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LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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Jay-Z is putting out an album that has 7 songs.

Paradise has 9

its not an album then it's an ep he's just calling it an album cus he sucks



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i can see both arguments tbh. i tend to think of it as an EP simply bc it's listed as one on her wiki page & i never gave it a lot of thought beyond that, but unless she specifically states it's one or the other it can be either.

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It’s gonna happen. It is not a new album, but an after thought, it’s the ‘Paradise Edition’ of Born To Die. It’s going to be like 7 new songs, which makes the final statement of the thoughts I was putting across [in Born To Die] It’s beautiful. I’ve been writing slowing for 7 months now. 





case closed

i'm flying to the moon again, dreaming about heroin... 

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Paradise was intended to be the follow up album. She spoke in an interview about this second album, sang part of will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful, and announced in the land of God's and monsters as another song. She sang body electric live and said it was a song on the next album.

Record companies aren't willing to release a new album so soon after a release (it had only been like seven months), so it became a rerelease/ a means of milking born to die further.

It has its own theme, began life as it's own record, it absolutely counts as a single entity.


If anything doesn't count its aka, only because Lana doesn't seem to count it herself


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It’s “Paradise EP” on my ITunes.

If I were an artist I would put out a 15 tracks EP and people would say “this is an album, it has 15 tracks!” And I would say “I am an artist and this is my EP!”

And then I would release a 7 tracks album

And I would say “I do what I want fuck you!!” ...that’s the dream.

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Paradise was intended to be the follow up album. She spoke in an interview about this second album, sang part of will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful, and announced in the land of God's and monsters as another song. She sang body electric live and said it was a song on the next album.

Record companies aren't willing to release a new album so soon after a release (it had only been like seven months), so it became a rerelease/ a means of milking born to die further.

It has its own theme, began life as it's own record, it absolutely counts as a single entity.


If anything doesn't count its aka, only because Lana doesn't seem to count it herself

This is the best answer

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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I consider Paradise as part of BTD. However, the upcoming album is still LDR6 cuz of AKA

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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Well, I created one hell of a sh** show, with the counting of the albums lol...

The reason I asked is because I had always thought she had put out four albums: BTD (with Paradise), UV, HM and LFL. But then again, when Interscope began promoting LFL with the single Love, they officially stated that LFL was going to be album #5... And I was like: ?????

I always thought Paradise was a along EP, the continuation of BTD, even if its storytelling was a thing on its own in my mind...
(On BTD, she retells her stories coming out of teenage and coming into adulthood, where she is a melancholic NYC girl in love with old Americana and older, dangerous dudes; Paradise tells her departure from the territory of her youth, going away, in the west, to find happiness through fame and career and love).

And then again, it would be weird for Interscope to count AKA as an official album, since they did not produce it... 

Anyways, I love Lana's work, and whatever LDR6 is (LP, EP, a new term on its own), I will be there for it. 

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