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LDR6 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread

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Just casually realising how LFL is "for the fans" and yet those songs directed @ us (Love, Coachella, etc) are ehhhhh not too bad, but then in the masterpiece Heroin she literally references the security threats that having fans has caused her (in the bridge) and then says she's fuckin sick of it.


Queen of calling out her fans on her album for her fans! Really though my heart breaks for her sometimes, i can only imagine how tough it can be for her. Living the dream from the outside, but really going through so much shit because of it. There are some sick people in this world, and I guess we're all guilty of objectifying her to an extent and infringing on her privacy. To think since that song was wrote our poor girl has had so many more crazy things happen to her.

I love u Lana :-( I hope you're stayin strong.


Idk what I'm sayin I know that none of us even know her personally and it's wrong to think that we do because literally every detail of the poor woman's life is documented online, she might be doin great! But especially with the social media inactivity (which I think is healthy for her to be doing) I just wanna send out some positive vibes and say I hope you're doing well, Lana.


gLoH.gif :beyonce:

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i swear if she'll still manage to serve us the same lukewarm breathy moaning over 5 minute long tracks for the 3rd time even after working with miss jack then she's over.


talent burned out, sucked dry. 


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Idk what I'm sayin I know that none of us even know her personally and it's wrong to think that we do because literally every detail of the poor woman's life is documented online, she might be doin great! But especially with the social media inactivity (which I think is healthy for her to be doing) I just wanna send out some positive vibes and say I hope you're doing well, Lana.


That is exactly why I'm not mad at her

I may be starving of course but I'm not mad


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Just casually realising how LFL is "for the fans" and yet those songs directed @ us (Love, Coachella, etc) are ehhhhh not too bad, but then in the masterpiece Heroin she literally references the security threats that having fans has caused her (in the bridge) and then says she's fuckin sick of it.

uhm no love is one of the best songs on lfl 


and no she's not posting because she's depressed i read that on lb some months ago and tbh i think it's true.


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MASSEDUCTION >>>>>>>> Melodrama >>>>>>>> 1989 >>>>>>>>>> snake rep

melodrama > Reputation >>>>>>>> 1989 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trash >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Mass who?



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I think Jack sounds for Mainstream might be getting a bit "boring" but at same time it will be something new for Lana. So glad she's still in Studio.

I won't be "scared" of their work cuz she may end up asking him to do some new trap beats that will sound like they could be downloaded on Soundcloud and we'll deal, lol.

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i want her to go to her traditional dark side with jack but not tracks like loveless or hard feelings because that was just experimental shit

Hard Feelings/Loveless is the best track of Melodrama tho


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I don't really know how I feel about this. Full on mainstream pop is the last thing I want Lana to do, but at the same time, it's still Lana we are talking about. She's obviously not gonna let Jack manipulate her sound too much, she's still pretty much in control of her work. I'm still pretty doubtful though, since Jack seems to only produce upbeat songs.

Maybe he can help her reach that dark, sultry and upbeat sound, without being too mainstream and boring. I don't really have my hopes up but we'll see 

~~~My body is stuck in the ocean ugcs3%2Fv3%2Fproject_attachments%2FGC6xU My mind is lost in the universe*** 

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im really relying on lana's infamous stubborness to drive whatever songs they make into something good

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