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The Grants

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About The Grants

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    The Land of 1000 Fires
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  1. ugh i hope she makes something BIG out of these banned unreleased songs cause wym i wanted to listen to this and found it NOWHERE
  2. idk what were yall expecting from a Dolly Parton remix, it is quite literally what it is
  3. The Grants

    Addison Rae

    3/3 as some of you said omg. im so scared for the album because there is no way it isn’t an automatic pop bible also I wonder who will she be referencing next since DP is Lana, Aquamarine is Madonna and HF is Britney
  4. reasonable release date
  5. y’all really be talking like this about the daughter of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian
  6. The Grants


    oh so she really ditched lizzo off
  7. i just know this record is going to make us appreciate ocean blvd way more
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