc I’m so obsessed with Violet right now. Ugh I can’t wait til her other poetry album.


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I have really big questions about her relationship with her mother, like what really happened between them? The last time i remember them pictured together was in the honeymoon era. Also in LA who am i to love you is she alluding to the loss children she may have been pregnant with when she says “Mother to no one, private jet for one, Back home to the Tudor house that borned a thousand murder plots”? as if she puts her unborn children to rest? Or may she be talking about the murder she’s done over multiple relationship with ppl.


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I have really big questions about her relationship with her mother, like what really happened between them? The last time i remember them pictured together was in the honeymoon era. Also in LA who am i to love you is she alluding to the loss children she may have been pregnant with when she says “Mother to no one, private jet for one, Back home to the Tudor house that borned a thousand murder plots”? as if she puts her unborn children to rest? Or may she be talking about the murder she’s done over multiple relationship with ppl.

Her mother being a teacher, it must have been challenging to say the least, to be her and live with a mother with « that kind of Personality » (often conservative, strict, perfectionists, with high expectations for their kids), based on the many teachers around me lol.

As for the murders, it’s interesting that you relate the « murders » to her failed relationships, which I hadn’t thought of. Plus there are also rumours of at least one abortion she would have had in the past. But when I heard that line, I wondered if she had bought a house connected to the Manson murders. She did elude to that in Heroin, didn’t think it might be her house, maybe?

the guardian needs to shut the hell up seriously tenor.gif

Artists that are trailblazers take a lot of time to be recognized as such, most often than not.

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Any insight on what she means when she mentions husband? She does it on LA and on another track, I don’t recall which one at the moment. Also wondering about the mother- she says “I never had a mother” and refers to herself as an orphan but the problems with her mom seem to be more recent, but maybe not?

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I take the word "husband" to represent all of her relationships. It seems like she keeps ending up with dark, depressive people who aren't good for her in the long run, and I think she may be blending them all together and using the word husband since that type of relationship has been a consistent part of her life. 

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I have barely had 2 minutes to do anything since monday as i've been watching my cousins 2 year old and she just texted me again can I keep him again until tomorrow night :hdu: :facepalm: hopefully get round to hearing this on Friday   :crai: 

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tbh i fully agree with the Guardian review.  i don't think they were bashing Lana at all.  the writer is clearly a fan of her music - she begins and ends the review saying that.  but i think pretending that VBBOTG isn't solipsistic is kinda silly.  no, Lana doesn't have to write about anything other than herself.  but she has for a long time compared herself to Beat poets like Ginsburg or Kerouac and always found time to throw in some classic Whitman americana or whatever, and they - like many good poets - draw from their own experiences to illuminate a larger picture of the world that made them.  social and political issues aren't a distraction - they're a core feature in our experience of life bc they dictate much of that experience for us.  Lana seems to get this when she plays at political themes (talking ab a megalomaniac leader, and feminism, and Kanye) but she never really seems to actually get what she's talking about or go deep enough to make any sort of real statement about it.  she could use her unique position in "the culture" to give more insight into "the culture" but she doesn't.  she's content to stay half-assed and self-absorbed.  which i think is a fair description of her poetry, and her entire image as of late

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Solipsistic is the ungenerous way to describe VBBOTG because it sees introspection as an indulgence rather than a vulnerability.


It’s very revealing that she references the early criticism of her being fake and mentions herself as “Elizabeth Grant”, things that we know about but Lana rarely talks openly about. It’s about the closest we can get to her inner life.

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Ok but death threats are not funny... It's just a review. Brazilian fans need to stop with being so extreme while defending Lana

Yeah, agreed.

They should quote/reply her tweet and state their opinions and why they didn't agree.

However, she was lowkey mysoginistic and the whole article is a mess. I really thought it was some old guy who wrote it


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