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About Veinsineon

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    Ultimate Member

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  1. "im a fan of hating so im a fan because i hate everything she does" ugh me about several artists tbh
  2. Veinsineon

    Miley Cyrus

    she needs to release Isn't It Obvious
  3. Veinsineon

    Charli XCX

    Still curious about shortcut to paradise no romeo money rockstar and the last handful of XCX songs
  4. Veinsineon


    is there any unreleased from the hfk era? thats all i care abt im sry
  5. Oh Hello Hello the Grammy Award winning career defining smash worldwide hit
  6. Veinsineon


    Don’t be shy chune in!
  7. Veinsineon


    kilo kish will be ending
  8. Veinsineon

    Kilo Kish

    not to compare but EP6 is about to wash EUSEXUA... like the entire theme is similar but so much more coherent
  9. Veinsineon


    crickets on the EP oh yea shes over
  10. so, i had intended to make a big long update post for anyone else who has been lost amidst the whir of current global geopolitics. I wanted to go into detail about how the tel aviv bus bombings are confirmed to have been perpetrated by israeli citizen's as a false flag... how all the inflammatory "ideas" and bullshit lip service are just attempts to overturn the INTERNATIONALLY MONITORED CEASEFIRE and scapegoat accountability.....how israeli pathologists let it slip that they were harvesting organs from deceased palestinians without the families' consent... and countless other horrors that were, yup, you guessed it, a confession, rather than an accusation. Every time. But i think this post here is all I'm going to leave. I'll gladly dm u links to the articles and sources above, if ur really still questioning it at this point.... I just think this one photo says everything I would've , without all the words. Make no mistake, the globe is unwillingly being thrust into a center-right landscape, and class division grows stronger. Look out for ur loved ones and those around u who also look out for others. Community is where strength is at in times like these. stay safe
  11. Babygirl…. Zombies are one of my biggest personality traits. One of my biggest loves. OH WE SURVIVINGGGGGGG. You knew …
  12. Veinsineon


    girl if u couldve dropped random shit on soundcloud this whole time why have u been fucking playing in our faces, for literally half a decade now? boooooooooooo. Sucks she chose trying to look edgy over continuing to make art. Visions and Art Angels were great though.
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