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About Hannus

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  1. i'm at work and we're listening to one of my collegue's spotify and say yes to heaven just started playing UPDATE: now snow on the beach is playing
  2. Hannus


    Is anyone coming to Pohoda Festival to see her?
  3. Hannus


    Is there anyone here who wants to go to their Berlin or Cologne shows and maybe join me? I’ve been thinking about getting a ticket, but none of my friends like them, and it would be nice to have some company and be completely alone
  4. Yeah, but she’s just reacting to the disrespect, i don’t think she’ll actually cancel, you can’t just cancel a festival concert on a whim, so i wouldn’t worry about it too much. They owe her an apology though.
  5. lemme join the circle it would be so so nice if she had more, smaller dates, like when she came to vienna for the paradise tour, that was so nice.
  6. YESSS and she said she would make it up to us, she made a promise and I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN IT so she'd better come back here and have an actual european tour leg so i can throw my hard-earned money at her rich ass
  7. this era so far is giving me Honeymoon vibes, probably because of the silence... i hope we'll get the same level of genius
  8. Is there a thread where i can find all the lana emoticons as normal sized gifs? I tried to find all the videos on youtube that they are from but couldn’t find all of them, and I really want to download them so i can use them when i text my friends
  9. Her body will be exhibited for a few days before the funeral so technically we could go and see her…
  10. i discovered Kitten Heels through Caroline Polachek's Spotify playlist in january '21 and i saved it immediately, she's so good
  11. I have been a fan since january 2012, and there have been highs and lows for me. Now i’m in a “low” period, as we currently are waiting for new music (and don’t have much info about it yet, so no fun speculating yet either), plus i couldn’t connect to bb and cocc as much. It might be because we are in different places in life, i don’t know. But i will probably start stanning hard again as soon as we get any info abou new music.
  12. adding to that, if abortion becomes illegal, that puts every single person who has a miscarriage or stillbirth in danger as well, they could be charged with murder if they can’t prove they did not induce it themselves. We’ve seen that happen before…
  13. Hannus

    Kim Petras

    literally... quarantine broke her or something, there is no way she could change this much without any reason, she's not being herself... i hope she goes back to her roots eventually and has somekind of redemption arc, but even then, slut pop will forever be staining her discography
  14. the way the last episode ended really felt like the end of the series, i really can't imagine how they'll add another season to it after the stuff that rue said at the end of the episode, it had a happily ever after kinda feel to it.
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