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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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i hope the cover art is similar to the photos we just got from the magazine, bright, stunningly casual, and glamorous. i don't really want it to be from that photoshoot we got in july with the yellow bodysuit and the flannel shirt, something about it just seemed amateur and don't feel like it encapsulates the vibes of the album or her work in general. i would love a cover shot by neil krug, but as long as it's a good cover and it suits the album, i don't mind who ithe photographer is. 


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1 hour ago, Venice Peach said:

If the cover and photoshoot for the album are bad we can just pretend that the official one is from Interview magazine 


But I've heard Lana fans don't care about visuals???????? If the cover is ugly I guess no one will be bothered by it :mariah:

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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Don't know why but i was expecting a post today or something. Just watched charlie's ig storie and i can't recognize if that's her house but chuck's there too and it looks like they're partying or whatever so... goodbye to my hopes

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I can’t explain how excited I am for this record :crying5:

I mean like I’ve still got Norman in the mix and we are already getting ANOTHER album. So rad. She could go a number of directions with the sound of the record and I’m sure it’ll be cool whatever she chooses. At this point seeing which way she pivots musically is part of the excitement. 

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2 minutes ago, Venice Peach said:

If the album wasn't coming this month they would have changed the intro they wrote before the interview right? And we all know Lana but if she's promoting the magazine and that "date" wasn't true she would have said something


agreed!! unless lana delays it again. :ohno:


miss born to lose

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