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Unpopular Lana Opinions

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I don't like that she's going after Grammys so hard. Like, she suddenly cares so much about winning a Grammy that she's playing at the Grammy Museum, and teaching kids at the Grammy University (or whatever the fuck it is).


The Recording Academy has snubbed her for most of her career and, despite that, she's essentially bootlicking to try and win a Grammy. Everyone knows that the Grammys are bullshit so the fact that she wants one so badly is dismaying.


I thought it was "all about the music", but one very safe-sounding album later + obvious pandering to the Recording Academy to try and win an award for said safe-sounding album + lots of other stuff I won't go into right now makes me question that. 


Who could blame her for wanting more money and recognition though? Sure one could say NFR sounded "safe" (and not in every way), but it is still 100% herself, artistically speaking. It's not like she released an album full of Don't Call Me Angel type of sound. 

She may be talented as hell, famous, etc., she's still a human being like the rest of us, I guess. I can't even see how all this could be a bad thing for her. 

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Who could blame her for wanting more money and recognition though? Sure one could say NFR sounded "safe" (and not in every way), but it is still 100% herself, artistically speaking. It's not like she released an album full of Don't Call Me Angel type of sound. 

She may be talented as hell, famous, etc., she's still a human being like the rest of us, I guess. I can't even see how all this could be a bad thing for her. 


I see your point. I don't have a problem with her wanting a Grammy per se. Nothing wrong with that. It's more the fact that, clearly, she played at the Grammys Museum and went to that Grammys University because she wants the award.


She obviously knows how political it is, or she wouldn't be doing those things, and that's what bothers me - that she's intentionally playing into their politics to try and secure the award. It feels disingenuous. I suppose I felt (or hoped) that she was above pandering to an organisation to try and get an award, so that's why I'm disappointed.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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The Grammys have treated LDR relatively well recognition-wise. BTD was ignored but Paradise was nominated.  It's supposed to be a peer-voting organization to determine the nominations and award, so a nomination is considered a win over all those not nominated. While UV and HM are ignored, LFL and NFR, two pretty contrasting albums, are recognized via nominations. I think at some point peer intimidation just becomes outweighed by the desire not to appear stupid in posterity (well that's my theory).


BTW, if you go to grammy.com and click the search button, enter an artist's name, follow the artist's name's link,  you can see their nomination/win history. For instance, try it for David Bowie (he was recognized more slowly than LDR was, objectively speaking).

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Not really about Lana more about the fandom. I think that a lot of Lana fans expect too much from her. Lana from day one has talked about just wanting to make music, other than that she has always been straight forward about lacking ambition and motivation. That's why I think she should just stop touring or she should do smaller venues (like bars and small theaters like really small lol). That's why I think she should embrace simple homemade music videos instead of these half assed over produced rich lee videos. It's totally normal for people to not like this reality. There is nothing wrong with 'unstanning' and only listening to her earlier albums. I would have 'unstanned' if she kept making btd/paradise esqe albums. Same if she would have released albums back to back that sounded like ultra. It's obvious Lana has just wanted the ability to make music whenever she wanted and do have the freedom do whatever she wanted. She's not going to stop vaping or saying fuck or using tacky 8mm filters on her videos or forgetting the lyrics to her own songs or putting too much on her plate and once and just forgetting about half the things she's promised she was going to do.

She could never do small venues cause she would put the tix up for like 500 $ and it would be full of straight white girls

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i still don't get the obsession with california.  like to me the vocals sound messy and out of tune, song's nice i guess but i don't get that people genuinely think it's the best on the album?  hope still has that title (and is one of her best songs ever)


Got a devil on my back as a tribute to my mother

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i still don't get the obsession with california.  like to me the vocals sound messy and out of tune, song's nice i guess but i don't get that people genuinely think it's the best on the album?  hope still has that title (and is one of her best songs ever)


I think a lot of people like it because it's about Barrie.


She has shockingly bad taste in men and for all his faults, he was a favourite among fans.

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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This is my absolute favourite tour of Lana’s so far. I actually really like the setlist (obviously I’d prefer all my fave songs, but she can’t cater to us all) and her outfits have been super cute and comfy-looking (definitely stuff is wear tbh) and I love that she invites other musicians along to perform with her. It’s very Bob Dylan of her. I just love how laid back and fun this tour seems compared to her previous ones (they were good too, this is just more my vibe)


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I don't see how NFR! is being revered as the most mature and complex album lyrically. To me it's not that much more mature than a lot of her past albums from a lyrical point of view. I see it as being her safest and "tamed" lyrical "effort". In comparison to LFL which was a times very futile and juvenile, NFR! is somewhat of a step up from that, but still a bit futile and hollow to me. Lyrically some songs are just uncooked/unfinished, but also very subpar.

Honeymoon remains her most mature and elaborated album both lyrically and instrumentally.

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This is what makes us girls is Lana’s cringiest song, I just can’t stand the lyrics and I’ve been skipping that track and lucky ones (bores me to death) since 2012.

Of course I’m just counting her discography under Lana del Re/ay (from aka to NFR). Lots of her unreleased songs fit in that category pretty well too, just canttt I’m glad she’s so good now :3

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