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Somerset, ENG @ Glastonbury Festival - June 24th, 2023

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Kinda okay with the fact that I was working late yesterday and missed alla this 


I don’t think she was kidding when she said it was her hair… but if she was joking then I guess Lana and I don’t have the same sense of humor bc…. not funny :whatever2:


here’s to hoping the next show is actually a full set Lmaoo 


edit - also idk what was going on with her hand movements during A&W but it was cute ❣️ I hope that she was okay though and just doing that for fun, it was unusual for her!

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This show is so iconic already, her not wanting lo leave and being scorted out by security while hundreds of thousands of people are chanting her classics is the most LDR thing that could've happened

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2 hours ago, Candy Necklace said:

Some of you guys need to realize that it’s okay to criticize your favorite artists, they mess up and it doesn’t make you less of a fan to call them out

It’s bad for all parties when we make a cult on an artist, like the Tori Amos cult or the Jeff Buckley cult. 

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1 hour ago, SoftwareUpgrade said:


Archive in case we need this in 2042 :oic2:/people who don't like clicking links


Naomi (Noami) Banjo Grant TikTok comment Archive:


this is the same woman who said she will make it up to the european fans who had their shows cancelled in 2020 :eartha:





resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23



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Blue Jeans is the original hit, to me, the one that grabbed me when Lana performed it live at the Mod club, after I decided to check out a daughter I thought might be playing acoustic guitar accompaniment to some Joni Mitchel covers in the backyard. But I discovered a fully realized artist in a young personage. The expression blown away is understatemet. This Glastonbury performance of Blue Jeans, as someone said, the full rock production treatment of it, the amazing drums courtesy of Carlin White thundering through, Blake's lead guitar frenzy, then the superb lick he tossed off near the climax, it cleared my mind. I have to turn off the concert and walk away. It is the type of art that makes me create a checklist what I need to do to become a better person . . . So contented and happy. Do you ever have that?


Re dancers. I appreciate so much! We're getting ballet quality dance. To each his own, but I dig the choreography. There is so much reaction about the dancing, maybe you-all appreciate it more than you realize! Sometimes just something which is making you react is art that is really grabbing you! For one, Alex's choreo is showcasing evolution of the live show. Do so called artists or pop singers evolve? They have a schtick, and perfom it forever, until people get tired and the next flavor of the moment appears. You are watching grace and real dancing in exciting choreo along the lines of the best modern I enjoyed watching in my early years outside Manhattan . . . Twyla Tharp, Martha Graham, Peter Martins. I don't have $$ for the ballet these days, and appreciate Alex incorporating her talents and colleagues into the show. It is something to look at, you're witnessing some exciting choreo. It appears like organized chaos to you . . . but the precision is there, just off the beat the way Lana sings jazz, behind the beat. I am captivated! Refreshing from showy acrobatics and jerky dance moves that always struck me as lazy. Think Paula Abdul. Paula is a great dancer. She started out studying ballet. To each his own. I respect your opinions. The dancers and choreo are exquisite.

On 6/24/2023 at 2:10 AM, Xenoblade 2 said:

Can’t tell if you’re joking or not. or just plain ignorant.

She was in her twenties. Injury heals faster when you’re younger. Most form of damage wouldn’t show until the body can’t heal properly anymore. Once again, look what happened to Whitney, Mariah, Miley, and more recently Shania Twain. None of them had problems vocally in their 20s despite the crack, smoke, and alcohol abuse until later. Miley vocals were damaged a bit earlier than these other ladies tho. Mariah and Whitney voice started going south with visible (or audible I guess) damage in their mid-late thirties which is exactly the same age as Lana right now.


Adele could have 100% been the next victim. Fortunately for her, she stopped smoking just in time. She woke up. Even so, you can hear the damage that was done. Her voice now is different (much sharper/pitchier than what it used to be), but it’s not too bad yet. She stopped just in time.

Adelel had surgery which took away the husky rasp a la Pink she started with . . .

On 6/24/2023 at 3:40 AM, Unknown said:

Im kinda nervous for this... the BBC and Lana do not have a good history when it comes to mixing her live performances :ohno: can already predict her vocals will be barely audible on the broadcast and people will be dragging her on social media :toofunny: hoping for the best tho!

Turned out good!

On 6/24/2023 at 8:13 AM, Blue Rev said:

Not sure if she's pissed BBC/Glasto off with her headliner shenanigans, she's not featured in any of the pics on the channel advertising the stage she's on (all headliners for other stages are) and they just ran info at the bottom of the TV about tonights headliners and their starting times and didn't include hers :rip: might be reading too much into it but it's interesting

Is it because Lana's stage is sold out? Maybe it is a bit of backlash.

On 6/24/2023 at 8:31 AM, caryrobie55 said:

I’ve been seeing a lot of things on social media about Lana’s show tonight being the biggest of her career with an audience of 200,000 but I hope people realise that 200,000 is every stage at Glastonbury combined whereas her stage isn’t even half of that, so yeah if you watch the live tonight (if we get one) don’t be surprised that there aren’t 200,000 people in the audience for her🤓

Lolapalooza Brazil had the most I thought.

On 6/24/2023 at 8:40 AM, ultrabanisters said:

i was a bbc livestream truther but i'm now willing to admit it might be delulu to think that :bebe:

Turned out okay.

On 6/24/2023 at 3:16 PM, Del Norte County said:

i love that the backup singers get to have their own moment(S)

They were beautifully in balance with Lana's voice on the livestream! When they came in 2nd chorus of Young and Beautiful, it was smooth.

On 6/24/2023 at 3:17 PM, ultrabanisters said:






It is so great. Did you download the livestream?

On 6/24/2023 at 3:25 PM, 111 said:

the band and her vocals are giving so much though... gagged


On 6/24/2023 at 3:27 PM, PARADIXO said:


she got sued last year for the Summertime Sadness MV ("I'll love you forever, bye" part) and she cut that part from the vid

Tea. I didn't know she cut that part from the official video.

On 6/24/2023 at 3:31 PM, love you madly said:


Thanx for sharing that - I couldn't make that out.

On 6/24/2023 at 3:38 PM, fl0r1dakil0s said:

Blake's outfit  :thumb3:

Blake so understated rocked that tourquoise necklace like the rock star he is!

On 6/24/2023 at 3:39 PM, taco truck said:

Sorry but these shows are just reminding me how much superior Lana’s music is when there are electric guitars and drums:runs:

Blake and Carlin White what a combo! They jell more than Blake / Tom Marsh combo. Blue Jeans was fire!

On 6/24/2023 at 3:41 PM, lannisterpussy said:

wait… this is her best blue jeans performance in forever oh wow and i don’t even like the song that much

I had to turn the livestream off at the end. What a performance! One for the ages! I heard Lana say, "You did it," to Blake at the end.

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1 hour ago, Louise said:

We're getting ballet quality dance.

I mean I think that's going a little far but the idea of actual ballet dancers during a song like Y&B gives me goosebumps and I want


ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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Let’s be real though.. nobody paid to see Lana at Glasto 

after the whole poster saga, it caused commotion and she was getting a lot of hate online 

she clearly didn’t even wanna do the show :bebe: 

So I’m honestly not surprised, she probably expected a tough crowd and anxiety was through the roof



now BST I’m hoping is different, she was much more obviously excited for this show.. she knows everybody wants to see her as she’s only artist advertised, she mentioned how she’d walk past BST and only wish that it could one day be her, so she feels nostalgia about it.. people kept going on about how Glasto should be a career highlight.. but it seems she feels more that way about BST. She’s also said she’s bringing along her friends and we know FJM is going to be there. I think it’s going to be a whole different ballpark.. I mean she’ll probably still be late.. but I think she’ll actually enjoy the show.. it’s a shame it won’t be streamed 

like a dream, you glide on the water 


and like a star, I shine from the shore 

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7 hours ago, kuntsugi said:

um… what? what exempts an artist from doing their job? lmao it's their job, they're getting paid like everyone else to do it. actually not like everyone else, they get paid a lot more. if this logic doesn't apply to office workers, retail workers and so on, why should it apply to artists? it's a job period

the 'work' of an artist needs a lot of creativity and inspiration. this was a one-time performance in front of thousands of people and not a normal routine. Yes, it was her job to deliver a show and that's what she did in the end, but even office or retail workers can have their human reasons being late. There could have been a thousand reasons why the on-time performance didn't work out, since she works with a large team and any number of things can go wrong. I would have had understanding for it as a visitor in any case.

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