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Ultra Violet

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About Ultra Violet

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    Cult Leader

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    Ultraviolence, Honeymoon and the outtakes of every era
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  1. Hmm I don't like the spoken "if you don't pray you'll never learn, yknow what I'm sayin?" In TJF. I don't mind it while im listening alone (though all i picture in my head is a nun telling an orphaned child to pray before the poor child is allowed to go to bed or smth idk) but when I play the song in front of others it's cringey, so naturally I skip it.
  2. Ultra Violet


    For the most part, that track list works quite well. If Utopia is put as the opener, it flows really well into the next 4 tracks. Also Utopias melody gives me the same vibes as the mermaid song from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  3. This reminds me i was once chilling with a friend and his younger sister. The younger sister was playing Lana videos on youtube because she really liked Young and Beautiful and i was loving it. Thus was 2014 when only BTD and Paradise was out. But when she started playing Burning Desire and turned it off within 20 seconds I wasn't too upset because I think she was too young to be comfortable with the breathing sounds or something idk, but Burning Desire is forever THAT song. Thank God she didn't click on Cola
  4. I remember an interview from the BTD era (like maybe before it's release) where Lana said she doesn't like to spend her money but occasionally she buys a nice piece of jewellery. And we can totally see that in the BTD and paradise area. She wore the same emerald ring, the same diamond studded choker with the crucifix, the same silver snake bracelet and a few other things multiple times (once i spend hours looking through the gallery in sightings on Lanapedia to analyse her fashion from 2012-2015 so i didn't miss much lol). But it seems these days she doesnt care for it anymore! Also I dont think she's a minimalist. Have you seen the state of her bedroom in some of the photos she's shared But she also doesn't seem like an overconsumer.
  5. Yeah i have never really seen it as an extension of BTD. Thats why even on spotify i insist on listening to the BTD deluxe on its own and the Paradise EP on its own.
  6. I've always seen it as an EP, since it was also released as one. But whenever someone says "Paradise is my favourite album" i don't try to correct them, because why would you be that bothered Albums, releases, bodies of work, its all the same to me for the most part.
  7. Damn we need this. Their unreleased are so good
  8. Finally listened to a bunch of unreleased i hadn't been aware of. https://www.google.com/url?q=https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rR8_EFSzyapgdz3TURo1aObSVbBUOzWv&sa=D&source=editors&ust=1736483671925218&usg=AOvVaw3oBJHWlmFN_UUECD0fLhIG Love Sux outtakes are really good. Particularly love Hellelujah and Bite Me demo (bridge lyrics are so good).
  9. I missed it The only category I knew i had a solid nominee for was rudest member tho. All the others are so hard!
  10. Whether it's Southern Gothic or Country or whatever, i still hope theres a random trap single like A&W or HBTB or The Trio
  11. If there's going to be an interlude, pls let it not be [insert name]'s Interlude. We just want more like Burnt Norton and The Trio.
  12. It has to be Ultraviolence, but i do admit a Born To Die outtakes album would be her best seller and would be so great for career and touring
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