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  1. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by Poor Stacy in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Sorry to sound slightly hyperbolic, but this poetry album genuinely captures Lana's essence to me. I think all of her albums are TRUE to her in some way, but I really... hear her in this one. The weirdness of her personality is allowed to fully shine through that we once heard in some of her earlier, unreleased work. Don't get me wrong, compared to all the other girls out there, everything Lana does is weird, but the actual, real eccentricity of her personality is on display here. Paired with the slightly ominous, atmospheric background music...

    Not everyone's going to love it or get it, but they're not who it was made for. It truly is an incredible piece of work, and I hope she continues to give zero fucks with Chemtrails, because uncompromising Lana is where it's at.
  2. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by #glimmeringdarling in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Now as much as I admire an Individual with an honest opinion, I find that you didn’t listen to these words in the way they were meant to be perceived. Who are you to say what poetry is when poetry is art and art is limitless expressions. You simply cannot determine what is someone else’s art especially when it is a raw, honest, authentic body of work. I’ll have you know many of these poems aren’t about a man but about Lana herself and those pieces of her past that once controlled her every thought. To move forward constantly in the rough patches life brings in the name of self realization is beautiful and many people will never truly do so- however the way Lana has done this is her very own way of coping. I don’t expect you to agree with everything she’s saying but this is a huge leap for the woman and I am very proud. Maybe try giving it another listen with your mind wide open, eyes shut, and lips sealed- remembering this is a walk through an artists mind, someone who’s been damaged and deranged her whole life ..
  3. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by DCooper in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    In one poem she mentions watercolours of orange trees with snakes running through them, so I think the cover is a metaphor for simple things that look peaceful and beautiful but when you look closely there is darkness hiding.
  4. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I think the most obvious parallels between NFR and Violet are as follows:
    SportCruiser and Mariners Apartment Complex
    Past the Bushes Cypress Thriving and How to Disappear
    Never to Heaven and  Cinnamon Girl
    Paradise Is Very Fragile and The Greatest
    Bare Feet on Linoleum and Hope is a Dangerous Thing for a Woman Like Me to Have - But I Have it 
    More of a reach, but I also think we could match Quiet Waiter-Blue Forever with Love Song and more closely to Bartender for the romantic moods (thanks @@GeminiLanaFan for this <3) and of course the vehicle themes.
    and The Land of 1000 Fires and Venice Bitch for their textured, layered, and rawer presentation and self-actualizing narratives juxtaposed with love.
    Maybe Happy and Happiness is a Butterfly for obvious reasons - potentially Lana was exploring the way she both lets happiness alight upon her and chases it, respectively.
    I love this project so much. <3
  5. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Every move she continues to make sets her farther apart from her contemporaries. Who else could pull this off? 
  6. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by mkultraviolence in Paradise is Very Fragile   
    5150 line hits a bit too close 2 home lolll, I like this one though. feels like she's either finally understanding or finally showing that she understands that her little aesthetic was a dream. "her" America was a dream. paradise is coming crashing down, it is literally burning to the ground for her. where is she to go, an orphan without a home? an orphan without the strong redwood trees to stabilize her. an orphan with an ocean that was once a place of peace, littered with trash. her world is falling apart. the curtain is pushed back, the blindfold is off. she has to wake up to what is happening and what has been happening and what she has been ignorant to. beautiful poem
  7. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in Paradise is Very Fragile   
    So this is the ultimate rebuttal of everything America has become under Trump. We have a President who denies climate change and does not even try to unite the country.
    Lana sees America has being fragile. We think of our nation as strong, but we are only one incompetent leader away from being a mess which is certainly the case now.
    Lana sees what is really going on. She can speak out about it but if she doesn’t then Trump prevails plus Lana ends up in the psychiatric ward. Kind of reminds me of when Lana called out Kanye for backing Trump. She said that a Trump winning was a loss for the country but active support for him was a loss for the culture.
    Lana believes in an America that lives up to its promise.
    Then there are the biblical references about Adam and Eve; when we take and take, we destroy the paradise that we can have.
    All in all, Lana is challenging Trump’s populism and this culture of greed that has been holding society back.
  8. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by DLT in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Mine was on Audible at about 4am when I woke up!
    First listen thoughts - insightful, vulnerable, visceral.
    Childhood, fame, and love are three things that def weigh on her.
    I feel like this is the most real and personal project we have ever received. It is truly beautiful and shaking to the core. Seeing into her mind, thoughts, and feelings is very relatable and soothing but disconcerting at the same time. It’s very provoking and just a diff feeling than a normal musical release.
    I was really surprised by the production. I’m really hoping that this is a segue into COCC and these same elements are carried over. Very excited for the album now.
    All the poems are beautiful. It’s just another insight into her that we don’t see so often. Very atmospheric. Anyways standouts on 1st listen for me are LA, 1000 Fires, Cypress Thriving, Sportcruiser, Happy, and Bare Feet on Linoleum.
  9. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by rubytuesday in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    so absolutely beautiful. love this two particularly, they got me 
    "Maybe an artist has to function a little bit above themselves,
    If they really want to transmit some heaven”
    "Oh - and Jim died at 27
    So find another frame of reference
    When you’re referencing heaven"
  10. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by unlikelysweet in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    who else LOVES that shes actually using her speaking voice and you can hear her EMOTE instead of her marilyn monroe slow hollywood talk she tried so hard to do for so long. the facade has been wearing on her and I bet it felt refreshing for her to speak in her own voice
  11. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by BeautifulAnywhere in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    I just realized that her mentioning 6 trips to the more for her poetry to come alive she meant her albums! She’s made a total of 6 albums so it makes sense.
  12. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by paradisetropico in Bare Feet on Linoleum   
    this gave me CHILLS.... WTF its STUNNING... 
    also who is Brother? could it be Jim Morrison? 
    god I hope she doesn't hate us fans, im sure we all say the " Your stories are mesmerising" "I always have the most interesting stories" "People love your stories" "You are an interesting performer" 
    it must get exhausting,  lot of psychological points to this poem wow
  13. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by Elle in Bare Feet on Linoleum   
    This one is so visual to me, like a scene in a horror movie or mind thriller.
    I visualise her sitting in a chair in large, cream-coloured, empty room with one glass wall she's facing that we're looking through while she's reading the poem out of her book. Then behind her are these faceless silhouettes, almost like robots but more human-like (slenderman-esque?), that stand behind her reciting the lines heard in the background. Then at the point of the poem where she says "& now, I’m left wondering, where do I go from here?" she looks up towards the glass but her eyes glossed over as if she's what she's looking towards is just one-way, mirrored glass & the figures begin to walk towards her, until at the end when the poem stops they are surrounding her - some playing with her hair, smoothing her dress, adjusting her ankles - and she closes her eyes, leans her head back, and begins to recite back the words they had been saying to her - "people love my stories."
    (I feel sort of ridiculous posting this strange visualisation, but it's just what I see!) x
  14. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by WhiteHydrangea in Bare Feet on Linoleum   
    This was an interesting poem, but I don't feel as much as poetry as it is storytelling. I think the writing is beautiful, it completly made me feel as her... I completly drifted away in thought like her, only to come back down to earth to keep on doing the simple things of the day. That is the most typical things we as humans do, or at least what I tend to do. When there are so many things holding you back from the past and you just don't wanna be where you are you think about all the possible things you could do to get away, but without being able ignore the things that haunt your mind.
    I feel like the poetry book is still Lana Del Rey landscaped, you can see all the touches of failed fame, death and love but through a more realistic side, no as much fantasy added.
    In this one I believe she is yet again referencing the way she was treated in the press in 2012  with the whole SNL perfomance and her authenticity
    "Would standing in front of Mount Rushmore feel like the Great
    American homecoming I never had? Would the magnitude of the scale of the sculpture take the place of the warm embrace I've never known."  (Is she saying she is deserving of a monument such as Mount Rushmore in her honor? I also think Grammy's are not enough Lana haha)   Photoshoots for magazines or Paparazzi chasing her (once again)? Tiny beads of sweat dot my forehead Could be mistaken for dew drops if this were photo season. ... Leave me in peace I cry  
    The thought about retiring yet again (Do you guys ever wonder how many times Lana will make another statement about retiring from music? She's been going about that since 2012 before Paradise, came back to it after the Paradise outtakes leaked, she wrote Swan Song, and has since the Honeymoon era made claims about touring just enough, and releasing just enough albums, and not promoting that much to be left alone little by little... (I think she's just waiting to start a family so she can retire)
    And now that I've gone scorched earth I'm left wondering where to go from here.   What is surprising is that I believe she's touching on suicide(Stay on your path, don't fall away like the others) for the first time since her "I wish I was dead already" thing haha, ever since Get Free, Change and Heroin she proclaimed to be wanting to be a better different version of herself. In NFR (album) we see her claiming to be stronger than ever (see Mariner's Apartment Complex) and she concludes in Hope Is A Dangerous Thing For A Woman Like Me To Have to not being happy and yet not being sad either, just as in this poem "Bored - but not unhappy" And she is once more relating herself to Sylvia Plath   "24/7 Sylvia Plath" - "Stay on your path Sylvia Plath"   I'm glad she's doing better now, I wished she didn't identify herself as a tragic poet tho    (Also, what do you guys think are the lies she's referencing to here   "But alas this is a real life - and it's been a real fight just to Keep my mind from committing treason. Why you ask? Because she told the towns people I was crazy and the lies they Started to believe them"   And when Lana says it's being hard to not commit treason isn't killing someone (the she that spread the lies) or herself, committing treason would have been to accept the lies that were spread about her, and giving up on music and disappearing from the spotlight. She chose to keep releasing songs, to prove she was a real artist and that her creations were art. And yet after all that, there's nothing left to do, where to go from here? I think it's really the theme of the poem
  15. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by HighbytheSea in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    When you first panic cus Land of 1000 Fires sounds so much lower quality, then that production kicks in and you realize we're in her cauldron. I smiled that whole poem. Lo-fi spell
  16. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in LA Who Am I To Love You   
    “LA, who am I to need you when I have needed so much, asked for so much, but what I have been given, I'm not sure yet
    I may never know that either until I'm dead“
    Been thinking about this part. So many people come to LA expecting magic to happen. The thing is you make your own luck in LA. So many people move to LA thinking the city will solve all their personal problems that they bring with them. Lana says that she won’t know her true legacy until she is dead. No artist ever finds out their true legacy because your legacy isn’t written when your alive. So this is very powerful.
  17. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by MargaretThatcher in "Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass" Spoken Word Poetry Album - Pre-Release Thread   
    The NY Post is a right-wing Donald Trump loving rag. Back in the day it was a good paper until Rupert Murdoch bought it.
  18. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by Liz Taylor Blues in LA Who Am I To Love You   
    I get the feeling from this )speculation: take with a grain of salt) that she lacks the maternal love in her life , that through being nurtured and cared for, you take with you everywhere you go even after they pass. Lana says she's never had that, and I believe her. That makes it harder to feel at home no matter which mansion you buy. Unless you heal your emotions around that wound you take that feeling of unwelcome everywhere
  19. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by Elle in LA Who Am I To Love You   
    Also, one more thing. This picture she posted on her instagram with the caption "LA Who am I to Love You" perfectly captures this poem. I know her book will include some of her original photography, but I wonder if this picture may be included as well to supplement this poem. I wonder if this picture was taken around the time she wrote the poem.
    Also, when she first posted a picture from this day in 2018 with Ben, the caption was "LA-->SAN FRAN" 
    "I'm lonely, LA, can I come home now?
    I left my city for San Francisco
    And I'm writing from the Golden Gate Bridge
    But it's not going as I planned
    I took a freeride off a billionaire('s jet) and brought my typewriter and promised myself that I would stay but
    It's just not going the way that I thought"
    'LA who am I to love u'

    'LA-->SAN FRAN'

  20. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in LA Who Am I To Love You   
    I think it's 'sax' - she says "I sold my life rights for a big cheque" which (if autobiographical) would be selling out her music for the image of Lana del Rey.
    Terrance Loves You (and other parts of Honeymoon like Art Deco) has saxophone paired with the line "But I've still got jazz when I've got the blues", maybe signifying that she takes refuge in her love of music (particularly jazz which is so prominent in New York, of which sax is a staple). So by selling her namesake, she now 'can't sleep at night' because she knows fame will end eventually and she can't be wholly authentic anymore.
    Also, sax then comes in and plays in the next poem she reads. 
    Obviously as I just said I'm not sure if we can take anything as actually her life and we can just wait for the book sooo n e wayyy
  21. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    A sexy, dark track with guitar and heavy beats
    A sexy, dark track with guitar and heavy beats
    A sexy, dark track with guitar and heavy beats
    A sexy, dark track with guitar and heavy beats
    A sexy, dark track with guitar and heavy beats
    Let's pray for that :pray2: :pray: :pray2: :pray: :pray2:
  22. aGlassShipThatCanFly liked a post in a topic by Psychedelic Pussy in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    oh lord above we ask thee, bless us with an album that has no country songs! Amen
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