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  1. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in LDR9 Speculation & Discussion Thread   
    the bombastic line always has me laughing so fucking hard
  2. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I can't with some of you, unstan if you hate Marina and her "bare minimum" shit.
    Y'all really sucked the lemon dry and are left with only bitterness on this depressing af thread. Bye.
  3. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Charli XCX   
    the crown: 
  4. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Britney Spears   
    Big Fat Bass has aged like WINE... I don't remember loving this one so much omg. I'm revisiting Femme Fatale today. I've been working my way through one album a day this week while cleaning up the house, starting with my favorites. Femme Fatale has aged really well in my opinion. I actually think I'm liking it more than I did upon release. All of my faves are still immaculate but I was sleeping on a few of the ones I never listened to that much.. Trouble for Me is still trash but that's actually it. 
  5. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Hundred Dollar Bill in Kreayshawn   
    I miss her
  6. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Instagram Updates   
    That grass looks amazing
    Every blade is fascinating and whoever mowed it did such a great job
    Also it's the exact shade of green that I like
    Can't get enough of the grass
    Really hoping for more grass in future posts
    Maybe that same grass at dusk?
  7. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Alison by Slowdive in Elon Musk's Ongoing Bid to Buy Twitter   
    everyday it gets more dystopian 
  8. 320kbps liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK   
    Hi. This thread is historical now and is continually being bumped despite no actual updates. 
    @lflflflflflflflflflf (whose name I always read in my head as lustforlifeforlifeforlifeforlife etc) has vanished from all social channels, and has not posted on Lanaboards since 2018, and has not been active since 2019. You can read how this whole debacle went down from Page One onwards. 
    If you are curious what happened here, you are welcome to review the whole thread, but I am locking it as we do not need to occasionally have a post where people ask 'What happened?!' or 'Remember when this happened'. This was essentially petty theft and I think it's poor form to continually having it brought up.
    If you have any other questions please message. Thanks. 
  9. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Party Favor in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK   
    the lanaboards member urge to revive this thread for no fucking reason 
  10. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Wryta Thinkpiece in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK   
    The amount of money put into this project converts to nearly 7.5k in USD.

    You know what I would give to have had even a small fraction of that $7.5k when my cat was dying of cancer and I was barely scraping up enough money just to afford consultation appointments to find out what was wrong with her so I could have ended her suffering sooner?
    You know what I would give to have had a fraction of that money just to have helped family members of mine afford treatments to help ease their agony and get them comfortable while they endured terminal illness?
    And yet I have to see someone use that much money (that wasn't even theirs to use to begin with,) to pay off a Mac computer and a Netflix subscription, among other luxuries, and chalk up such irresponsible financial decisions as "essential to human existence." I think everyone continued to lead quality lives just fine without DVDs being shipped to their houses in 1998 and their favorite shows being streamed directly to their devices since 2007.
    I thought the case of Ethan Couch would have been the first and last time I had to hear about the poppycock diagnosis of "affluenza"; clearly it is contagious and exists in various strains.
    You know what I did when my Spotify Premium subscription was up and I couldn't afford to pay another month? I didn't renew it.
    You know what I did when my PlayStation Plus subscription was up and I couldn't afford to pay for another month? I didn't renew it.
    You know what I did when I quit my job in November under the false pretense that I had another job lined up, and couldn't afford Christmas gifts because I was unemployed? I didn't spend money I didn't have, and I told everyone not to worry about me for Christmas.

    I especially did not use money given by people, who were customers expecting a product to be developed and distributed to them as promised, to pay off debts I racked up under my own accord.

    As someone who suffers from depression, anxiety, and OCD, that open letter was absolutely cringeworthy to read, because I saw more investment in elaborate and outrageous excuses to justify irresponsibility, practically begging readers to say "Oh, I TOTALLY get that," than I saw investment in assuming full responsibility and remorse for letting one's personal issues cloud their judgment.

    As the son of a business owner, and as a partner of a creative business, that open letter was absolutely cringeworthy to read, because under zero circumstances do you touch a single red cent of your customers' monies before you provide them absolutely 100% of your services. You do not touch a single red cent of your customers' monies before you provide them the quality product they paid for.

    Putting the copyright legalities of the lyrics alone aside, as far as the use of pictures go, that money could have been used to pay artists to replicate photos or even contribute their own art for the project. I can already tag a handful of members on this forum who are talented and aspiring artists/graphic designers, and would have loved to contribute to this project for a small fee, or even for free, had they been asked or offered the opportunity.

    He says he intends to refund everyone, but I have to chuckle at the advertising of snapbacks, as though his reputation as a seller has not been compromised in the slightest, and anyone who already lost money investing in the book, would be inclined to confidently put another dime into his business. Bite the bullet, try harder to find work, and actually earn the money that is going to be used to pay everyone back.

    Even then, let's say that he gets a job where he is paid $9/hr. or better, and intends to put $200 aside out of each paycheck to pay off the debt his shenanigans caused him. If he is paid bi-weekly, he is only seeing a paycheck 26/52 weeks a year, which means that it would take him at least a year just to pay off $5.2k of what he owes everyone, adding on another 11.5 weeks to pay off the remaining $2.3k or so, if I am doing my math right.

    With that kind of time-frame, I'd love to see how well he commits to this lofty attempt at redemption and compensation, as nice as the ideal sounds when you are looking at it through rose-colored glasses. It sounds like there is an overwhelming amount of customers to keep track of, and I'd be concerned that, eventually, he would lose track, and either forget people, or accidentally give people double or triple the amount they are owed.

    I certainly hope he figures it out as soon as he puts his life, his values and his priorities in perspective, and I certainly hope everyone who invested in this failed project gets their money back, one way or another; and if the above theory is the most likely approach to each customer seeing their refund, they start thinking about if they are willing to wait that long, or intend to take other measures to get the refund they deserve. PayPal only handles claims within 180 days of the transaction so I wouldn't expect them to willingly rush to everyone's aid.

    I also hope that the moderators have been considering how to possibly handle future situations like this, should another member attempt to use their fellow peers and their love for an artist to gain profit, and fail to carry out their obligation as a vendor/seller with the utmost integrity and consideration; and so it is not misunderstood (as I love and respect each of the mods here,) I am not saying "I hope" as a passive-aggressive jab. I am saying it as a genuine inquiry because as a fellow member here, the integrity of our community is just as important to me as I know it is to everyone else, no matter who was involved in this.

    Underneath the layers of excuses and awkward attempts to persuade everyone into pity and understanding, this was still a scam like any other. Regardless of whether or not anyone involved could have used better judgment than to invest in a product, that didn't even at least make it past the prototype phase, friends and peers were manipulated by a member of our community, with whom they had entrusted a monetary investment. It is just as much of a display of poor character as it is when members here spread false rumors of unreleased music to garner attention, and not for the sake of a laugh or to make a point. We've had good members who have been banned for less and never got to explain themselves.

    Good luck, guys.
  11. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by lmdr in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK   
    GoFund a lawyer now
  12. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in [Pre-order] Lana Del Rey Lyrics Anthology BOOK   
    I'm a real messy bitch- a liar, a scammer. I love robbery AND fraud
  13. Sugar Venom liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in LanaBoards 2.0 Suggestions   
    New threads on masse have not been a problem until recently, but we have noticed certain users creating excessive topics which generate very small discussion or might be percevied as adding little value. We will review and update accordingly. Thanks! 
  14. Fingertips liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in LanaBoards 2.0 Suggestions   
    New threads on masse have not been a problem until recently, but we have noticed certain users creating excessive topics which generate very small discussion or might be percevied as adding little value. We will review and update accordingly. Thanks! 
  15. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Phoebe Bridgers   
    Punisher has stuck with me. I’m really digging Phoebe this year. 
  16. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by knives in Phoebe Bridgers   
    fell in love with phoebe thru punisher. she deserves much more praise. thanks for making this thread!
  17. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Phoebe Bridgers   
    punisher is so beautiful, thanks for making this thread !
  18. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in Phoebe Bridgers   
  19. boom like that liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in LanaBoards 2.0 Suggestions   
    New threads on masse have not been a problem until recently, but we have noticed certain users creating excessive topics which generate very small discussion or might be percevied as adding little value. We will review and update accordingly. Thanks! 
  20. FineChaiNa liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in LanaBoards 2.0 Suggestions   
    New threads on masse have not been a problem until recently, but we have noticed certain users creating excessive topics which generate very small discussion or might be percevied as adding little value. We will review and update accordingly. Thanks! 
  21. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by BartenderDeco in LanaBoards 2.0 Suggestions   
    but what if like a new song leaks or lana announces a new song and no mods are active 
  22. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by kallumlavigne in Album Artwork Mostly Lana.   
    Buddy's Rendezvous 

  23. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by shadesofloveduthenandnow in Among Us   
    I love the popular game Among Us
  24. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Florence + The Machine   
    Everyone's gonna get mad and idgaf.
    Jack Antonoff is, as usual, trying to do way too much and it just sounds all muffled and substandard. Less is more, and it's a concept he doesn't understand.
    He might be able to play 112 different instruments but that doesn't mean you try to put 72 of them into one song as some sort of personal challenge. The obligatory random sound is in there, too (a helicopter @ 2:40). His production is almost tiring to listen to because there is just so much going on at once and you cannot clearly identify any one component (except a violin which seems to be his current obsession)
    He's annoying and BAD and needs to leave Florence, Lana, and other talented women ALOEN.
  25. takeitdoen liked a post in a topic by ultrabanisters in Florence + The Machine   
    saw florence live last night and it was a spiritual out of body experience  she was incredible
    also free is amazing like this woman does NOT miss 
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