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  1. Lanaparadiserey liked a post in a topic by terrenceszyou in Lido di Camaiora, IT @ La Prima Estate - July 2nd, 2023   
    Will this show be professionally recorded?
  2. J03 liked a post in a topic by terrenceszyou in Somerset, ENG @ Glastonbury Festival - June 24th, 2023   
    Do you or anyone else have another link? This one is not working
  3. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by honey dew in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Omg Kintsugi and Fingertips are the cornerstones of this album for me 😭 I couldn't imagine it without them
  4. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by venicebitch in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Title track gives me the vibe that for me only Video Games and Ride had so far. Top tier Lana for sure!
  5. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by littleredpartydress in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Title track has aged like such fine wine it is such a classic omg…
  6. lili liked a post in a topic by terrenceszyou in Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll   
    Once everything has calmed down and I've gotten away from my expectations, I can see the album for what it is. It's amazing that we have an album like that. My only concern with Lana's albums is whether it comes with something different and has a unique aura. Even if Lana references herself, this album has her identity. I like how there are tracks that, even though you've listened to them a lot and memorized the lyrics, they take you on a trip like it's the first time, and you don't know what's going to come next. I think Kintsugi's construction is incredible, when she seems to finish the song, she comes up with "Daddy I miss them" again and so on. Then comes Fingertips with a melody that goes around and around and she's just throwing words at you and everything just sounds so beautiful. I'm in love with this album and I still can't believe it's almost the 10th, where Lana remains as interesting as at the beginning of her career. I understand everyone's personal tastes and I understand who doesn't now. But believe me: one hour you will connect with him and see all the beauty.
  7. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by Veinsineon in LDRX - Thoughts & Speculations Thread   
    I’m choosing to believe Jack heard Pink Champagne and asked Lana if he could “transform” the song, with complete malicious intent.
  8. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by honey dew in LDRX - Thoughts & Speculations Thread   
    I just feel like now is the perfect time for the unreleased album. The songs are already viral, the demand is insane, her streaming numbers are going ballistic, and she doesn't even have to write anything new (which is great because she said in W mag that she's getting less ideas atm). Lead single Hollywood with a fun glamorous Lynchian music video by Rich Lee, album cover portrait shot by Neil Krug, a tour of some kind, a massive financial push from the label and there's her #1!
  9. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by Orville Peck in LDRX - Thoughts & Speculations Thread   
    I hope her next album has no features. 
  10. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by Venice Peach in LDRX - Thoughts & Speculations Thread   
    Yeah as much as I love every album of hers and I'd definitely take another Ocean-like record... I kinda miss her more "conceptual" albums. I don't know if we're getting one of those ever again tho cause it seems like she now just writes and writes and then puts her favorite cuts together to form a record  (which works tho, Ocean Blvd was varied in sound while thematically cohesive but the songs don't live in the same universe if it makes sense )
    We know it was kinda deliberate in the past (cause she mentioned she used to world build her albums) but I wonder if she really made the effort or if it came naturally like the religious imagery/themes during Paradise/Tropico/pre UV. Maybe she just really like that in that period and it was less of an active effort to "write about Jesus and Mary" 
    After this last album I'm not that scared about collabs anymore cause she nailed them this time but I also prefer solo Lana 
  11. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by Lanaparadiserey in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil @ MITA Festival - May 27th, 2023   
    I mean I thought this performance was really good vocally. Like the moments she was actually sang were really good, only a few rough moments but not more than normally. You could actually hear her this time, I feel like in the past you can barely hear her over the music
  12. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by Enco in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil @ MITA Festival - May 27th, 2023   
    Me when i’m a negative person, deaf and blind. The concert was such a moment. The queen of Brazil!
  13. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by prettywhenimhigh in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil @ MITA Festival - May 27th, 2023   
    hello I'm back and I think I'm alive!!! long ass post below, brace yourselves!
    I just don't know if I have words to describe exactly the roller coaster of emotions that was to be there. it was definitely the most intense experience of my life and a night I'll never forget, I feel so blessed to have witnessed the absolute HERSTORY being made in front of my eyes. 11 long years waiting to finally get the chance to see her live and I feel like it was just worth the wait, nothing could've prepared us for what was about to come and I just feel extremely lucky for that to be my first lana show!
    as soon as she hit the stage wearing the blonde marilyn/lizzy wig I thought I was gonna pass out. I never screamed so loud in my life. the lizzy stans were not paid dust, we were paid GOLD.
    the backing vocalists, the stage design, the whole ass ballet crew, the outfit AND hair change, the choreographies, the interludes, the career visuals on the screen behind her, her vocals!!! truly unbelieavable. all the time I could hear people around me in shock she was serving that much production!!
    I was nervous about not knowing the setlist beforehand but now I can say I'm glad I didn't, it really was the best thing ever to find it out right there at the time, SO MUCH FUN. she fucking slayed in every way possible. the setlist was random but so iconic I could not believe it. sure it was a bit of a bummer we still had several BTD tracks, no honeymoon and chemtrails tracks and the erasure of west coast and HBTB but honestly she performed fucking FLIPSIDE!!!! I lost my mind. singing "SO YOU THINK YOU'RE IN CHARGE??? DO YOU??? ACTING LIKE A BIG SHOT!!!!" was sOOOOO satisfying after so many years of her ignoring this song completely. I was SUPER excited for DMD and it was better than what I expected it to be, I need that version on streaming!!! the backing vocalists slayed so hard and they looked like angels, especially during bartender!!! just top notch chef's kiss so fucking good
    but the biggest highlight of it all was lana's attitude. it just made me so happy, sosososo happy to see her the most confident and excited we have ever seen her on stage. I think the 4 years far from the stage was the best thing that could've happened, I don't remember seeing her so happy and eager to perform, she looked she could perform for 3 hours straight if she could. her happiness and love for our country is so genuine and I swear nothing else was more beautiful than seeing that. she looked very emotional a few times and everytime I saw her eyes glowing like she was about to cry I felt like crying too. that being said I cried my ass off during the grants (my mom too omg) and tunnel. it really was just like how imagined it to be, everyone emotional af screaming "LIKE ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIIIIIGHHHH THE WAY JOHN DENVER SINGS" and "DON'T FORGET MEEEEE", a whole ass del rey church mass, amazing.
    also, seeing a bif of the diversity in this fandom filled my hear with joy. I went with my mom and we ended up meeting so many cool people, people from aaaalllll over the country, people who worked their asses off to travel from far away to see her! like, everyone I talked to did not live here in the city or anywhere close to here. also saw so many daughters with their mothers/fathers too just like me, older siblings with their younger siblings... it was so cute to see, honestly. also, so many goths and metalheads, lana really breaks the barrier, she IS the moment.
    I can't wait to see what else she'll do during the rest of the tour!!!! I feel like she'll change a few tracks of the setlist, so I'm still hopeful to see tracks like honeymoon being played live, we definitely need it! anything is possible! the sky is the limit!!!

    NOOOWW back to this bitch that that's this festival... MITA WHAT'S GOOD??? if it wasn't for everything I've mentioned above, I swear this festival would've delivered me the worst experience. from the get go, as soon as they started to sell tickets, you'll only see people either complaining or dragging them on social media and everyone is right. I hope this joke of a festival will never happen again and I really hope next time lana will come with a solo tour or at least with a festival that will actually respect her and her fans, because the amount of fuckery that was going on with this festival is truly unbelieavable. starting with the unnecessary gigantic VIP section (the existence of this VIP section actually), the big screens that had an awful delay and the audio that was actually so low for a big show like that. not to mention them basically disrespecting the only reason this festival sold out tickets by cutting her set off. overall a cash grab in everything. Music Is The Answer? no, MONEY Is The Answer and I want the owners of this festival to fucking CHOKE on my imaginary dick. lana definitely developed some type of back problems after carrying this whole festival on her back like the true QUEEN that she is.
    but despite all of the issues, I would do it all over again and I recommend everyone going even if it's in the middle of the chaotic GA. I swear to you nothing gets bigger than the emotion of seeing lana live.
    the end, thanks for reading!!!!

  14. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by rabbit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil @ MITA Festival - May 27th, 2023   
    Her giant smile when the crowd started screaming along to The Grants 
    That was incredible. She absolutely killed it. Something about her nervousness, and the gradual uptick in confidence, is just so endearing.
  15. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by For K in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil @ MITA Festival - May 27th, 2023   
    Background vocalists are giving what they needed to give this fine evening 
  16. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by Surf Noir in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil @ MITA Festival - May 27th, 2023   
    when byron starts playing the opening piano to let me love you like a woman at the next show but lana starts singing "i don't really wanna die, i just want the pain to be over..." 

  17. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by Candy Necklace in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil @ MITA Festival - May 27th, 2023   
    I’m honestly not mad at all at the set list. Of course there’s things I would change but I like it
  18. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil @ MITA Festival - May 27th, 2023   
    Her not coming down to meet fans as she usually does feels a little off—
  19. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by littleredpartydress in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil @ MITA Festival - May 27th, 2023   
    Ya that was actually so good, even if I would make some changes to the setlist, I like that they at least updated the live arrangements of some of the classics
    you could really see the nerves shake off after the crowd sang the intro of the Grants like they did, the energy after that song was awesome. 
    such a good first show back after so long, I can’t even imagine how it will improve as they do it live more and more 
  20. terrenceszyou liked a post in a topic by bia in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil @ MITA Festival - May 27th, 2023   
    Just got home from the show. She was amazing, an angel, so charismatic. It was the first time I acknowledged Lana really wanted to be there singing on stage. Her voice was amazing and I think she did hit the notes of her BTD songs, but If you saw it on multishow you’ll have heard it better because the structure of the event was awful lol her microphone was very low; I think even her thought that because she wanted to sing two more songs and they didn’t let her 
    she was indeed nervous on the first songs and lost some of the lyrics but she quickly got herself together and put an amazing show. She also was amazingly beautiful like wow with or without the wig. The beginning of the show was clearly an analogy to CN video, she was doing backstage things such as putting make up and taking her wig off with the assistance of an assistance while on stage singing Bartender. It was like backstage on stage as Candy Necklace is behind the cameras on cameras
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