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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Norman Fucking Rockwell!  

1,060 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from NFR?

    • Norman Fucking Rockwell
    • Mariners Apartment Complex
    • Venice Bitch
    • Fuck It, I Love You
    • Doin' Time
    • Love Song
    • Cinnamon Girl
    • How to Disappear
    • California
    • The Next Best American Record
    • The Greatest
    • Bartender
    • Happiness is a Butterfly
    • hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have - but i have it

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so im just gonna fourth wall it and say that isn't music really based off of the environment/situation that calls for it? and that we're basically just matching the tracks as accurately as we can for said situations like hope is great for when ur serving coffee for the triads, norman when ur seeing things thru, and love song when ur in an airplane's cockpit? 

I think so .. tumblr_p5g225ZUUQ1toamj8o1_r1_500.gif


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hope is a powerful song with rich lyrics but as someone already said it has no replay value and that’s why people say it’s bad. maybe we feel the song is really personal to lana and next to all the other songs (which aren’t as personal) it’s a “bad” song. anyway, the majority put hope in the second half of their rankings (including myself) but that’s because you don’t really choose to listen to it, right? you listen to it because it’s on the album, whereas the other songs can be played randomly. it takes a special mood to listen to hope and that’s why many people dislike it.


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hope is a powerful song with rich lyrics but as someone already said it has no replay value and that’s why people say it’s bad. maybe we feel the song is really personal to lana and next to all the other songs (which aren’t as personal) it’s a “bad” song. anyway, the majority put hope in the second half of their rankings (including myself) but that’s because you don’t really choose to listen to it, right? you listen to it because it’s on the album, whereas the other songs can be played randomly. it takes a special mood to listen to hope and that’s why many people dislike it.



some of y'all didn't get broken up with on the day it released and it shows


can't relate


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The vulnerable echoey voice Lana sings HIADTFAWLMTH-BIHI in, combined with the faint piano creates this perfect “bottom of the well“ type atmosphere. And the lyrics are the obvious highlight, very blunt, yet very cryptic at the same time. Personally I love this song and I’ve always been a little surprised it’s not more popular. Maybe some people are too happy to connect to it lol.


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The vulnerable echoey voice Lana sings HIADTFAWLMTH-BIHI in, combined with the faint piano creates this perfect “bottom of the well“ type atmosphere. And the lyrics are the obvious highlight, very blunt, yet very cryptic at the same time. Personally I love this song and I’ve always been a little surprised it’s not more popular. Maybe some people are too happy to connect to it lol.

i think some people just don’t have the desire to sit down To some slow crawling out piano and self reflect for five minutes. We dislike it because it’s lazy. If we wanted a Lana song to make us sad because we’re “too happy” why not just do one better and queue California instead?

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It turns out California's more than just a state of mind

I met you on the boulevard, wind through my hair, you blew my mind

And if I wasn't so fucked up, I think I'd fuck you all the time

(I really do)

It's killing me slowly



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The vulnerable echoey voice Lana sings HIADTFAWLMTH-BIHI in, combined with the faint piano creates this perfect “bottom of the well“ type atmosphere. And the lyrics are the obvious highlight, very blunt, yet very cryptic at the same time. Personally I love this song and I’ve always been a little surprised it’s not more popular. Maybe some people are too happy to connect to it lol.


totally agree re the lyrics, "very blunt yet very cryptic" describes what she goes here so well. they're some of my favorite lyrics she's ever written, and i find it so interesting that she wrote it slowly over a period of years (would love to see all the drafts).


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the way i manifested all this genuine discussion with a low effort post... maybe i went off


BUT honestly i've always adored it, it's probably my most played song in her discography.  i can't even imagine why California would be brought up in comparison besides the fact they're on the same album- like i barely see any similarities between them?  i'd rather compare it to like Change or something but even then they both have their own qualities and i still prefer Hope!  the bottom-of-the-well feeling is pretty spot on.  for me it manages to create something so cinematic with something so sparce, her vocals, at least to me, really shine here.  there's so much lyrical symbolism and imagery here that i wish we'd see more of from her?  it's so cryptic yet it feels like the most she's revealed yet which i love.  also the high notes, that's all.


edit: honestly it kinda embodies what i love about NFR so much.  like a lot of the songs that get dragged on a lot (Love Song- altho not as much as others obviously, How to Disappear, Hope) all manage to do a lot with a little for me in a way that just makes them enjoyable to listen to?  don't get me wrong i adore The Greatest and Venice Bitch too but like there's something special about lana's more sparce tracks in a way i feel i haven't seen enough of since AKA with like Pawn Shop Blues or Oh Say Can You See, altho they still aren't truly comparable.  (oh and i know HTD is a bit more produced than most like it but i still think it works)


Got a devil on my back as a tribute to my mother

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hope is a stunning track and lyrically it's one of my favorites from lana ever. I don't understand why it's so divisive tbh.

It is stunning but it really is her most personal song to date, IMO.

The lyrics are super specific to her and to a certain state of mind. It was a bold track to put out, but I must say that it’s the one Lana song I can’t relate all the time. It have to be in a very specific state of mind to listen to it, even if I love the track.

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to YOU


Well funnily enough if you don't like TNBAR, delete it. Or add the original version. 


Nobody is forcing you to like it. 

578c68b668f2f515fc750b6860a1213b--torch- Ever since my baby went away... its been the blackest day..... its been the blackest day

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but the writing of NFR began with the quieter and minimalist songs (Hope, Love Song, Bartender, HIaB - I’m not including TNBAR because it’s a LFL outtake), and production of the next songs got a little « heavier » (Venice, Mariners, the greatest, HTD, Cinnamon Girl, Fuck it, Doin’ Time).


I hope that transition and soar continues with the next album, for even heavier produced tracks and surf vibes à la Venice Bitch and Fuck It I Love You.

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beautiful losers


woah oh oh oh oh whatever, everything whenever


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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