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Lana interviewed by The Hollywood Reporter [INTERVIEW]

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Are you still surprised when something as innocuous as a few photos at Waffle House generates so much attention?

I wish my album had gone as viral. I woke up to, like, 10,000 texts the next morning — some from folks I had not heard from for 10 years. “Saw your picture at the Waffle House!” (Laughing.) I was like, “Did you hear the new album?”




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4 minutes ago, Honeytrails said:
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Are you still surprised when something as innocuous as a few photos at Waffle House generates so much attention?

I wish my album had gone as viral. I woke up to, like, 10,000 texts the next morning — some from folks I had not heard from for 10 years. “Saw your picture at the Waffle House!” (Laughing.) I was like, “Did you hear the new album?”




NOOOOOOOOOO im sad :crai:

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Are you still thinking about doing a cover album?

Yeah, I want to. I’ve collected my cover songs for seven years. And I’ve said so much that I wanted to say, so it’s an awesome time to think about that. The standards. 





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HOLY SHIT SHE ATE THIS UP :wowcry::gurl::omg:

1 minute ago, ShadesOfFool said:

shes really going full country :icant:



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3 minutes ago, ShadesOfFool said:

shes really going full country :icant:

Good for her!


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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Are you still thinking about doing a cover album?

Yeah, I want to. I’ve collected my cover songs for seven years. And I’ve said so much that I wanted to say, so it’s an awesome time to think about that. The standards. 


Creatively, do you see yourself on a course right now? 

The music took a huge turn from Norman, and it’s been going down that path aggressively. I’m going to continue going where I feel the only next stop is, but I think it’ll be in an Americana vein. The hard thing, in your personal life or in public, is that you can lose the idea that passion should be your true North. And, instead, safety should be. That’s the biggest pitfall. Being scared into making safe choices. Having a little bit of a cool-off period from the heat that might have been in a bad way, I got to reevaluate things. When there’s a little space, you get to choose. Then things get good.




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Do you ever look at or engage with platforms like Genius, where your lyrics are reprinted and interpreted? 

I don’t. And I’ve never corrected anything. In fact, not for years have I actually submitted my lyrics to anybody. Should they be out there, they’re not from me. I would never. Good God! I don’t even want to think about what I have to say. 



girl but we need the lyrics, the girls were singing "I'm a drag and you're a whore" for years :icant: 

1.jpg  3.jpg  2.jpg 

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A few years back, you said that you started editing yourself because your lyrics were too personal. Are you still doing that?

Only in the past two months! I’ve never had someone make comments on my lyrics before, and then I recently met up with another writer. It’s a little bit of a different process now. For Tunnel, I did not edit myself. 


This is interesting. I wonder with whom she's working right now? 

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I wonder what her definition of Americana is cause I can see her going a lot of different directions with that same term describing the record. It sounds like she's still in the early stages of it tho and we know how quickly she changes direction so we'll see...


She also mentioned she's working with a new person so that's exciting too :hype:


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In reading a lot of old articles about you, both with or without your participation, you seemed to have a lot of ideas projected onto you without a lot of room to respond. Was that your experience? 

That made there be no room. I wonder if that’s why I’m allowed to have my moment. But I’ve heard some good stories about some of the writers that I did not like. One of them ran up their company card on prostitutes. I love that. It just goes to show you that it’s not personal. Sometimes, the things you read, there’s a little bit of projection there. That’s the only guy who I’ve ever remembered his full name, but I’m not going to say it.






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