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About longtimeman

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    It would have been dramatic.

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  1. Firstly, I know nobody cares about my opinion. But, on first listen, this is really enjoyable, but I'm confused who else is liking this. I mean, when pop artists go 'back to the 80s', it usually doesn't mean back to the cassette culture of 1981, where labels like Industrial, Come Organisation and United Dairies would put out random craziness from bands with names like Whitehouse and Nurse With Wound. That is some of my favourite music in the world, but I still get confused when it briefly crosses over. I'm always happy when the dingiest darkest music gets more ears (unironically) listening. Maybe next will be a cover of '150 Murderous Passions'?
  2. A certain person here did the same sort of 'in you face' thing to Lana a while back too, so we're not immune from it.
  3. Be fair - it must be awful to be in a prison somewhere where the guards force you to listen to music you hate, and post on a forum dedicated to those artists.
  4. I just tapped on the comments on the first twitter post I saw showing this post (I think it was Pop crave or something like that). I know I shouldn't read the comments, but sometimes life is boring.
  5. In case you are wondering how deeply online some people are, there is a group of Taylor fans that are on Twitter etc claiming this post is 'Taylor Shade' because there's some obscure thing going on about Taylor not using spice or not using the right spices or something, as though Lana walks around the supermarket thinking about Taylor
  6. There is nobody funnier in the world of music.
  7. Pole dancing to Candy Necklace at Coachella.
  8. It could be, but also, he's my age, so like me, bands like Mazzy Star and Nirvana were huge when he was in late high school/early post-school years, and it's just as likely he's just been listening to them since then.
  9. 'Dolly's Interlude' cracked me up, because if you've heard her Rock covers album, you'd know nobody does awkward, fake 'ad-libbing' quite as terribly and charmingly as Dolly. The thought of something like that existing with Dolly and Lana is just too much
  10. Home from work, and I'm getting excited. We've already had the cancelled record, so I'm confident this is for real (even if the date slightly changes). And I know why people care about the artwork, but in my life experience, iconic records make iconic covers, not the other way around.
  11. Not in a million years. There are about twenty artists that the record industry relies on entirely for money from sales of physical items, and Lana is towards the top of that list.
  12. I love that I thought 'I've got to leave for work in five minutes - let's just quickly check lanaboards for a sec ..'
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