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About Chemtrail

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  1. Just had a bath and listened to Venice Bitch, Fuck it I love you, A&W, Candy Necklace, Paris Texas, Lost at Sea & Hope in there. So relaxed rn
  2. I forgot about that it was hilarious
  3. why can't i find this song anywhere
  4. maybe but complaining about no new music from an artist who has hundreds of songs already and it bothering you to nor have a new album is crazy and unrealistic to rely on. A coke habit would bring more to your life than waiting around for an artist to do something. The album will be better the longer it takes her to release it most likely, look at the bigger picture of her discography and just enjoy things as they come. It's much more enjoyable that way. You'll never be satisfied if you're consrantly pining for new music. It's coming at some point, enjoy the surprises instead of anticipating them to a point it bothers you. Imagine trying to follow up with a new album when the last was so strong lyrically, just let her take her time. You'll wake up one day soon and hear something well crafted soon, it's obviously coming
  5. Being a fan isn't some kind of lifestyle lol why not focus on other things and then just enjoy when she releases new music? This is such a pathetic way to live
  6. It's probably because there were only 6 new songs by the time of its release (7 if you count Thunder bc of the new instrumental) and none were as revealing as Wildflower Wildfire or Blue Banisters
  7. Chemtrail

    Lady Gaga

    Shallow never had one lmao
  8. How is this a mystery though? It's just a music video she didn't release lol
  9. It's bizarre to me that anyone's invested in Lana's relationships
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