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10 minutes ago, Clampigirl said:

I don't understand where she gets the power to smile and give an explanation to why she took down the initial videos. This woman. She's so strong. :krylie:

seriously though. I just love her so much 

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This is heartbreaking, really. It really comes off as a surprise to me and I hope the situation isn’t worse than she told us. It does shed a whole new light on the principle of leaks which are, indeed, stolen material. While I do think we, as listeners, are not technically the problem - people who steal songs, make money off of them, build a reputation on having them, are - our habit of being receptive to whatever has been happening for the past year or two is a problem. This has gotten to the point where Lana’s computer got stolen and yet we got one actual leak in a year - and I’m not saying at all that one is as bad as the other, because not getting leaks is obviously nothing compared to literally losing your creation and being held hostage by some creep. But it is neither in our nor in Lana’s interest to implicitly condone behavior such as selling 2021 songs. Part of why this is going on, part of why leakers normalized selling a demo thousands of dollars - and there’s a good chance the person who stole her computer had a hand in selling those songs 3000$ in September - is because we, as a fandom, are receptive.

Anyways, I hope she knows that none of her songs got leaked, at least, and I hope that her reaching out to her fans is somehow an indication that she’s not being threatened by the person who stole it.

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2 minutes ago, Terrence Loves Me said:

oh my god if they want money we should make a gofundme and raise the cash to pay off the thief and get her things back, who is rich around here? someone get in touch with lustforlifes french husband. time is running out!


Nobody richer than her, and im sure she and her team are working to get it back, but people are just greedy as fuck


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3 minutes ago, Cacciatore said:

Can't we just send the links of people selling Ocean and Fingertips to her managers or sum? Wouldn't that help? Those songs could be part of the stolen material.

this is actually a really good idea 



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not that any of this is right, but she should've learned by now to back up her shit in icloud, to keep her shit secure. no, it's not fair and it sucks but that's... literally why it all exists. like it isn't hard to sign up for icloud and change your password every week. her management team should require work to be set up on an icloud server or something remember when she got hacked at that hotel? we still don't have all of that material, it was rumored to be hundreds of files 


also, how does she not have a backup of her book???? what the fuck

whoever stole it, i hope they're caught and i hope she presses charges on them


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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1 hour ago, lernerderrey said:

How will we ever know if a leaked song is from this robbery?!? So sad... I knew about it happening one time, but she said this is the third time?!? When was her second hard drive stolen?!? Feeling awful for her. Love u Lana

there is no way to know which feels like a message from God that all leaks (music, photos, videos, anything) are off limits. from now on i will avoid any leaks of hers of any kind no matter how old or new. lana deserves better than this. whoever stole these things from her & a the times this has happened before are no true fans. they treat her like a product they are owed & not a real person with real feelings & dreams. i will keep her in my prayers & hopefully this never happens again & people think twice before leaking her stuff from now on.


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1 minute ago, Hydroponic Weeds said:

not that any of this is right, but she should've learned by now to back up her shit in icloud, to keep her shit secure. no, it's not fair and it sucks but that's... literally why it all exists. like it isn't hard to sign up for icloud and change your password every week. her management team should require work to be set up on an icloud server or something remember when she got hacked at that hotel? we still don't have all of that material, it was rumored to be hundreds of files 


also, how does she not have a backup of her book???? what the fuck

whoever stole it, i hope they're caught and i hope she presses charges on them


agreed. she needs a team of people to keep her files safe because she is obviously (and wrongfully) a massive target for leaks and having her material stolen. its not her fault theres horrible people in the world but i just wish she was more cautious of this stuff bc now so many precious and valuable things were stolen. its really sad. 


it can’t be hard to find this person. a shop in that area had to have had cameras or something. even if lana’s team has a list of people who couldve done it. something has to be able to be done. 

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This is so horrible she does not deserve this at all :( I really hope they can catch whoever did this (I wouldn't be surprised if it was the guy who was stalking her and broke into her house)


I'm really worried for her safety too. I hope she gets as much security for her house that she can because she deserves to be able to feel safe in her own home 

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3 minutes ago, Hydroponic Weeds said:

not that any of this is right, but she should've learned by now to back up her shit in icloud, to keep her shit secure. no, it's not fair and it sucks but that's... literally why it all exists. like it isn't hard to sign up for icloud and change your password every week. her management team should require work to be set up on an icloud server or something remember when she got hacked at that hotel? we still don't have all of that material, it was rumored to be hundreds of files 


also, how does she not have a backup of her book???? what the fuck

whoever stole it, i hope they're caught and i hope she presses charges on them


She really needs dedicated backups and backups for those backups. hire a datahoarder to protect her shit.

2 minutes ago, Clampigirl said:

Question, has anyone actually spent money to buy a leaked song or snippet? :eek:


A Lana song? No. But other artists' songs? I've seen it. A rap forum I was a part of bought a fuckton of a deceased rapper's songs and shared them with members.


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