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About mlittle11

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  1. wow her voice sounds kind of different but in such a lovely way. I dont keep up with the weeknd so I’m totally surprised by this!! she sounds incredible. I hope the vocals are similar on TRPWS
  2. the album is so far away that i HIGHLY doubt shes going to keep that as the cover. she has so much time to do a proper shoot and she looks so good right now… she CANNOT let that go to waste
  3. I thought it was more of a callback to Arcadia, especially since she was wearing yellow
  4. i will have a fit if this happens. so much hype has been built up and i feel very hopeful for a fully fleshed out beautiful album. if I’m let down i will truly have to take a step back. chemtrails & bb was a hard era for me 😭
  5. i don’t want her to change her hair back 🥺 i feel like this hair has marked such a pivotal era for lana
  6. I sent this to my sister on IG and she thought it was AI bc she was dressed so well
  7. lana release that single so we can all forget about what happened this weekend!!!!!!
  8. a few thoughts: whats so crazy about her wanting her things gone from the house? I wouldn't want my bfs ex’s stuff laying around our place. would you? second, i have a few people in my family that have made very questionable relationship decisions. does that mean i have decided to cut them off? no. third, the reason you’re all so upset by this is because you’re far too attached to a famous person. if this is making you irrationally angry or upset, log off and go take a walk outside. if you turned your phone off, this woman would barely exist to you. also, it seems that the ex’s own biological daughter didn’t want anything to do with her. AND the ex literally left her daughter to live in texas bc her relationship with jeremy wasn’t working out. she doesn’t seem like a good person anyway.
  9. I’m understanding the negativity more now. i wasn’t aware of all the things he’s said (i expected/knew he’d be a conservative but i didn’t expect how hateful he’d be), liking thirst traps, n now not allowing her to take pics with fans. i still think she’s a grown woman that can make her own choices but i understand not wanting to support her anymore since they’re financially tied.
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