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Baby Ruth

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  1. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by arcadialovesong2018 in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    NFR WAS HER BEST AESTHETIC ERA . (fullstop / un point c'est tout!) je ne penses pas qu'elle peux dépasser NFR !! 
  2. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by YourGirl666 in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    freak studio version > freak demo
    My dream Freak version would be the final one with the demo bridge after the final version bridge (kinda like the two part bridge of Salvatore) with similar production/instrumental to Religion's eerie outro/final chorus followed by the Freak chorus
  3. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by bluefiona in Yosemite   
    It's one of the most boring over hyped overrrated songs LB's kept begging for.
    Boring and underwhelming and for sure her worst song. So boooring.
    Wild At Heart is better. Chemtrails and Love You like a Woman is better. Tulsa is beautiful too.
    Don't listen to what others say to you btw. You're entitled to your opinion just like I do. Put them on ignore.
  4. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by The Baradise Edition in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    What if she makes a new bb video driving to home depot and talking to the paint specialist
  5. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Honeyyoung in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    i personally don't like it because most of the non singles aged really badly for me, her vocals aren't as great as her current, and the lyrics just aren't that pleasant to listen to (lolita i'm looking at you)
    i will say though, she probably will never top the iconiqueness of the BTD era. the album cover alone has more cultural impact than some of her other albums
  6. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Alison by Slowdive in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    i kno i just recently said it but i need to say it again: the lyrics for the chorus on 'not all those who wander are lost' PERTURBS me. is anyone able to explain the pinterest lyrics to me in a way that will make me appreciate them? like... is it on purpose? is it irony? "not all those who wander are lost... it's just wanderlust" seems SO incongruent w everything else she's ever written lol 
    and on that note. i hate jack
  7. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Manson in DO U LUV ME YET? [2011] - Born To Die 1.0 Concept LP   
    (wanted to not just post it in my design thread as it belongs here too)
    LANA DEL REY | DO U LUV ME YET? [2011]
    Lana before darkening her sound, toning down the pop influences & when Lizzy was stronger than Del Rey...
    How did B2D sound at one point before her release?
    How did it sound with the scrapped tracks that were more pop?
    How did final B2D tracks sound before?
    I used different demos and the most HQ versions of each leak available, and edited everything to make it sound organic and mixed coherently. Also added a decent vinyl crackle sound as I wanted it to be a vinyl rip. 

    Listen to the record:
      Let me know what you guys think, especially about the tracklist and how the record flows.  
  8. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by SalvaWHORE in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    You mean something like this? 
  9. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Surf Noir in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    i think the "aesthetic" aspect of her music is what makes it so intriguing & complex, yet, what is being depicted isn't neccessarily something which is desirable or glamorous, that's something i do really love about the born to die/paradise era is how complex the music itself, and it's themes/lyricism really are, at first, it's a gorgeous, perfect mix between luxury, opulence, romance, melancholy, somber, & despair, which is illustrated by the music itself, with luscious strings & fast-paced hip-hop beats, paired with dark guitars, & lana's smokey, summery voice, i can see why it would be easy to listen to her music and think of it as very glamorous & exciting, but if you really listen to the music, and the lyrics, you'll see that it's very gloomy, i think it's very subtle, in the lyricism itself, there's many examples of this subtle, yet strong presence of darkness & anguish, like off to the races, for example, is quite fast-paced and it talks a lot about glamour, materialism, luxury, troubled, yet exciting romance, yet there's still darkness & gloom within the lyrics "he knows me, every inch of my tar-black soul", "he doesn't mind i have a flat, broke-down life", "cause he knows i'm wasted, facing, time again at riker's island and i won't get out" i honestly think the complexitiy in her early work is genius, i think some people simply don't understand and they label it as toxic or romanticization, but i don't really think it is, i do think some people can find a sense of beauty in their own pain/troubles/sadness, and although i think this can be a harmful way of interpreting your own problems & emotions, i can personally relate to finding a strange sense of beauty in my sadness and i think it's wonderful that she was authentic and wrote about her own experiences & feelings, many people will be able to relate even if they can't personally relate to the experience of being with a partner who wasn't a good person for you, or living a troubled lifestyle
  10. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Sportscruiser in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Thank you for your feedback!
    And I definitely agree with your on all accounts. I’m critical of the BLM inclusion in TB and even though it’s not a song I felt on an immediate level (I had to take my time with it) it’s beautifully arranged and poignant as a piece of music. Arcadia is just probably one of her weakest tracks in recent memory (imo) mainly it just doesn’t “gel”. On one hand you have beautiful melody arrangements in the verses but the lyricism is weak and on the other hand you have passable lyrics in the chorus but a weird melody progression. The ending result is not BAD per se but it’s definitely a piece of work better suited for poetry and not music, perhaps? Plus her general lack of accountability can sometimes become a bit jarring because as so thoughtfully expressed by another user a few pages back, Lana doesn’t look at criticism with nuance and lumps everything together in a way that feels kind of irresponsible because even though she gets a lot of unwarranted shit most of the times, there are certain occasions in which the criticism is valid and pertinent.
    All in all, Arcadia isn’t just for me and I’m fine with it being The Skip of the album for me (I always have one per album: Carmen, The Other Woman, 24, TNC/GBA, TNBAR, Yosemite - DONT KILL ME!). 
  11. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by hashtagtylerh in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    I feel like this is oddly specific lol but I'm from near Detroit, Michigan and moved to Florida when I was a teenager and I've never felt like I belong here and want to go back home so when Lana sings "I'm not from the land of the palms, so I know I can't stay here, I'm not native" in Arcadia it hits me so hard
  12. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Bonita in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    i mean look at the lyrics:
    All the things I couldn't want for him
    I screamed for them
    I screamed for them
    She's likening the devastation of her man not being in the right side of history with her like it's a protest of her own. She isn't mentioning BLM as a means to dispel the racism claims - it's meant to place this story in time and to highlight how heartbreaking it is to witness someone you love go against the fucking bare minimum and your core beliefs as a good person. Like imagine how she might feel seeing Sean witnessing her at the protests and him just seeing her and doing nothing but being a pig. Text Book tells a very sad story and I personally relate to it after seeing my ex turn into a major hypocrite and it's truly devastating when you find out the person you love and cared for is someone you're supposed to despise - in Lana's case a racist.
  13. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by sznofthewitch in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    You're right and you should say it. One of her least interesting tracks, lyrically and sonically. I think the shock of the opening lines and the fact that it's NFR blinds a lot of people to how bland it is.
  14. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    I want to sound extra intelligent and say that this era's flowers are banisters. yes. i'm talking about trees. the entire tree. trees are flowers too. 

    but also. wish we got another booklet I mean look at this. 

    Imagine a booklet where she's hanging around the wooden stairs/deck we NEED a booklet the album aesthetic's been so beautiful 
  15. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by lanasbottom in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    pls you know damn well we always beg for something, anything… they could give us 10 leaks per week and we’d still beg for more  
    in exactly one month lana will have released her SECOND album in less than a year and in exactly 32 days we’ll be asking for another one 
    on another topic AJAY’S FINALLY BACK 
    if her ass isn’t staying until BB drops 
  16. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    People are like "oh my gosh this song is so bad you don't even wanna hear it trust me" and then hoard it like it's the greatest song ever made. Make it make sense 
  17. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Venice Peach in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Chemtrails is her most cohesive record tho (alongside HM). I understand why it's not universally loved among the fans but I think it was perfectly crafted (even though Lana herself didn't seem as sure or proud of it)
  18. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    Unlike LFL Blue Banisters seems to be pretty coherent so far.
    Text Book, Arcadia and Wildflower work really well next to songs like Thunder, Living Legend and Dealer. And the unreleased songs themself also have a pretty distinctive sound. It's not hard to imagine NotG, CB, LL and Thunder on one album.
    And "fans crying for old Lana" are usually the ones who insist on her putting out another BtD - which I can't really hear in any of those songs.
    Plus I rather have 5 more unreleased older tracks on an album than another bleak and uninspired mess like CoCc that completely loses the little bit of energy it halfway through the already-short tracklist If that is what "new Lana" is supposed to stand for,  then I'm happy to not have it.
  19. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Psychedelic Pussy in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    To me, chemtrails is insanely.. forgettable?
    dark but just a game & not all who wander are lost are great tracks. There’s a few other great tracks too but none of them really.. stick? Or feel worth going back to- for me at least. 
    I need something more pop-oriented like NFR. Then again, wildflower wildfire alone STILL has me by the throat  so I think this album will be great
  20. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    It's so funny to see how some of you are willing to proclaim lackluster projects like CoCC and LFL as peaks of her career while dragging some of her most inspired work like NFR or HM
    I mean, personal taste is different but beyond that it's still pretty obvious CoCC and LFL have their problems while other albums are crafted in a much more coherent and solid way.
  21. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Instagram Updates   
    I feel like this "she will come back with her real name" is one of this fandoms favourite fantasies for whatever reason but I don't think it would make sense, nor that it will ever happen
    a) If she wants more privacy, it would be inconsequential to use her real name
    b) She's been so long with this persona/ nickname that it has more or less merged with her.
    c) Everytime she released something it would be introduced with "Elizabeth Grant, formerly known as Lana Del Rey", so she would not "get rid" of the alias anyway
  22. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Tropico Angel in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    It’s probably best for her musically too. I don’t vibe with her lyrics when they’re about things that social media has caused, e.g. writing about the media misunderstanding her, using internet slang or virtue signalling due to hate, etc…
    When she was talking about her revenge and the end clips of Arcadia video, I thought the whole “I don’t give a fuck” thing was her protesting a bit too much. I don’t think she has that attitude deep down. I think she gives too much of a fuck hence why a lot of her lyrics now revolve around the public’s perception of her.
    Hopefully, she can learn to be unbothered by the masses now that she’s out of the public eye. It must absolutely destroy someone’s mental health
  23. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by BluebirdXO in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Lana leaving social media was the best choice for her reputation 
  24. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Future Jazz in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    the four singles are really, really good, and are completely devoid of the muffled, watered-down tone the songs Jack produced had, but to me, text book really stands out. it's actually such a serene song, it has this vibe of accepting exactly how sad one's own past was, the ways in which it shapes one's present, but such honesty leads to a hopeful, appeased outlook on things. it means healing thanks to some people you meet along the way, whom you can open up to, who will bring you the things you couldn't find yourself. the lyrics from the chorus, when she speaks of her family to her lover, although seemingly somewhat incoherent, break my heart everytime. the melody and production are gorgeous and fit the theme perfectly.
  25. Baby Ruth liked a post in a topic by Liz Taylor Blues in Blue Banisters - Pre-Release Thread: OUT October 22nd, 2021   
    If anything it was overly ambitious 
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