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HeadBitch liked a post in a topic by FLA to the Moon in Mark Dice, conspiracy theorist, attacks Lana as Illuminati puppet
So I know this is giving him attention...Mark Dice is a conspiracy theorist, along the lines of Alex Jones, who gets on edge over radical issues such as politicians really being reptillians out to enslave us for all eternity & takes the typical Obama-is-the-worst-president-of-all-time-and-has-destroyed-America stance. As you may see from these tweets below, he is bullshitting his reputation away, but Lana fans have nonetheless attacked him back by threatening to kill him and wish the ebola virus on him. And yes, he also attacked Ke$ha for trying to turn her life around for the better. I wish there were a way to convince him that Lana is smarter than most stars and that she's been through much more accusations & (what he'd call "monarch programming") than most. I have personally seen his videos prior to this incident & I used to buy into these things. Any involvement with conspiracy theories is a descent into madness though. No doubt, I'm pissed off too, & as much as he has his right to diss Lana, he should have known better. Therefore, I tweeted him about Lana's metaphysics degree & about the namecalling, respectfully telling him to leave Lana alone & focus on issues like Hamas or support Malala's quest for women's education. He lives in my city and he has a few hundred thousand Youtube views on his channel where he interviews poor people about Republican sentiments on my city's pier. These people are depressing and their quest is self-defeating. If anything, he is probably the reason why Lana hasn't come to my city, San Diego, & here is why:
FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by theeternalstars in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
dis hoe really out here releasing vinyl colours like infinity stones jsksjsjsjs
FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by bored in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
Born To Die LP has a paper insert with photo one side, lyrics on the other side - discs in white paper sleeves.
Paradise LP has a paper insert with logo one side, lyrics on the other side - disc in white paper sleeve.
Ultraviolence LP has no insert, just the discs in sleeves - credits printed onto the sleeves.
Honeymoon LP has a photo booklet (album booklet enlarged to LP size) - photos from the shoot printed onto the sleeves.
Lust For Life LP has no insert, just the discs in sleeves - credits printed onto the sleeves.
Born To Die: The Paradise Edition LP - has the same as the Paradise LP, housed in a slipcase with foil lettering (Born To Die LP not included however)
Honeymoon is her best LP in terms of packaging.
FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by TrashMagiq in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
i love how after all this vinyl color discussion there ended up being 5 vinyl colors.
FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
get those A's hunty !! make Norman proud
FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by War In My Mind in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
lol idk if you got your answer but I called my UO and they said that most stores get shipped at least one if not two copies to have for release day, with more coming the following weeks.
FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by xxmissdaytonaxx in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
have fun!! i saw them in july at philly in the nosebleeds but it’s a once in a lifetime experience no matter where you sit!!! -
xxmissdaytonaxx liked a post in a topic by FLA to the Moon in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
I've got two questions about the Urban Outfitters release. I figure y'all probably have definitive answers on this:
Are there gonna be listening parties for the new album in the store? Or did that get stopped because of all the early Honeymoon leaks? Do you think they'll have physical copies in the UO stores next weekend? I'm going down to Miami for the end of the Rolling Stones's tour on the 31st (gonna be up by the nosebleeds, can't wait to see them any longer!) If there will be, I'll just stop at 1 of the stores down there. Plus, my university & UO gave us a 25% off anything that's on their website -
ArtDecoDelRey liked a post in a topic by FLA to the Moon in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
I've got two questions about the Urban Outfitters release. I figure y'all probably have definitive answers on this:
Are there gonna be listening parties for the new album in the store? Or did that get stopped because of all the early Honeymoon leaks? Do you think they'll have physical copies in the UO stores next weekend? I'm going down to Miami for the end of the Rolling Stones's tour on the 31st (gonna be up by the nosebleeds, can't wait to see them any longer!) If there will be, I'll just stop at 1 of the stores down there. Plus, my university & UO gave us a 25% off anything that's on their website -
American Whore liked a post in a topic by FLA to the Moon in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
I've got two questions about the Urban Outfitters release. I figure y'all probably have definitive answers on this:
Are there gonna be listening parties for the new album in the store? Or did that get stopped because of all the early Honeymoon leaks? Do you think they'll have physical copies in the UO stores next weekend? I'm going down to Miami for the end of the Rolling Stones's tour on the 31st (gonna be up by the nosebleeds, can't wait to see them any longer!) If there will be, I'll just stop at 1 of the stores down there. Plus, my university & UO gave us a 25% off anything that's on their website -
FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
This has been thee best summer advent calnendar we've had in a while ladies n gays, 7 FUCKIN DAYSZS
FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by Cacciatore in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
105k from an artist that has done close to no promo and does the kind of music lana does is not a flop at all.
FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by UltraHeroin in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
Searched magnum opus in the dictionary and it says "=Norman fucking Rockwell" woah wtf, the dictionary people know what's up, they're fast
FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by ChicaCherryCola in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
UK store. Queen of giveaways.
FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by Ultradealerence in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
Love it I fuck you
FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by ArtDecoDelRey in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
Yess publications pull through
FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by BethDufreneOnTheBayouByYou in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
Fuck it I love you -
UltraHeroin liked a post in a topic by FLA to the Moon in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
I'm feeling so blessed this Thursday with the double music video/song release + The 1975's "People". I didn't listen to the whole songs up until now, & I'm really glad I waited.
tl;dr: I think this is my favorite pair of music videos from anybody, including Lana. These 2 songs & music videos connect A LOT of past (Lana) references.
Fuck It, I Love You:
The whole music video is serving nods to the "Ride", "High by the Beach" & "White Mustang" music videos - Ride with her being in the bar, HBTB with her being on the beach, & White Mustang with the weird kitschy retro-futuristic stuff going on. The oil rigs from the end of the NFR trailer make more sense being in the vid. She started the song by specifically singing about Long Beach - there's old photos of oil rigs, lined up parallel to the ocean during the 1920s, along Long Beach & the L.A area. The extra shots with the surfer bodybuilder guy were funny. Lana SHAKING HER ASS, she just keeps showing off how sexy she is! Also, it reminded me of the "shaking my ass" line from hope...though I know she was just having fun onset. I need to learn how to surf again. California is indeed a state of mind - I can attest to it, living in Florida (but being born & raised in San Diego). Anyone else catch the reference to the Mama Cass song "Dream A Little Dream Of Me"? The Greatest:
Again, the oil rigs & shipping facility setting makes more sense. Lana's been adding in more (pseudo-)political remarks in her songs since L4L. I'm glad she referenced former Beach Boys member Dennis Wilson & his only solo album, "Pacific Ocean Blue". It's a long classic that is probably an inspiration for the whole album. The transition portion in between the 2 songs could've been filmed in San Diego, given how much ship/Navy stuff there is down there. The bar, too. But I know that the parts where she's in front of the bridge, with the word "Terminals" on it, is in LA. Possible reference I caught: So, there's another scene in the transition part of the 2 music videos, where it's just bubbles under the ocean & the camera's going down. Later on, Lana is on a high bridge (the one with "Terminals" across it) & scaffolds. If anybody is familiar with The Monkees, their movie "HEAD" starts off with 1 of The Monkees running across (what could be) this same bridge! And then he jumps into the water, and we see the camera descending under the ocean to a bunch of groovy stuff. You can see for yourself here: https://youtu.be/Q4nT-5DyjX0?t=143 She really called out Kanye for making that Instagram post (about abolishing the 14th Amendment, wearing a MAGA hat) again What's even crazier is that Trump is considering attempts to repeal the 14th amendment...the one that guarantees birthright citizenship https://www.salon.com/2019/08/22/trump-again-says-he-is-seriously-considering-ending-birthright-citizenship-despite-14th-amendment/ -
FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by plastiscguy in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
Guess I'm horny after all...
FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by necessary sacrifice in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
I love how all the trucker dudes at the bar look all sad when she says “Kanye West is blond and gone” like yes we’re all disappointed in kanye
FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by Neon Palmmm in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
As LB’s #1 Lizzy Bitch I would like to present the following:
I rest my case and I am now crying goodbye
FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by CmonDownToFL in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
These visuals would’ve been perfect for MAC too if you think about it
FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by StillOnMyMind in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
The greatest deserves 10 f**cking grammys. I will never get tired of it, it just sounds like an instant classic.
FIILY is an amazing song too, but releasing one of your best tracks ever along with it is obviously damaging for the other song.
FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by necessary sacrifice in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
Kind of a missed opportunity though not having her on the boat during the Dennis Wilson line because that would’ve haunted me to the core
FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by UltraviolenceBaby in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread
i love this woman, i really do
no one will ever understand