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It sounds like she's been stewing over all this stuff for awhile.


Maybe she saw that Lorde was trending yesterday and thought, "fuck this"


"I'm fed up with female writers and alt singers saying that I glamorize abuse ..."




There's a lot to unpack in that post

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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it actually sucks cause her naming other women takes away from the entire purpose of the post, even if all she's asking is to be treated equally nobody will acknowledge that.. it takes away from her valid points and seems like she's trying to tear other women down and that's all people will take from it

i love you, but you don't understand me.

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It sounds like she's been stewing over all this stuff for awhile.


Maybe she saw that Lorde was trending yesterday and thought, "fuck this"


"I'm fed up with female writers and alt singers saying that I glamorize abuse ..."




There's a lot to unpack in that post

Literally just what I thought!

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i don't care about the name dropping it was bold and needed to be said. she's more talented than all those women anyways and she knows.


now when she talks about feminism she's always putting her foot in her mouth.

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Love her message, love her biting back at the media, love her making art and releasing it, love her fire coming out again.


But the way she phrased her post makes it too easy to misinterpret her.


To me, she’s asking if now that it’s normal and celebrated to make songs about sex, being sexual, taking agency over your body, etc, if she can go back to writing about more raunchier topics without being dragged by the critics. She is not saying women should be judged for writing about those things, she is just pointing out how her lyrics get put down as non feminist just because she’s being more submissive to men in her sexual scenarios, as opposed to being more dominant and in power. She’s wondering if feminism has a space for women like her, who love hard and fall hard and will do anything for her man.


She’s not dragging other women, She just wants the freedom to sing about what she wants without being seen as weak or like someone who is against women’s rights.


Wish she would have phrased it better but what can you do. She’s never been the best at explaining herself, i think that’s why she makes such good art. It’s the only way she knows how to get her words across.

I agree but I wonder if she realizes that key difference between her and the other artists she name-dropped. In an age where women are desperately trying to escape the whole submissive trope, it does feel as though she was taking a step backwards which is why the media came after her. I get how the name-dropping was necessary to catch people's attention and prove her point but that was not a smart pr move... Lana has a habit of being hella insightful but still managing to miss the real substance behind things whether on purpose or not

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it actually sucks cause her naming other women takes away from the entire purpose of the post, even if all she's asking is to be treated equally nobody will acknowledge that.. it takes away from her valid points and seems like she's trying to tear other women down and that's all people will take from it

I think that if she did not mention them people would be like yeah cool... but what are u talking about no one sings about that kind of stuff. She just showed some examples to not let people disqualify her opinion so quickly. 


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I agree but I wonder if she realizes that key difference between her and the other artists she name-dropped. In an age where women are desperately trying to escape the whole submissive trope, it does feel as though she was taking a step backwards which is why the media came after her. I get how the name-dropping was necessary to catch people's attention and prove her point but that was not a smart pr move... Lana has a habit of being hella insightful but still managing to miss the real substance behind things whether on purpose or not


just so you know, red text is for mods only. embolden when you want to highlight someone's text. welcome, glad you're here!!!  :)


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The only thing I don’t agree with is the name dropping. Cause all the other fandoms will misinterpreting what she meant and will drag her... the fandoms and the media will only care about the name dropping of famous singers/rappers and won’t mention the message behind that

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Don't mind me temporarily breaking free from my internet isolation, but here are her most recent instagram posts embedded for everyone's convenience -


& just because it deserves its own recognition, here's the selfie on the last slide of the post with the kidz - 




Lana looks amazing without those damn fillers! It's like we went back to 2015! 

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I'm not saying she could've made the same point without name dropping these stars... I agree that the past criticisms of Lana were extremely unfair and misogynistic, but making this post right after Doja, Nicki, Beyonce and Megan made billboard history and saying "can I please go back to..." just makes it like she's trying to steal their shine LMFAO. It just don't sit right with my spirit, but I forgot how far up Lanas ass some of her stans are so imma just eat my food chile

interesting how your brain works...

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I just don’t get it like... why post that? And why bring other artists into it? I get she had good intentions but the first few sentences came off very weird. And she didn’t need to mention that she’s “not not a feminist” because like... idk i’m not gonna be a sheep and pretend like this isn’t some white girl behaviour.

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