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rock candy sweet

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About rock candy sweet

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  • Birthday April 11

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  1. u were absolutely spilling until the moment you claimed she hasn’t had a great music video, as if candy necklace isn’t one of the most profoundly artistic and meticulously crafted pieces of cinematography, bursting with layers of metaphorical depth and visual splendor—a concept so breathtakingly beautiful and intricate that (imo) it stands as lana’s most masterful creation since the ride music video or even dare i say, tropico.
  2. you're so right! i remember when she revealed the nfr cover, the amount of color was so much to take in at first but it had so much personality. i hope she does something conceptual for this one too
  3. i think she's really leaning for a 70s country inspired album cover especially with the picture she announced the album with. it was giving dolly parton's jolene in a sense, so i thought it'd be nice to somewhat emulate it. not a professional, but if it's remotely similar to it it would not complain.
  4. i unironically wouldn’t complain… it’s my username after all
  5. you're right, the preorder came out with the title track... i got it mixed up with another announcement welp lemme fix that real quick
  6. it might sound delusional considering we don't know when the links are actually activated, but a pre-release thread isn't itself without some delusion. after extensive hours of research, i tried analyzing some patterns between preorder link activations, preorder announcements, and release dates: NFR Link Activated: July 28 Announced: July 31 (3 days after activation) Release Date: August 30 (33 days after activation) Chemtrails Over the Country Club Link Activated: December 8 Announced: January 10 (33 days after activation) Release Date: March 19 (101 days after activation) Blue Banisters Link Activated: September 6 Announced: September 8 (2 days after activation) Release Date: October 22 (46 days after activation) Did You Know That There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd Link Activated: December 6 Announced: December 7 (1 day after activation) Release Date: March 24 (108 days after activation) Time from link activation to announcement varies from 1 day (Ocean Blvd) to 33 days (Chemtrails), and the time between link activation and release ranges from 33 days (NFR) to 108 days (Ocean Blvd). Also, announcements don’t follow a strict day-of-week pattern but most often occur mid-to-late week (Wednesday or Friday). The link for the new album was activated around today (as far as we know), and the album's target release date is May 21st, so we’re looking at an announcement window between December 29 and February 3. My bets? Probably a Wednesday (January 17) or Friday (January 19). But for some reason i do have a feeling we will get some crumbs before the year ends or right after it begins. That's it. Lanalysis complete. Taking my meds after this.
  7. rock candy sweet


    they were? they're still on spotify for me
  8. Did you know that there’s a tunnel under Ocean Blvd?
  9. Considering this other picture of Chuck, it could potentially be right behind her? You can already see some carvings in the stone, and this gives a better perspective of where it could be carved
  10. there's something in the wind y'all...
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