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lana is rigth. like always. she should posted that FUCK OFF on her instagram tagging some ''fas''

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lana is rigth. like always. she should posted that FUCK OFF on her instagram tagging some ''fas''

exactly, like criticize her question for the culture (lol), question aspects of her music, critique anything with validity, but literally what do you gain from berating a woman's appearance?

Lana Del Rey Honeymoon GIF

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She's been blamed for the Lolita romanticism since forever.  :facepalm:


I do agree with a user who tweeted under there how uncomfortable it was that they used an actual teenager for the role of Dolores in the movie. Do what Grease did and use actors over the age of 20 to play these awkward roles involving teens. 


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^ tbf, the 1962 film - which i will grant you was a lot tamer - starred a then-14-year-old sue lyon (rip) as well, and fwiw, in the 1997 film they used body doubles for anything more "involved" than a hug + dominique swain's mother was present on set as i recall


i love that we're now at the part in 2020 where people on twitter are cancelled for enjoying classic literature, anyway



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^ tbf, the 1962 film - which i will grant you was a lot tamer - starred a then-14-year-old sue lyon (rip) as well, and fwiw, in the 1997 film they used body doubles for anything more "involved" than a hug + dominique swain's mother was present on set as i recall


i love that we're now at the part in 2020 where people on twitter are cancelled for enjoying classic literature, anyway

That book is incredible and shocking. It always was. Oprah once described child abuse as being more « child seduction » than abuse (don’t get me wrong: it is abuse, but the way the events set in, it’s a seduction game with a minor). There are many conflicting ideas going through the kid’s head because of that. That novel does the best job at describing how that situation can happen. That novel has always been scandalous; I love it’s brutal honesty (though not very graphic on all the physical acts- thank God).

so this happened and now people is bringing lana to the table... twitter never rests :facepalm: https://twitter.com/zzcapss/status/1272682731848204290

To be fair, I don’t even think she was that young when she started going out with older men... but who knows? I always saw the lyrics of the songs when she fucks older men to be mostly ironic and exaggerated (same as « he hit me and it felt like a kiss »). But outside her fan base, many don’t get that second-degree to her songs.

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The book is beautifully written but it's important to not let the romantic lines distort the truth about what the book is really about. I do feel awkward having the book in my possession, and have thought about throwing it away tbh...


Also lots of people are saying Madison probably didn't actually read the book and just saw some aesthetic screencaps of the movie on Tumblr and branded it as her fave which I kinda believe :brows3:  :awk:

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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this bitch is such a fucking bully i really hate her, her tweets always come to my TL and sometimes i wish i could say something to stop her but lana is following me and maybe this has 00.01% possibility of making her see those shitty tweets and i don't want this to happen

this shit is the same shit that weadorelana did, which is harmful 

^ tbf, the 1962 film - which i will grant you was a lot tamer - starred a then-14-year-old sue lyon (rip) as well, and fwiw, in the 1997 film they used body doubles for anything more "involved" than a hug + dominique swain's mother was present on set as i recall


i love that we're now at the part in 2020 where people on twitter are cancelled for enjoying classic literature, anyway


tbh i really hate the moms presence as an excuse, as what happened to Brooke Shields

that was horrible, plus not every mom really knows what's the best for their daughters

some of them they want $$$$ and that's all




side note:

i don't really understand how ppl consider lolita as a romantic novel (im talking about the book)

like did they REALLY read the novel????

the novel was horrible, Humbert was so horrible and i can't recall anything romantic happened in the novel

the author made it crystal clear that Humbert was a disgusting man

but obv the cinema had something else in mind lol  


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[quote name="Skid Row Cherry Pie" post="923055" timestamp="1592374974"


i love that we're now at the part in 2020 where people on twitter are cancelled for enjoying classic literature, anyway


Massive difference between legit saying you romanticise what's clearly meant to be a pedophilic abusive abduction / "relationship" and enjoying the book for different reasons lol. I know plenty of creators that have discussed Lolita and said they enjoy it for the writing, and no one tried to call them out

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the author made it crystal clear that Humbert was a disgusting man

but obv the cinema had something else in mind lol  

This getting slightly offtopic, but I think it's important to distinguish between the two movies. Kubrick made sure not to include anything sexual, several scenes showed just how wrong the "relationship" is and Humbert a disgusting human being is. There was no romanticising. Loving the cinematography is something else.


But 35 years later you have Lyne's movie, romantiscing the shit out of it. I don't care that they had body doubles. It is vile. You don't even need to see the whole movie, the trailer on its own makes me puke.


"mOViE aBoUt loVE aNd roMaNCe" :icant2:

 DYJRPfi.gif c5dd836305cb85b3253fce96ae00741c547fd6fd.gif SH8DzJM.gif
???????, ??? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?????

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Cancelled culture is toxic, rarely is context observed. Everything has to be watered down today, something can be beautiful and artistic but also controversial.....Even roses have thorns. And although I consider myself liberal, I’m starting to think people are becoming pathetic weak minded snowflakes.

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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Massive difference between legit saying you romanticise what's clearly meant to be a pedophilic abusive abduction / "relationship" and enjoying the book for different reasons lol. I know plenty of creators that have discussed Lolita and said they enjoy it for the writing, and no one tried to call them out


That's fair, but I think part of reading Lolita is going through that phase of romanticizing it - because the way Nabokov writes Humbert as a character is incredibly compelling (because Humbert is a manipulative piece of shit and Nabokov has a ridiculous gift for prose).


(and I think the 1997 movie, with the way it was framed more than anything, tried to be similarly deceptive, and was arguably more successful than the book in that regard - the saying is "read between the lines," after all, not "see")


At least, speaking for myself, in several instances I was just thinking "okay, but can you leave this poor girl alone and come swoop me off my feet instead?"


Which, of course - Humbert's a pedophile, and I was 17 or so when I read the book, Methuselah teas, so that wouldn't have worked out.  :usrs:


Then again, I had to read the book at intervals, because it would physically stress me out, and I cried through several chapters, lmao.



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Cancelled culture is toxic, rarely is context observed. Everything has to be watered down today, something can be beautiful and artistic but also controversial.....Even roses have thorns. And although I consider myself liberal, I’m starting to think people are becoming pathetic weak minded snowflakes.

If this is an indirect then it's a misguided one. I definitely don't think the way things get taken out of context on twitter and cancelled is good or productive and I think people who try to "cancel" people who read or enjoy the book Lolita are juvenile and oversensitive. That said people who openly admit to romanticising it are either equally juvenile, have sinister intentions, or both. The pedophilia and violence in Lolita isn't a "thorn" on an otherwise beautiful story, it's an intrinsic part of it

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That's fair, but I think part of reading Lolita is going through that phase of romanticizing it - because the way Nabokov writes Humbert as a character is incredibly compelling (because Humbert is a manipulative piece of shit and Nabokov has a ridiculous gift for prose).


(and I think the 1997 movie, with the way it was framed more than anything, tried to be similarly deceptive, and was arguably more successful than the book in that regard)


At least, speaking for myself, in several instances I was just thinking "okay, but can you leave this poor girl alone and come swoop me off my feet instead?"


Which, of course - Humbert's a pedophile, and I was 17 or so when I read the book, Methuselah teas, so that wouldn't have worked out.  :usrs:


Then again, I had to read the book at intervals, because it would physically stress me out, and I cried through several chapters, lmao.

Oh definitely, Nabokov's writing is unnervingly beautiful. I think the 1997 version of it erred too much on the side of romanticising it though - only a few moments (like when she smiles at Humbert and you see her braces, good god) take you out of it and make you realise how pathetic and disgusting he is. I don't think whoever it is in the video is talking about the whole unreliable narrator side of things though. Grown women saying they romanticise it is incredibly iffy lol, and I'd say the same of Lana's romanticising of it back in the day. It fits into a bigger picture of normalising pedophilia and the weird rewriting of Lolita as a love story that just happens to be between a child and an adult (which is how a lot of people who haven't read the book understand it)

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If this is an indirect then it's a misguided one. I definitely don't think the way things get taken out of context on twitter and cancelled is good or productive and I think people who try to "cancel" people who read or enjoy the book Lolita are juvenile and oversensitive. That said people who openly admit to romanticising it are either equally juvenile, have sinister intentions, or both. The pedophilia and violence in Lolita isn't a "thorn" on an otherwise beautiful story, it's an intrinsic part of it

Sure - I wasn’t stating pedophilia or violence is beautiful. It’s sort of like a film about war, it can be done in an artist and beautiful way. I think lately it’s trendy to label something as ‘glamorising’. looking at the songs in the charts today - most of them could be classed as glamorising drugs, drinking and being materialistic and greedy...yet nobody bats an eyelid. Notably many of Lana’s songs are of a dark nature, and often Ironic and cinematic - so can be misconstrue as glamorising.

Arches are Illusions solid at first glance

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2010s tumblr culture was literally all about romanticising lolita and 298 other pieces of work which fit the teenage "soft grunge" aesthethic whatever that was considering it kinda comprised of anything that looked cool, cute, throwbacky or somewhat vintage americana...


i think people can rightfully criticise someone romanticising the relationship and character dynamics in lolita if that's their main reason why they like the book but like... who even thought about getting literature recommendations from madison beer out of all people 

and why are people bringing lana into this, she hasn't relied on any of this since her debut record (which was like 5 albums ago)



this is still a bop though (and lyrically more problematic than any track on btd on this regard) miss @@annedauphine would agree



you can enjoy problematic things i guess but it's about how you go on about them


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