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moonbeam monsoon

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About moonbeam monsoon

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  1. What name is sweet Charlie hiding under these days and where’s his track ranking, it’s the only pre-release opinion I care about
  2. I kind of want to get a picture with the billboard in Tulsa. How can I find its exact location lol
  3. Wildflower Wildfire is another one! When AJ said she thought her speakers were broken I
  4. I need youtube to cut me off on the reaction videos, I can’t stop. The consistent sleeping on If You Lie Down With Me is really starting to get under my skin
  5. Omg I got the zip password right and all the tracks appeared and I died… but then…
  6. TNBAR - I feel like maybe she rewrote this for personal reasons and it was an unnecessary revision for most of the rest of us. I think Architecture could have been left as a scrapped song, a fan nugget Love Song can get out of here and honestly HTD and HIAB can too
  7. Last week I put the wish out there that somebody start a fight because I was bored but now I’m scared to post here, some of you bitches are an organized ratchet fleet and I wouldn’t stand a chance anyway, I feel like I’ve been sleeping on If You Lie Down With Me and it might be incredible. You think it’s a brand new recording or is it something she and Barrie did years ago that we just didn’t know about?
  8. I honestly expect to be fully wrecked by Sweet Carolina, probably the best song on the (already amazing) album
  9. He leaves jail to spill no tea and only chastises us ban him #prisonforsweetcarolina and #banlustforlife
  10. BBS is 02:12 the same length as its predecessor Splish Splash
  11. Is there anyone who’s seen Don’t Look Now and has a confident plot assessment?
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