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Rorman Nockwell

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About Rorman Nockwell

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    Highly Emotional Person

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    Whatever you want
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  1. Maybe I’m reading too much into this but it almost feels like she’s talking about someone she knows and maybe hopes they’ll read it
  2. Do you think she lies to him about stuff the way she lies to us about dates and names and shit? “Dinner will be ready at 6” then it’s 8pm then it’s 10pm then it’s renamed “midnight snack” and it’s at 12am
  3. Sitting at her typewriter and typing the words which resulted in QFTC without, at any point, deciding that it was better to bin it than to post it on Instagram
  4. Had a dream in which there was a woman who looked kinda like Lana but wasn’t her and her name was Lizzini Grant and she was a raging vegan who pushed around vegetables in my cousin’s Bugaboo stroller and she worked at a train station or some shit so Lizzini, my ex bf and I were all at the train station and Lana herself parked outside and her jeans caught on fire so my ex bf saved her from a fiery death The end
  5. It’s more his features than his expressions or anything “Autistic Aliens” is a good name for a mediocre band, though
  6. Elon Musk looks like an alien that’s trying to look like a human There is something really strange and unnatural about his face; idk how else to explain And after having this thought, it occurred to me that if an alien WAS on Earth and WAS trying to pass as a human, it’d be him
  7. The way he deports immigrants while simultaneously telling people to leave their own country and move to another one
  8. I have no words I don’t understand why the world is sitting by watching it happen It makes me feel ashamed to be human ETA: he actually used the word “riviera” for his vision of Gaza He wants to build a fucking holiday destination for rich Israelis on land where thousands of Palestinians have suffered and died Sick sick man The Saudis have already stood up and said “fuck that”, let’s see who follows their lead
  9. But it is worth saying again so all good He has abused and assaulted so many people and he’s banned from basically half the countries in the world because of it Yet the Recording Academy sees fit to give him an award Clowntown
  10. It’s honestly appalling that he still has a career The fact that the music industry seems to share this view that “enough time has passed” for him to be forgiven is appalling There is soooo much more than just the RiRi incident This man has no business having a recording deal or winning Grammys and anyone who voted for him is a scumbag
  11. Tbh I’m most annoyed that Chris Brown won R&B album because abusers should not be given Grammys
  12. It's not unusual for people to look for other reasons as to why someone might've won a Grammy, considering that having the best music isn't usually the reason someone wins a Grammy. That's not to say that it was a bad album or undeserving or any shit, I'm just saying that the Recording Academy is tokenistic and self-serving af, always has been, and Black artists (in particular) deserve better. I 100% agree with the bolded statement, though.
  13. Scammys continue to scam Happy for Charli tho @bunoner wake up idiot
  14. I’m sorry but I hope Billie doesn’t win AOTY I’m not interested in listening to another acceptance speech that consists of “omigosh you guyssssss hurr hurr I can’t believe it omigod wtfffffff lolzzzzz thank youuuu hehe omigoddddd”
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