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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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not sure if someone already talked about it but why is NFR “pop” and not “alternative” on Apple Music?

"Some days are for falling in love with people, some days for cities, and some for your time in solitude."

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not sure if someone already talked about it but why is NFR “pop” and not “alternative” on Apple Music?


thats why she will never win a grammy

man im so tired of that shit, when are they gunna GIVE HER the right genre?? she can't be with ed and taylor.. etc damn


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not sure if someone already talked about it but why is NFR “pop” and not “alternative” on Apple Music?


it shows as alternative on my itunes


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Lemme just lowkey geek for a sec, but ever since the Love video, and now the double mv, I love how she incorporates auroras in the sky, reminded me a lil of legend of korra, and some kind of mixing between worlds. like she's trying to usher something in, and aside from it's beauty, it just makes me think about some things that we can't control and what we'd all have to go through together. gets me wondering why she's mostly alone in the video too, or that she's just at these places by herself. not that there's anything wrong w that, just seems peculiar, but I'd get why she'd have it that way 


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The closer we get to the album the bigger my urge to download the potato leak gets, I don't think I will last six more days  :defeated:



You made it this far, stay strong!  :yesnod:

Goddesses don't speak in whispers. They scream.

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California, but it's just a state of mind Vm3WR06.gifit turns out everywhere you go you take yourself that's not a lie Vm3WR06.gif wish that you would hold me - Vm3WR06.gif my two fuckin last brain cells racing n racing on these fucking chants pk10EW0.gif CALIFORNIA DREAMIN MONEY ON MINNDDDD gBWjDWr.gifCHANCES IN MY VEINS 2955o35.jpgI LIKE TO SEE EVRYTHIN IN NEEEOOOOOOOHN 11a8r36.jpg(2m46iqo.jpg) it's killing me (no KPu3n0R.gif) TURN THE RADIO ON 23j3ar4.jpg20pv5tk.jpgtenor.gif !!! ! !! 



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What did we figure the lyrics are, Drugs is in my veins runnin’ out of time or is it Jazz is in my veins runnin’ out of time


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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@@MoreCruelThanYou is dead and we were discussing the double MV in the spiritual realm. His spirit sent me his thoughts via the ouija board. It took me 3 days to write it all down.


These are our thoughts (okay, mostly his):


So remember when she put out the L4L tracklist and all the songs were handwritten in different colours? The red/ pink tracks were coloured by love/passion/ and hopeful undertones (Love & Get Free, etc), the blue tracks were coloured by emotion (In My Feelings, Coachella and Heroin, etc), the yellow (13 Beaches) isn't coloured by anything, it's just her talking real to us, and the green tracks were coloured by being money hungry i.e. songs she thought would sell well (Summer Bummer and Groupie Love, etc).
So basically, going by this theory, I think the lime green in the lyrics and on her eyeliner in FIILY is meant to symbolize money taking over her career and her artistic vision. Like she really doesn't want to sing anymore, and might feel forced into performing. This is why she is crying and has tears in her eyes in the water. The ocean and nature are where she feels free, especially in the scenes where she is surfing. But even that freedom is being taken advantage of by her managers and the general public, which is shown through her and Muscle Beach Baby being broadcast "fake surfing" on the TV. Muscle Beach Baby also represents how she feels society pressures her to be associated with a man in order to be successful (which also relates to the reasons she put Duke on the NFR cover. She is trying to reverse the standard of women being eye candy and being a "prop" for men).
When she's painting in the video, all the colours are blue or yellow. She purposely doesn't include green because she does not want her art to be affected by sales. The neon green can also be related back to the windbreaker on the NFR cover. The green windbreaker is shielding her from the ocean spray, in the same way that money making tactics are shielding her music from being as authentic as she wants it to be.
Her nails are yellow on the NFR cover and in the MV, hearkening back to 13 Beaches being yellow on the Lust for Life handwritten tracklist. She uses her hands and fingers to make art and she wants her art to be "something real" as 13 Beaches states. So basically, Fuck it I love you is the money grabbing song and The Greatest is what she really feels and wants to say from the heart. She is tired and worn out by having to fit into society's (and her managers') archetypal imagery of her in order to make money for them. She just wants to make real art but can't and feels that she has sold out for the gp and is regretting it. Anyway, that's my interpretation of it.

-- MoreCruelThanYou

ur legit gonna look the same stop buying oil of Olay face cream

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fuck it I love you kinda reminds me kinda outta luck 


Drugs is in my vein, running out of time 


Diamonds on my wrist, whiskey on my tongue


Drugs is in my vein? What are you guys hearing it’s very clearly jazz


it's clearly jizz. and i've been thinking, not like it isn't obvious, that the song is about drugs. she works other topics in there too, but i think on the most personal level that it's about:


"so i moved to California"   moving away/ leaving old friends behind/ getting rid of physical things that you associate with drugs but...  


"but it's just a state of mind"   realizing that it isn't about where you are, relocating won't change your addict mind.

she associates New York with drugs so she moves away but the craving or ruminations still follow. 


"everywhere you go, you take yourself"  most of her life has been spent trying to escape addiction. that's why the car theme is so heavy in her lyrics. cars represent escape and freedom. she tries so hard to leave this past behind, but she just can't shake it. sometimes cravings are just so strong or you have positive memories associated with those times when you were using that even 15 years after being sober you can still have cravings every day. she is starting to feel like this is just who she is; she thinks the urges to use are just a part of her because her art/work and life has been so intertwined in drug use. 


she wants to "do it differently" . she doesn't want to be an addict anymore. 1001+ reasons for that.


"it's killing me slowly"   drugs kill and weaken your health, but this may also refer to the feeling of being trapped, feeling so bad that it feels like it's killing her. it could also be that she is having withdrawals which can also kill you or at least make you feel like you are going to die. maybe she means all of these ideas and more.


"I used to shoot up my veins in neon and shit's even brighter now that you're gone"   drugs can make you numb or make you feel electric and bright...for a quick moment. some people use drugs to feel that great "bright" feeling of nirvana. when you are trying to quit by stopping, you feel like absolute shit. it takes a veeeerrrrrrrrrrryyyyy long time for you to start to feel better and achieve some slightly good feeling on your own. although it takes a while, she realizes that she can feel good or happy without using drugs; the drugs being what is "gone".
"You can't feel it and you're tired"   some drugs can make you feel numb and tired; during an overdose on heroin the body relaxes so much into a state of almost sleeping, heart barely beating, barely breathing. it feels warm and you're tired and just want to sleep, you don't even want to wake up from it.
mmmkay so this is my take, and genetics/biology/trauma/environment/illness, etc. or nothing at all can be associated with why people start using/abusing. i didn't talk about all the complexities of addiction and drug abuse so sorry if some of what i wrote seems offensive, i just don't want to have to explain why i said what i said. anyways...
i said what i said.


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