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  1. Venice liked a post in a topic by pin up galore in Instagram Updates   
    the way her lashes really just completely change her look
  2. Chemtrail liked a post in a topic by Venice in Instagram Updates   
    Ruining a mood? What's up with you... Distracted driving via a cellphone like that is both illegal and terrible, and when someone does it and people bring up how it's killed their loved ones, it's apparently ruining the mood? 
    I love Lana, she's gorgeous and talented and my absolute favourite, but there is always room for discussion because she's only human too.
  3. Beautiful Loser liked a post in a topic by Venice in Instagram Updates   
    Ruining a mood? What's up with you... Distracted driving via a cellphone like that is both illegal and terrible, and when someone does it and people bring up how it's killed their loved ones, it's apparently ruining the mood? 
    I love Lana, she's gorgeous and talented and my absolute favourite, but there is always room for discussion because she's only human too.
  4. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by Venice in Instagram Updates   
    Ruining a mood? What's up with you... Distracted driving via a cellphone like that is both illegal and terrible, and when someone does it and people bring up how it's killed their loved ones, it's apparently ruining the mood? 
    I love Lana, she's gorgeous and talented and my absolute favourite, but there is always room for discussion because she's only human too.
  5. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Venice in Instagram Updates   
    Ruining a mood? What's up with you... Distracted driving via a cellphone like that is both illegal and terrible, and when someone does it and people bring up how it's killed their loved ones, it's apparently ruining the mood? 
    I love Lana, she's gorgeous and talented and my absolute favourite, but there is always room for discussion because she's only human too.
  6. Rorman Nockwell liked a post in a topic by Venice in Instagram Updates   
    Ruining a mood? What's up with you... Distracted driving via a cellphone like that is both illegal and terrible, and when someone does it and people bring up how it's killed their loved ones, it's apparently ruining the mood? 
    I love Lana, she's gorgeous and talented and my absolute favourite, but there is always room for discussion because she's only human too.
  7. Venice liked a post in a topic by heroindealer in Instagram Updates   
    her fake lasher are really making a comeback, she’s deffo onto sumn 
  8. Venice liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Instagram Updates   
    Oh to be an ignorant person with a 'lol who cares sis" mindset.
    The reality of driving accidents and deaths far outweighs Miss Lana's Instagram aesthetics for you to eat up. 
  9. Lemonade Tears liked a post in a topic by Venice in Instagram Updates   
    Ruining a mood? What's up with you... Distracted driving via a cellphone like that is both illegal and terrible, and when someone does it and people bring up how it's killed their loved ones, it's apparently ruining the mood? 
    I love Lana, she's gorgeous and talented and my absolute favourite, but there is always room for discussion because she's only human too.
  10. Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by Venice in Instagram Updates   
    Ruining a mood? What's up with you... Distracted driving via a cellphone like that is both illegal and terrible, and when someone does it and people bring up how it's killed their loved ones, it's apparently ruining the mood? 
    I love Lana, she's gorgeous and talented and my absolute favourite, but there is always room for discussion because she's only human too.
  11. plastiscguy liked a post in a topic by Venice in Instagram Updates   
    Ruining a mood? What's up with you... Distracted driving via a cellphone like that is both illegal and terrible, and when someone does it and people bring up how it's killed their loved ones, it's apparently ruining the mood? 
    I love Lana, she's gorgeous and talented and my absolute favourite, but there is always room for discussion because she's only human too.
  12. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by Venice in Instagram Updates   
    Ruining a mood? What's up with you... Distracted driving via a cellphone like that is both illegal and terrible, and when someone does it and people bring up how it's killed their loved ones, it's apparently ruining the mood? 
    I love Lana, she's gorgeous and talented and my absolute favourite, but there is always room for discussion because she's only human too.
  13. Slumdog liked a post in a topic by Venice in Instagram Updates   
    Ruining a mood? What's up with you... Distracted driving via a cellphone like that is both illegal and terrible, and when someone does it and people bring up how it's killed their loved ones, it's apparently ruining the mood? 
    I love Lana, she's gorgeous and talented and my absolute favourite, but there is always room for discussion because she's only human too.
  14. Venice liked a post in a topic by lamms in Instagram Updates   
    Sometimes I hope she gets caught, just so she learns her lesson. I really hate it, when people don't focus on driving. You can be lucky 100 times, but that one time you're not can ruin/end your and others' lives.
  15. Venice liked a post in a topic by Ryusei in Instagram Updates   
    the way she gave me a heart attack just for it to be yet another driving insta story... at least she had her seatbelt on this time I guess
  16. Venice liked a post in a topic by Slumdog in Instagram Updates   
    It gets on my nerves when she does this as if it were cool. My friend's entire family, including two little kids, got killed by an irresponsible driver 
  17. californianfreak liked a post in a topic by Venice in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Reminds me how much of a classic BTD is - on the Billboard 200 for almost 6 years in total now.
  18. Blue Ink liked a post in a topic by Venice in TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021   
    Reminds me how much of a classic BTD is - on the Billboard 200 for almost 6 years in total now.
  19. Venice liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Lana with a fan in Downtown Los Angeles, CA - June 14, 2020   
    For god sake she's just 35. 
    She's still very very young. 
  20. Venice liked a post in a topic by softcore babyface in Lana with a fan in Downtown Los Angeles, CA - June 14, 2020   
    The sun and smoking and drugs and booze are a few of the things that make life worth living
  21. Venice liked a post in a topic by Shades in Lana with a fan in Downtown Los Angeles, CA - June 14, 2020   
    the fact that she used to look like this i-

  22. Venice liked a post in a topic by M J in Lana with a fan in Downtown Los Angeles, CA - June 14, 2020   
    Lana pls go back to darker hair
  23. Venice liked a post in a topic by WilshireBoulevard in Lana with a fan in Downtown Los Angeles, CA - June 14, 2020   
    Yep. Agreed. And always with adding whether they, personally, are attracted to her or not. And using that as measuring stick for how she looks. Like I promise that she doesn't care whether someone on lanaboards personally finds her attractive lmao
  24. Venice liked a post in a topic by irvnex in Lana with a fan in Downtown Los Angeles, CA - June 14, 2020   
    Not to sound dramatic, but this last year, there hasn't been a day when a new lana photo has come out, when I haven't seen someone trashing her appearance. Ofc we can talk about her, but as a woman I feel truly disgusted to have to see mostly men, calling her "fat" (for ex), when she is clearly thin, normal, even tonified... "old" when she is 34, i mean she is literally young? of course surgery changes your appearance, yeah her face is not exactly the same, or maybe she looks a "little less perfect than she was" (i don't really know how to word this in the most respectful way), but anyways, I can't really understand why people is so obsessed with her looks, even her own fans. She's not gonna look 25 again, get over it. I'm sick of seeing people on twitter attacking her every time a new picture comes out, last week there were people literally making viral tweets where everyone laughed at her face and her appearance or how bad she aged, twitter is a mess, they constantly judge her weight, age and every little thing, and no, I'm not overreacting, maybe a man will never understand the pressure we women are under the standards of beauty, if lana gets criticized every day for her appearance, what will they do with any girl who is not famous, rich or perfect? Not to mention the "fans" who make fun of her every day, of course we can make jokes, but honestly if I had to see how the people who supposedly support me make fun of me and my appearance constantly..... To talk about a look, a hair color or anything else in a respectful way is acceptable, to be a grown man sitting behind a mobile screen criticizing a woman's appearance, no. it's just misogynist, and yes, there are women who drag her too, but 8 out of 10 people I see criticizing her are men, acting like they have some right to make harmful comments about a woman's body or face on a daily basis. I think it's time to stop, honestly. Sorry if I wrote too much, just my thoughts.
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