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  1. Bluelake liked a post in a topic by sukiedelrey in You & Me   
    I think this song is easily the most beautiful thing she's ever done. Lyrically it's just so vivid and yet hazy, like a half-forgotten Polaroid. And the production is so simple, and yet so powerful. Not to mention the trip-hop influences. Just....wow. Songs like this are why I fell for Lana in the first place.
  2. finalgirl liked a post in a topic by sukiedelrey in Create an Unreleased Lana Album/Playlist   
    1) You and Me
    2) You and Me
    3) You and Me
    4) You and Me
    5) You and Me
    6) You and Me
    7) You and Me
    8) You and Me
    9) You and Me
    Bonus track: sorrynotsorry
    That song should have been on BTD. It is perfection in every sense, sheer genius in its production, stunning in its vocals--just the swelling orchestra and the wails and undgwkhjdhdka I want to marry it sonically, visually, thematically and musically. It needs to be released and seriously I would sell my soul to hear it live. 
  3. LilyBrik liked a post in a topic by sukiedelrey in West Coast   
    second of all "cubano como yo" means "Cuban like me".......is this white girl claiming to be Cuban now or??? Maybe she spiritually identifies with the Cuban people idk I can't wait for all the cultural appropriation rants on tumblr 
  4. princessdollie liked a post in a topic by sukiedelrey in New Awkward Interview after Coachella   
    She's so cute tho! And of course the iconic "I know a lot of things but I don't know about that" ...using this on all my exam essays tbh
  5. Florida Dark liked a post in a topic by sukiedelrey in You & Me   
    I think this song is easily the most beautiful thing she's ever done. Lyrically it's just so vivid and yet hazy, like a half-forgotten Polaroid. And the production is so simple, and yet so powerful. Not to mention the trip-hop influences. Just....wow. Songs like this are why I fell for Lana in the first place.
  6. urgirl liked a post in a topic by sukiedelrey in You & Me   
    I think this song is easily the most beautiful thing she's ever done. Lyrically it's just so vivid and yet hazy, like a half-forgotten Polaroid. And the production is so simple, and yet so powerful. Not to mention the trip-hop influences. Just....wow. Songs like this are why I fell for Lana in the first place.
  7. HollywoodHills liked a post in a topic by sukiedelrey in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I think it's a tenuous thing to diagnose a person from afar, but I think Lana definitely has some problems that are coming across in this interview. I've had a lifelong problem with depression and various chemical substances, but I can only imagine being barely recovered and then having this barrage of hate and scrutiny directed at you. It would be enough to change anyone for the worse. Personally I'm not offended by her mood, seeing as I have social anxiety myself and can come across as angry and awkward and aloof, but rather by what she's saying--essentially ignorant elitism and just pure bullshit.
    My main point is, I feel like if you have a degree in something, you should be able to talk about it. If she spent four whole years studying philosophy, I feel like she should be able to better articulate its ideas and seem aware/passionate/interested in questions regarding it. Her quotes about religion/philosophy seem underdeveloped at best and immature and misunderstanding at worst. She seems to fumble in talking about the topics  that supposedly influenced her growing up and music so much--nihilism, hedonism, free will, spirituality, fate--which should be very intimate and familiar to her. Remember that cringe-worthy interview where she defined metaphysics as "mathematically proving the reality of god"?? Maybe she was too high on ~methamphetamines~ through college to pay attention to the thing she was majoring in.
    It's certainly a difficult thing to reconcile the stupidly hateful Lana in recent interviews with the Lana who kisses her crying fans and the Lana who wrote the sheer brilliance that is "You and Me." I suppose that's the real topic of philosophy here: human nature, having so many facets and quirks and flaws and rapid changes. Lana's only human--but a different person to everyone she meets, apparently.
  8. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by WildMustang in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Even lizzy grant had more iconic looks
  9. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by UltraviolenceMike in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Honestly, I've fallen back in love with 'Love' bc of all the news and excitement, do you guys still think it's possible for her to release a radio mix? Can you imagine that? I've been thinking about how popular it could be if the beat was reworked or a little more uptempo, like maybe they changed the progression of the drums, and not that popularity matters it's just I feel like everyone needs to hear this song right now Lmao
  10. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Chris Cuomo in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Not expecting btd level promo but it would be nice if she were to actually show some pride in her work and promote- running the late night mill, doing interviews, photoshoots, etc.,
    Her image is half her appeal and what drew so many of us in...now she does nothing to support it, as a fan it leaves you feeling kinda shafted. I dnt even care about sales, it's just the experience as a fan.. Hopefully this album will be another uv and speak for itself...
  11. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Flipflopfan in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    The fact that she has low numbers in the UK doesn't surprises me anymore, she neglected that market
    But realistically can we expect big numbers after UV and HM and the way she promoted her music? She has 10 mil. views for Love on youtube in 3 days which is great. Will she have 100 mil. in a month? No. First, Lana doesn't have a broad appeal, she never had it btw, and secondly she doesn't do any heavy promo (tv+radio). The song is good but rarely a song becomes a hit without heavy involvement from the artist.
    I don't see yet any particular promotional  strategy in this era. The only realistic strategy in my opinion is to win back some of the people who bought BTD but even that is very difficult for many reasons I will not dwell on here. It doesn't help that her management seems more focused on that Dua singer. 
    A more pop sound is not necessarily equivalent with commercial success (Carly) and trash. Depression is hard to pull of artistically and frankly can become boring and meaningless after some time. A more pop Lana is a more energized and optimistic Lana to me which has something else to say besides self-loathing.
    So forget the charts and enjoy the music and videos
  12. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Lana Shopping in Melrose Avenue - February 6, 2017   
    Holy shït it's the first time she has appropriate shoes since 2012. She looks gorgeous and so stylish
  13. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by lmdr in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I can feel this album will be Honeymoon 2.0 - bye
  14. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by SlowGinFizzzz in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I kinda feel bad for Rick Nowels, like I don't think it's only his fault that Honeymoon sounds the way it sounds. Kieron Menzies and Lana herself were producers as well and I can imagine that Lana wanted this minimal production.
    Anyway, am I the only one who has a hard time trying to get hyped for this album? I love Lana, but I'm not here for "uninspired", "lazy", "weak" (production-wise) songs? I want exciting songs like Born To Die, Blue Jeans, Off To The Races, Ride, Gods & Monsters and most of Ultraviolence. But at least the video seems to be beautiful, I mean, that's something. 
    @@Eclipse, do you know who produced the lead single and the title track? We know Justin Parker, Rick Nowels and Emile Haynie worked on this album, right?
  15. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    if we end up getting bored, uninspired songs like i can fly and big eyes production- and lyricswise, ugh....i'm gonna be so pissed.
  16. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Coney Island King in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    I give zero fucks about a political album.
    I want lip injections, dead eyes and hair extensions tbh.
  17. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Bootynugget in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    When I first started stanning Lana, back in the late-BTD days, I associated her music a lot with her look and it’s harder thinking about how she probably won’t go back to the beauty queen hair and paradise tour outfits than thinking about how I won’t get a BTD 2.0. I think it’s just the entirety of that era that makes me not appreciate Ultraviolence and Honeymoon as much as everyone else. It was perfect for me but I understand how other people would connect the way I do to this album to the others.
    But anyways, I’m a BTD stan but very unproblematic about it.
  18. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    i feel like she is gettin a lot of positive feedback from the weeknd tracks. she should def tease something, like right now, actually...
  19. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by SarcasticBeauty in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    If her new album sounds like her Stargirl Interlude from The Weeknd's album it'll be a great album. I like the sounds and the beat.
  20. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by Say Yes to Heaven in Interview: The Weeknd on working relationship with Lana Del Rey & Stargirl   
    I would have no problems if they announced they were dating
  21. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by SarcasticBeauty in Lana to be featured on The Weeknd's track "Stargirl"   
    I think so too. It reminds me of BTD also. Idk why. But it does.
  22. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by mrborntolose in Lana to be featured on The Weeknd's track "Stargirl"   
    It's crazy to think they could've wrote her one more verse and then put the weeknds part in and then ended the song with more "I shouldn't cry but I love it." It could've been a solid 3 minute interlude. It sucks that right when you're feeling it it just fades away like it never happened
  23. sukiedelrey liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread   
    and the songs we have heard so far are all great. This makes me think of what a wasted opportunity HM was. If she only went with better single choices and more engaging visuals, it could have done so much better.
    And bitch better bring Abel on her new album. Idk what's stopping her
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