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  1. Totally worth the wait, imo.... Get it right, Lana,,, Don't put something out that is not you!!!
  2. Agree 10000% percent.... Today's so called country music for the most part is lifeless... It's not the country music that we fantasize about when we think nostalgic country. I would rather her never do it at all, than to have more Tough tracks.. What could that sweet melody have been without the elementary, horrible rap verses in it.... I said, what I said...
  3. Ty, I was wondering how long it would take before someone mentioned Body Electric...
  4. Has to have Texas mentioned somewhere, if you want to top the charts... Heads Carolina, Tails California won't get you to #1 in country, just ask Jo Dee Messina
  5. One of the best country songwriters to ever do it...
  6. To Taylor's credit I do believe she was giving a genuine compliment to Lana in that moment. Also, I feel like Taylor would call herself a "Legacy Artist" as well.
  7. or anything from the Purple Rain album ETA: Lana doing a cover of Beautiful Ones would be...
  8. Traveler

    Your Music

    Obviously not my vocals used Ai, which it kind of fucked up, but the rest is me...
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