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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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Is it so hard to admit it’s just a clumsy line? Like kjdkdksk


it's a descriptive line - she's talking about the red square and what's in the red square? Lenin's body.

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it's a descriptive line - she's talking about the red square and what's in the red square? Lenin's body.



i didn't say it doesn't serve a purpose, i said it's clumsy. i can't explain why it does in detail, but it's such a weird line

like why talk about the corpse of a dead communist leader? just because you mentioned russia? she mentioned brasil, italy and japan too, and didn't (thank god) add these details


it's so random and it doesn't jive at all with the rest of the song.

it's fine if you think whatever marina writes deserves the pulitzer, and i can't obviously change your mind (i don't even want to), i was just pointing out how it's, again, clumsy. there's really no other way to put it 

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To Be Hum*n stans are a CANCER and should be ERADICATED

Ppl that don’t stan it are the cancerous ones tbh

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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to be human is a nice song imo it has the best chord progression of the album and it doesn't have a production that screams cheap chainsmokers indie synth that's gonna go out of style in two years like karma (which i love still) 

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So y'all really went from saying it's her best song ever to it being an awful song...


Y'all went from begging for a new record to hating it despite it being a solid release...


Like, make your minds up



ME but i went from hating the album to loving it  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:

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To Be Human suffers from the same faux-wokeness as Savages, which is why it's such a terrible song. Aside from saying 'human bad', what else actually is there on the song, besides loads of clunky lines (the Lenin one being the best example of this)? She's not saying anything new or anything near as deep as she thinks she is, which is one of the biggest flaws that reoccurs throughout Love + Fear. 

I do like the record, but her ego has been so inflated that she believes she's being psychological and analytical, which she fails to do at any point on the album, and can't take any criticism directed at her because of this. Marina should have just billed this as her happy, chart-y music and left it at that. It's a good album, just not a good Marina one.


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Idk imo I think what this album is missing is a strong string of love songs or different subject matter. The only songs that touch the surface of love are probably Superstar and Believe In Love. She dabbles too much into trying to sound woke and explain human behavior/emotions yada yada and it just seems like an extension of FROOT with a taste of KIDZ BOP. Overall the album concept is lost on me and Marina did a poor job on laying out the dichotomies of love and fear. She just kinda just said it was divided in 2 and left us to take what we wanted and run with it. I think the songs are best individually rather than trying to fit them into this concept that has no real backbone.


Also she totally overproduced some of the songs and not in a good way but thats a whole other story.. also she has given us boring music videos for being gone for 4 years.. WHERE ARE THE VISUALS MARINA


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To Be Human suffers from the same faux-wokeness as Savages, which is why it's such a terrible song. Aside from saying 'human bad', what else actually is there on the song, besides loads of clunky lines (the Lenin one being the best example of this)? She's not saying anything new or anything near as deep as she thinks she is, which is one of the biggest flaws that reoccurs throughout Love + Fear. 

I do like the record, but her ego has been so inflated that she believes she's being psychological and analytical, which she fails to do at any point on the album, and can't take any criticism directed at her because of this. Marina should have just billed this as her happy, chart-y music and left it at that. It's a good album, just not a good Marina one.


100% agree.


"To Be Human" is over the top. It could've been a really great song but she just tried way too hard with it, imo. Lyrically, I don't find anything deep or inspiring about it.


And I always felt that the underlying psychological concept was flawed ... as soon as I watched that psychology video she did, I was worried.


I know it's difficult with the pressure from record labels and so forth, but I hope she can get to a place where she can just make music for the joy of it, and fuck what people say. That's when she'll make her best music.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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somehow Too Afraid, Karma and Emotional Machine have been the ones i've listened to most despite them probably being the songs i was least excited for.  the only song i still don't like is Life is Strange (which, imo, should've been traded for Please Don't Call Me)


Got a devil on my back as a tribute to my mother

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Idk imo I think what this album is missing is a strong string of love songs or different subject matter. The only songs that touch the surface of love are probably Superstar and Believe In Love. She dabbles too much into trying to sound woke and explain human behavior/emotions yada yada and it just seems like an extension of FROOT with a taste of KIDZ BOP. Overall the album concept is lost on me and Marina did a poor job on laying out the dichotomies of love and fear. She just kinda just said it was divided in 2 and left us to take what we wanted and run with it. I think the songs are best individually rather than trying to fit them into this concept that has no real backbone.


Also she totally overproduced some of the songs and not in a good way but thats a whole other story.. also she has given us boring music videos for being gone for 4 years.. WHERE ARE THE VISUALS MARINA

Honestly pretty much all of her videos are just glamour shots of her lip-syncing in different locations...


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To Be Human suffers from the same faux-wokeness as Savages, which is why it's such a terrible song. Aside from saying 'human bad', what else actually is there on the song, besides loads of clunky lines (the Lenin one being the best example of this)? She's not saying anything new or anything near as deep as she thinks she is, which is one of the biggest flaws that reoccurs throughout Love + Fear. 

I do like the record, but her ego has been so inflated that she believes she's being psychological and analytical, which she fails to do at any point on the album, and can't take any criticism directed at her because of this. Marina should have just billed this as her happy, chart-y music and left it at that. It's a good album, just not a good Marina one.

I think she is more sincere than acting ‘woke’. It’s just a song setting the scene of all the things that had made her question existence and sharing her experience with spending a long amount of time wondering why things happen and why we are the way we are. I think it would’ve been an issue of ego if she tried to state that she knew the reason for it all or provided the pinnacle answer. But instead she is just writing about her thoughts and life and sharing how she is similar to everybody else in being confused about the human condition. I personally relate to that and I feel a lot of comfort in listening to someone sing about that in a song, it’s nice to not be presented with a reason or answer. She said she wants to feel human again and want connection to end the song and she’s doing that on some scale with writing this music to share with everyone. You guys are so harsh

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yeah it’s honestly not that serious... sure there is some clunky songwriting but I definitely don’t get the impression that she’s trying to be woke.. I mean as a Libra you can totally see how she remained neutral with her “political” lyrics in this album.


anyway y’all can keep fighting over To Be Human while I cry in the corner of the club listening to End of the Earth. :toofloppy:


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