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About fishtails

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  • Birthday 03/12/1998

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  1. fishtails

    Remy Bond

    I like it a lot! I feel like her sharing it on twitter probably means it won't end up on the album though lol
  2. fishtails

    Remy Bond

    Her new song Simple Girl is out now! I think this is my new favorite of hers lol
  3. And it's only been 8 days....feels like its been years
  4. Submitted my votes, good luck everyone!
  5. I'm hoping everyone there can evacuate safely and the fires stop soon
  6. omg thank you!! And also thank you @Elle @ultrabanisters @motelsix @Embach and anyone else who nominated me!
  7. Thats kind of a red flag to me lol an adult woman shouldn't have to "do as she's told" by someone who should be equal to them but also this doesn't really sound like Lana to me. She's always been pretty rebellious, even though a lot of her partner's personality/music tastes rub off on her lol But if this tarot reader is correct and she "does what he says" then it makes it more likely that his political views would influence her and her own views may change, if they haven't already
  8. I'm gonna stay skeptical of this coming in May until there's a preorder up lol
  9. It really does remind me of when she announced Rock Candy Sweet lol
  10. I think he was responding to this comment to correct that he's from Louisiana and not Florida...no idea what he meant by the rest of it though but if he's saying that Lana is not "all about the gays and women" then...
  11. I disagree with this way of thinking entirely. It may seems like voting does nothing when neither of the options are perfect or the most ideal, but the point of voting was never to vote for the most perfect candidate that completely aligns with every single one of our ideals, but to vote for the best option. "Don't let perfect be the enemy of good." Also, I disagree that people who don't vote have the right to complain. They had the chance to vote and make an impact and instead they'd rather just sit it out and complain at home when it doesn't go their way? If you didn't vote and are upset about the way things went this election, then you know what you can do to try and change it? Vote in the next election. Not just presidential elections, vote in local elections that directly affect you and the area you live in. Don't like any of the candidates in your local area? Why not try running yourself? Around 244 million people were eligible to vote in the 2024 election and only about half of those people actually voted. Imagine where we would be if all 244 million of those people voted? In 2020, Biden won two towns in Massachusetts by a single vote. We may not get much power to control what's happening around us, but voting is one of the few powers we have to change things. Why would anyone ever want to give that up? Anyways, I know this quote probably wasn't meant to be taken that seriously (and I'm not directing this whole post at you) but I wanted to post this because this election showed that so many people didn't vote this time and look at where we are now...but maybe what I just wrote can convince some people to vote next time
  12. In 2026 it'll be the 250th anniversary of the US...I can't believe democracy as we know it will likely be gone after 250 years I really don't know what to with myself today...I clocked into work but I can't focus. I'm so worried about the future, for myself and others, but if they actually remove the ACA I'm so worried for my family members who have pre-existing conditions that may no longer be able to get Healthcare because of that...my dad needs insulin to live and if the prices go back to what they were, idk how we'll be able to afford it every month
  13. Many states also aren't allowed to start counting mail in/absentee ballots until voting closes for the night. A lot of people I know (myself included lol) voted through mail in so I think its probably too early to tell which way it's going. Voter turnout has been really good for early voting and today, which is a great sign for us!
  14. Unfortunately the current Supreme Court is majority conservative and is filled with judges that support Trump and they recently passed a ruling that gives presidents much more power so I wouldn't rule it out entirely. Also, I think its important for people to know that he is saying things like this and will absolutely do it if he's given the power to, because it may motivate them to vote when they otherwise might not
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