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hi I’m fairly new to lanaboards and idk where to ask this but I’ve been struggling with putting on a profile pic because the photo I choose is always “too large”.

so I was wondering if anyone could help w this :crai:

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hi I’m fairly new to lanaboards and idk where to ask this but I’ve been struggling with putting on a profile pic because the photo I choose is always “too large”.

so I was wondering if anyone could help w this :crai:


I hate this requirement so much. I always find the best picture but I have to resize it to look like sh*t just to upload it.


I use Paint on my computer to resize it until it's at or below 100kbs or whatever the maximum is. (I check the image size in its properties when I right click it in my documents wherever ive saved it)


Or if you don't know how to do that it might be easier to find a image resizer/compressor tool online or an app. Some you have to keep resizing until you have the right file size, or some let you choose the file size.

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I'm wondering if there is a thread for this already... 

I wanna discuss Lana being deep and mysterious vs. straight forward and basic


I came across this old interview not long ago, and at 4:55 she starts explaining that she is "kind of as basic as it gets". 


I remember hearing in another old interview.. she was asked why she never smiles in professional photos and she said the photographers always asked her not to smile, or never asked her too. Can't remember which one. 


Now it's got me thinking, is Lana only seen as deep and mysterious because that is something people want to see out of her? Has she been put into this mystery box by others, without choosing that for herself?

I first thought about her being elusive and deep from her BTD album, but it might all be in Emiles production. After all, the demos are mostly the same vocals, but give a completely different vibe- not mysterious at all, and much more 'regular pop'. 


Even in the words she chose to speak, she still seemed mysterious and elusive right up until after Honeymoon. Perhaps she was only like that because she wanted to choose her words carefully to avoid criticism.


Whatever it is, she might be back to her real self ever since the new album. And when people have thought of her now as 'basic' and boring and 'off', perhaps this really is her. Most of this discussion has come out since NFR, so?? What do you think?


Was she ever actually mysterious? Did she ever want to be seen like that? Or was she playing along with what other's said she was, and now she's back to who she was before? Have I been a bad fan for wanting back the old Lana when she never really existed?

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@@Ultra Violet

I don't think you're a bad fan.

Is L.D.R. mysterious or is she basic? Maybe a little of both; she is after all, just a person. Was all, or at least some, of her glamour and cinematic allure just a contrivance from her Team? Possibly; she's in show business after all; she's a singer; a performer...


I think that L.D.R. provides personal imformation during interviews according to the vibe she gets from the interviewer, and when I listened to the interview that you included in your post, it didn't seem like L.D.R. was very enthusiastic about spilling her guts.


I must admit that Lana Del Rey does seem somewhat more Plain Jane-style since NFR, and NFR is my least favorite L.D.R. album; but when I listen to Hope Is a Dangerous Thing, at least to me, Lana sounds like the same gloomy girl she was when I first heard Summertime Sadness...

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It's still confuse to me why/how Lana has so many unreleased songs... Especially the pre-BTD ones, why so many wasted material?

She had the acess to record sessions that seem so expensive and laborious even without having a prediction of when they would be released?

I think she's just very prolific tbh. She differs from a lot of more mainstream (ik she's pretty mainstream but not quite there) artists in that their albums tend to be much more manufactured, songs not written at all by the artist, much more of a given direction etc. Lana during the Lizzy period (and BTD to an extent) seemed the opposite - much more throw a bunch of songs at the wall and see what sticks. I think she's a lot more confident in what she writes now and knows what works and what doesn't, but her having the say she does over her albums and the direction they go inevitably mean she could change her mind on a whim and scrap any number of songs and add some older unreleased ones

locals only

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I hate this requirement so much. I always find the best picture but I have to resize it to look like sh*t just to upload it.


I use Paint on my computer to resize it until it's at or below 100kbs or whatever the maximum is. (I check the image size in its properties when I right click it in my documents wherever ive saved it)


Or if you don't know how to do that it might be easier to find a image resizer/compressor tool online or an app. Some you have to keep resizing until you have the right file size, or some let you choose the file size.


thanks so much! i’ll try it right now :)

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hi I’m fairly new to lanaboards and idk where to ask this but I’ve been struggling with putting on a profile pic because the photo I choose is always “too large”.

so I was wondering if anyone could help w this :crai:



The picture AVATAR you use must be at least in the size 200 x200  and below 100 kbs.





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Honeymoon - Lana Del Rey


We could cruise to the blues

Wilshire Boulevard, if we CHOOSE

Or whatever you wanna do

We make the RULES



DAN AUERBACH replied to Lana's Honeymoon track in the song below :


Get Yourself Together - The Black Keys


And I'll do, I'll do whatever you do

You can CHOOSE, make up all the RULES


Lana actually wrote Honeymoon about Dan Auerbach. They were involved in a hot and heavy affair which was hidden from the world. The Italian spaghetti was a distraction from the real affair that was going on Behind The Scenes


God please reunite these 2 musical geniuses and bless us with ULTRAVIOLENCE II :crying4:

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Is this a real alternative version of PWIC or is it fake?


The uploader says in the comments that it's a fan edit! You can also hear the bleed from the drums and guitars at some points (plus the filtered acapella sound).


It's cute though! 


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The uploader says in the comments that it's a fan edit! You can also hear the bleed from the drums and guitars at some points (plus the filtered acapella sound).


It's cute though! 


Thanks! I didn't see the comment. I just saw the main title. I'm not saving it if it's not real though. 

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Want Lana to work with Nicki Minaj so bad. She works sooo well with hip hop acts, and Nicki is a musical genius/chameleon in her own right.


Gosh that’s my dream collab.


let's be real, all you bitches wanna look like me

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Does anyone remember that photoshopped pic of Lana on a swing and theres flowers on her and the swing? it was a fan edit she reposted onto her IG awhile back but I cant find it :(



Try Google-Image-Search with the words... lana del rey on a swing

You will see many of her pictures







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