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  1. yosemites liked a post in a topic by American Whore in Lana Del Rey For President 2024   
    I now propose that all Americans who can vote for president in 2024, please write in Lana Del Rey. 
    Shes over 35, so she's eligible 
    She's liberal (but not actually running)
    She's elusive so nobody would know where she is
    She can write cryptically (and knows when to delete twitter)
    She is WiLd AnD fReE 
    and she preeeeettttyyyy 
    She has so many wigs nobody would know if it's her or not 
    She is rich (but not how you think) and could fund her own campaign (even a free one on www.Lanaboards.com)
    She cares about people and not corporations (fuck you, music industry!) 
    She's not afraid to fight you (she will win, rise again, soar in the wind)  
    She'd be perfect for our next president. Maybe we should start a cult and get everyone to vote her in (bc let's face it, our elections are a joke anyway) so if everyone wrote her in, maybe we'd have a chance of having a female president who isn't a narcissistic maniac OR senile! 
  2. yosemites liked a post in a topic by Jaeden xx in Addison Rae   
    I actually feel so bad that she can't release them, her label has made a mistake not letting her release them 
  3. yosemites liked a post in a topic by Mountain in Grimes   
    This is super cliché, but the Grimes persona now really seems to have been brainwashed from the Art Angels Grimes we used to know. I still can't recognize anything about her anymore (and I've been a fan since Geidi Primes) 
  4. yosemites liked a post in a topic by Heaux in M.I.A.   
    for me its /\/\/\Y/\=Arular >>> Matangi=Kala
  5. yosemites liked a post in a topic by DeadSeaOfMercury in where is everyone getting leaked lana music??   
    So is Dragon Slayer about a Dragon that Slays? Because Lana’s the Dragon? I’m confused.
    I wonder if she mentions the Whore…

  6. yosemites liked a post in a topic by Super Movie in where is everyone getting leaked lana music??   
    Ed and Ben after making this thread
  7. yosemites liked a post in a topic by Rust Dress in where is everyone getting leaked lana music??   
    I think eclipse has access to music sync services and boz just gets stuff… in unethical ways. (well stealing music is already unethical so there’s no ethical way to get unleaked unless lana gives you files) 
  8. yosemites liked a post in a topic by honeybadger in Instagram Updates   
    she’s too cute <3
  9. yosemites liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in Lana and Jack Donoghue at a prison in Chicago, IL - July 8th(?), 2022   
    Anyone else giggle every time they come to the site and see LANA AND JACK AT A PRISON front and centre or is it just me
  10. yosemites liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Lana and Jack Donoghue at a prison in Chicago, IL - July 8th(?), 2022   
    Naur, what we aren’t gonna do is drag Ethel cain in this thread. Lana and Ethel, 2 powerful women who happened to date the same guy maybe. 
  11. yosemites liked a post in a topic by CinnamonGay in Lana and Jack Donoghue at a prison in Chicago, IL - July 8th(?), 2022   
    Ethel tweeted Cruel world lyrics...
  12. yosemites liked a post in a topic by The Stargirl Pinky in Lana and Jack Donoghue at a prison in Chicago, IL - July 8th(?), 2022   
    Maybe we can just be happy she’s getting some good dick yk, I think we can all agree on that
  13. yosemites liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Being delusional is part of the fun I guess… 
    I’ll give credit when credit is due: true, you have always come through each era with some info before a single or album release and I thank you for that. And I’m totally fine if you do have info and don’t want to share it for whatever reason : It’s never an obligation on your part. But i simply prefer when people don’t get snappy or too salty because we are delusional, which has been the case lately with a couple of people here. That’s all I have to say. 
  14. yosemites liked a post in a topic by LunaeManifestum in Charli XCX   
    a moment

  15. yosemites liked a post in a topic by releasenakedcharli in Charli XCX   
  16. yosemites liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Gay bussy poppin but also sad but also sexy a sad n sexy kinda way with a venice bitch instrumental length for n with it too 
  17. yosemites liked a post in a topic by takeitdoen in Sky Ferreira   
    Hi, no one is going to get banned for expressing concerns about bias.
    There isn't a secret conspiracy where 111 doesn't get warning points. I promise that is not the case. There are Guidelines and there are consequences for breaking them.
    Thank you for the users who used the report feature.
    I will lock this thread as I talk to other members of the mod team. 
    Please do not let this spill over to other sections of the website.
    Thank you.
  18. yosemites liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    also known as white hot forever… something about topanga… & somebody’s agenda… but, wow, what a moment…
  19. yosemites liked a post in a topic by Mountain in Sky Ferreira   
    Why do you still waste time writing long ass texts to explain nothing? Go touch some grass and fuck off dude.
  20. yosemites liked a post in a topic by Kristine in Sky Ferreira   
    you’re disgusting. That’s not something that’s cute or fun to even joke about. I know you think you’re the queen of LB but honestly get a grip
  21. yosemites liked a post in a topic by SalvaWHORE in LDR9 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Indeed, its giving "I just finished another next level career-defining artpiece & i am entitled to go traveling around the world as i please after all that WORK"
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