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TEMPORARY Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Pre-Release Thread: OUT March 19th, 2021

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4 minutes ago, PARADIXO said:

I think I'm in the minority but I'm actually really excited about the album being "only" 45 minutes long. The last time she made a 40-50 min long album was Born to Die so I'm curious to see how she manages into that length again.


Personally, even if NFR! and HM are my favorites, listening to a Lana album is like a ritual. I actually have to sit and listen to it because they're so long, so I'll appreciate Chemtrails' length a lot, as I'll be able to listen to it casually. Also it seems like she'll deal with so many topics in only 11 tracks so that's exciting too.


And also my top 5 albums of 2020 were all "short"; 38 min, 34 min, 44 min, 45 min, 46 min...

Apart from this, it may be short but all the songs have rather good lengths themselves. I HATE short albums when they are like 35min long, yet consist of 17 tracks 

Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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23 minutes ago, domandapiano said:

To be fair, we have less than a full month till the album comes, and big name records like this could certainly have a handful of reviews come forward in the next couple of weeks 

Usually they come 2 - 3 weeks early. I doubt that reviews will be released with another single still coming though, that way they would waste a full "wave" of attention.

Articles about WD at the end of the month and then full album reviews rolling out during early march


Just do it. Just do it - don't wait!

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my offcial 3 songs im most excited for: 1) Yosemite, 2) Dark But Just a Game, 3) Tulsa Jesus Freak

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Dark But Just a Game, Wild at Heart, Yosemite are my three most anticipated now.


"You can't be a muse and be happy, too.

You can't blacken the pages with Russian poetry and be happy." - Blue Banisters


I asked Asmodeus (the demon of lust) to make Miley Cyrus suffer. I am not happy with these new developments. After Miley rips off Lana's aesthetic, she bullies Lana into changing her release date. It is infuriating. 


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3 hours ago, DCooper said:

It's really interesting that Lana has Weyes Blood end the record. I get why people would be upset about it but it's kind of a beautiful gesture, especially with the reviewer saying that she really sounds like Joni in the closing moments. Lana really looks up to her idols and has been treated well by many of them, like Joan Baez, Stevie Nicks, Bruce Springsteen, etc, so it's almost like she's passing on that kindness to someone else she admires.


Lana has been searching for this community of hers for so long and it seems like she's finally found it. The album cover makes a lot more sense to me now. It's like this whole album is a cross-country road trip and that picture could have been a casual moment taken at one of her stops along the way as she catches up with old friends. Nikki's feature is like another stop across the country where she plays a song at a bar with another old friend. It makes sense that she technically debuted the song in that way.


Like @Dragon pointed out perfectly, there's this theme of fostering love from other women and being able to be who she wants to be. I think these elements will be the safety and hope that balance the darker themes about the struggles she's faced in the industry and the longing for her simpler past. 

I love this so much! <3 this gets me all the more excited (as if that was even possible). March 19th cannot come sooner enough. This album is going to floor us!

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