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Katy Perry

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this is random but i’m not a stan and i just remembered this now. but when she was promoting prism wasn’t she like posting videos of her burning her old wigs and old outfits from teenage dream. was prism supposed to be a dark concept and it got trashed or did she just do that for nothing. what happened to that


Yeah like many have said, PRISM was supposed to be a dark album, I remember the first interview and she was like "it's about to get fucking dark" and I think some of those moments are there (By The Grace Of God, Choose Your Battles and even Miss You More which was a reject later used on Witness).


But by the time Roar was announced, the album was confirmed to be PRISM and I guess the concept was there about it being a light and joyful album. I never really understood the whole Teenage Dream funeral aesthetic, just for her to come back with Roar haha. I guess after the huge success of that era and the reissue, it was a way of closure and marking a new era.

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prism was meant to sound more like de side b (+deluxe tracks) of the album but the concept switched mid-way through the proccess, i hope someday we will get to listen to all the scrapped tracks because i'm curious about how katy could pull an album like that


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prism was meant to sound more like de side b (+deluxe tracks) of the album but the concept switched mid-way through the proccess, i hope someday we will get to listen to all the scrapped tracks because i'm curious about how katy could pull an album like that


If I remember correctly she wanted it to be a double disc album with light/fun songs on one disc and the dark/introspective on another disc, but basically her label convinced her not to.

Hopefully we get to her some of the scrapped material someday.


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If I remember correctly she wanted it to be a double disc album with light/fun songs on one disc and the dark/introspective on another disc, but basically her label convinced her not to.

Hopefully we get to her some of the scrapped material someday.

this sounds like an ARTPOP and ARTPOP ACT II type of thing



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She’s been nothing without Dr. Luke.


I mean Chained To The Rhythm, Bon Appetit, Never Really Over, Walking On Air, By The Grace Of God, Spiritual, Harleys In Hawaii, Tsunami, Power, Choose Your Battles and even Daisies are all great pop songs!


They might not have lived up to the hype and success of Teenage Dream era but they're still great and strong songs. There's been no decline in quality where they are concerned...

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This song is incredible...

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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I mean Chained To The Rhythm, Bon Appetit, Never Really Over, Walking On Air, By The Grace Of God, Spiritual, Harleys In Hawaii, Tsunami, Power, Choose Your Battles and even Daisies are all great pop songs!


They might not have lived up to the hype and success of Teenage Dream era but they're still great and strong songs. There's been no decline in quality where they are concerned...

I’m talking about commercial success, Daises isn’t the worst song. But for me it’s just not what I’d like to see her do. I feel she’s done too many songs like this now. She needs to try something else she can be more versatile. I think her label is blocking her.

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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Is Spotify teasing the album title? On the new releases page it says "Smile and take a moment... listen to Daisies by Katy Perry"

Yeah, the album title is Smile and it's out on Aug 14. The title track leaked with a P Diddy feature, but it's apparently been renamed to Grateful with no feature


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If I remember correctly she wanted it to be a double disc album with light/fun songs on one disc and the dark/introspective on another disc, but basically her label convinced her not to.

Hopefully we get to her some of the scrapped material someday.


now that you said that it makes sense as to why the pop/louder songs are all in the front and all of the darker and chill sons are in the latter half of the album. instead of double disk, she just made it as oe tracklist with two sides

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