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love deluxe

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About love deluxe

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    venice bitch
  • Birthday 11/06/2001

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  1. This prerelease is so funny because it’s been so long since she announced the album but the actual album prerelease era (time between lead single and album drop) is gonna be so short. Kinda the opposite of NFR if you think about it
  2. When there’s a country rework of If I Die Young (On and On and On) what then???
  3. I just don’t see her retiring any time soon. Could be wrong but she’s always talking about her muse being a constant in her life that follows her around like a bird in her ear. Maybe she’ll take a short break but I don’t see her slowing down for long, really. The only time she does that is when she’s feeling creatively blocked, which isn’t often. I think this album has just had a lot of labor and love and thought put into it and that’s why she’s taking so long to reveal anything, so as not to give away anything at the wrong time
  4. love deluxe

    Song vs. Song

    Architecture vs Fine China
  5. love deluxe

    Song vs. Song

    Wild At Heart vs Bel Air
  6. love deluxe

    Bel Air

    One of her most beautiful songs. I don’t listen to it often but every time I do, I’m reminded just how gorgeous it is. Deserves to be in a film.
  7. love deluxe

    Addison Rae

    Okay so at first, I wasnt fully convinced about Addison Rae. I liked a couple songs from her EP a lot, but didn’t see the *artist* within her that she would very soon blossom into. Diet Pepsi was good, but not mingblowing to me at first (it would grow on me very quickly), and I honestly didn’t know what to make of Aquamarine on first listen (I play it almost every day now). High Fashion is the most immediate earworm in her catalogue for me. The hook is so catchy but the production on it as well as the vocals are both so interesting and unique. The video is also great (though I still think Diet Pepsi might be my favorite of her videos so far), and I really hope she keeps up this upward trajectory in her artistry! Tbh, it’s really impressive how successful her rebrand is starting out to be, considering she got famous at such a young age for such a looked down upon profession. It’s hard for people to remember that at the end of the day, she is a person, just like us. And people change as the years go by and what they want out of life may drastically change, too. That seems to be the case with Ms. Addison Rae. I hope she sticks to her guns here cause I’m really excited to see what she does next!!!
  8. No one discussing the obvious vocal take switch after the first verse of cinnamon girl
  9. Shades Of Cool 178 West Coast 60
  10. when are we getting album number 3 tho
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