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Blue Banisters - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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she's celebrating that the album is finished with a holiday :w8ing:



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2 hours ago, evalionisameme said:

Eclipse has been notoriously off info wise lately.. I’m pretty sure he said white dress had stargirl vocals(how?) and predominantly drums and guitar(which were kinda there) but it was predominantly piano again and also said that the features were like backing vocals and weren’t credited which was again incorrect bar Nikki not being listed.

Pretty sure it was BOZ who said the backing vocals thing not Eclipse. His descriptions might have been off but he gave out so many accurate lyrics and hints for White Dress. He also shared the title track info and lyrics as well as the existence of Summertime. I don't think he only gets stuff via Youtube as he reviewed so many albums that are not out for months, some don't even have a release date.

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Do we know how much involvement Mike will have on this album? I saw someone on reddit saying we will get only one song produced by him on BB and then the two of them will properly work together on the album coming after, is this legit? :crying5:

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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25 minutes ago, Cacciatore said:

Do we know how much involvement Mike will have on this album? I saw someone on reddit saying we will get only one song produced by him on BB and then the two of them will properly work together on the album coming after, is this legit? :crying5:

we don’t know anything yet so that was either fake or pure speculation. mike just confirmed they work together but we don’t have any real confirmation yet if and/or what they worked on on BB, if it’s BB or something else, when it’s coming etc...

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31 minutes ago, Cacciatore said:

Do we know how much involvement Mike will have on this album? I saw someone on reddit saying we will get only one song produced by him on BB and then the two of them will properly work together on the album coming after, is this legit? :crying5:

The collapses if that is the case :toofunny:

as far as we know, nothing of that nature has been confirmed though. 

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I'd be kind of here for a song about Patty on this album :sass: Although that's probably just my issues with my own mother talking lol 


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I want vocaalzzzzzz honey. 



Vocals all mixed together. 


And a fast tempo like OTTR. But with her current beautiful voice. 


Ottr in her current voice would be heaven. 


Not the baby nasal voice

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7 minutes ago, CinnamonGay said:


Ottr in her current voice would be heaven. 


Not the baby nasal voice

ottr is perfect as is, the baby voice gives songs like ottr so much character :grinds:


her current voice is obviously beautiful but there’s something about the way she sang in her older songs, it’s like no one else can sing them but her. 

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9 minutes ago, bel air rose said:

ottr is perfect as is, the baby voice gives songs like ottr so much character :grinds:


her current voice is obviously beautiful but there’s something about the way she sang in her older songs, it’s like no one else can sing them but her. 


I think there was alot of yearning and passion and anger in her earlier vocals. Mostly stems from the way the media treated her back then or the Barrie phase.


Now I think she is at peace - her songs are sadder and deeper but not the dramatic sadness. I think she has given up and come to the conclusion her life will always be this way??

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I do a lot of singing myself so I think I could explain her change in vocals and why they're not as good as her previous work:


Simply put, COCC's vocals are very sparse in terms of using vibrato, breath control, chest voice etc. Instead, Lana is using her head voice a lot (which isn't ideal considering she's obviously more comfortable singing lower with her chest), and there isn't a lot of vibrato going on. Now if I were to sing songs from COCC, it wouldn't take much effort for me to sing them because there just isn't a lot of skill behind her use of vocals on that album.

If I were to sing songs from BTD (Million Dollar Man, Cola), as well as UV (Black Beauty, The Other Woman), I would need to use my vocal chords a LOT more, especially the vibrato (the part where singers voice goes 'wobbly' when they hold out a note).


So basically for Blue Banisters, Lana needs to get back to where her vocals are more comfortable (chest voice, contralto) which will create a more thick and fuller sound. That's what has been lacking with COCC in terms of singing. I feel like the COCC music wouldn't sound so 'empty' or 'weak' if Lana didn't use her head voice (light, breathy vocals). 


God I hope this makes sense. Sorry for rambling :rollin:

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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Wishing for a song with a similar vibe to Bel Air or Terrance, but I don't think that's likely. Hopefully she posts soon, even just a track list so we can get some idea of the kind of mood of the album

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The most perfect use of her voice is in that live performance of disco that she does at that little club. Those are the vocals we need on blue banisters. I really hope she doesn’t go back to the deep velvety stuff on BTD because it’s never sounded good live and in part why I think the start of her career was a little rocky. She was always trying to sing outside of her most comfortable range and why studio cuts like Million Dollar Man are so processed sounding (even if the song is good she sounds like a computer wailing). 

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Listening to all her discography and wanting to see where Lana goes next and accepting her growth as an artist instead of hoping for her to go back to a style from a past era :)

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2 minutes ago, hashtagtylerh said:

Listening to all her discography and wanting to see where Lana goes next and accepting her growth as an artist instead of hoping for her to go back to a style from a past era :)

I kinda did the same these days, starting from BTD and ending up with COCC (:oic2:) and I was literally mesmerized by her talent once again :deadbanana: nobody is like her



I also cried a lot oc... especially with HM because it was the first album my EXboyfriend gave me so... :rip:


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You know I think she needs to be a little bit more “expressive” with her voice again. Listening to some older songs like blue jeans, cruel world, west coast, honeymoon etc her voice is so expressive she is conveying an emotion through it. We can still see it in her recent works like white dress and la who am I to love you but I just want for her to use it more often. 

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